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DragonFF - Blender GTA I/O


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Quick Question:


Does this plugin allow for Gull Wing Door creation for vehicles in SA?

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6 hours ago, XG417 said:

Quick Question:


Does this plugin allow for Gull Wing Door creation for vehicles in SA?

You could try import one and export it, and also reverse engineer to see how it's done. I used the Admiral Scissor door mod from gtagarage to make a Lamborghini open nicely, though using Max but I highly doubt it's any different in Blender.

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Traceback (poslední poslední hovor):
  Soubor "C: \ Users \ lenovo \ AppData \ Roaming \ Blender Foundation \ Blender \ 2.83 \ scripts \ addons \ gta \ gui.py", řádek 282, v provedení
    'group_materials': self. group_materials
  Soubor "C: \ Users \ lenovo \ AppData \ Roaming \ Blender Foundation \ Blender \ 2.83 \ scripts \ addons \ gta \ dff_importer.py", řádek 780, v import_dff
    dff_importer.import_dff (volby ['file_name'])
  File " C: \ Users \ lenovo \ AppData \ Roaming \ Blender Foundation \ Blender \ 2.83 \ scripts \ addons \ gta \ dff_importer.py ", řádek 760, v import_dff
    col = import_col_mem (kolize, os.path.basename (file_name), False )
  Soubor "C: \ Users \ lenovo \ AppData \ Roaming \ Blender Foundation \ Blender \ 2.83 \ scripts \ addons \ gta \ col_importer.py", řádek 195, v import_col_mem
    návrat col.add_to_scene (collection_prefix, link)
  Soubor "C: \ Uživatelé \ lenovo \ AppData \ Roaming \ Blender Foundation \ Blender \ 2.83 \ scripts \ addons \ gta \ col_importer.py ", řádek 172, v add_to_scene
  Soubor" C: \ Users \ lenovo \ AppData \ Roaming \ Blender Foundation \ Blender \ 2.83 \ scripts \ addons \ gta \ col_importer.py ", řádek 153, v __add_mesh
    self .__ add_mesh_mats (obj, materials)
  Soubor" C: \ Users \ lenovo \ AppData \ Roaming \ Blender Foundation \ Blender \ 2.83 \ scripts \ addons \ gta \ col_importer.py ", řádek 101,v __add_mesh_mats
    mat = bpy.data.materials.new (name)
TypeError: BlendDataMaterials.new (): error s argument 1, "name" - Function.name očekával typ řetězce, žádný seznam

umístění: <neznámé umístění>: - 1
furt mi to vyhrať toty chyby a nevím co stím už .. použítám blender 2.83 a dragonff-v0.1.1

Edited by ArrivakCZ
verze Blender a Dragonff
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I tried to install the add-on, but I did not see it in the preference list.

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2 minutes ago, SonicFan99 said:

I tried to install the add-on, but I did not see it in the preference list.

1) Did you download the right file? The file should be named dragonff-v0.1.1.zip and not DragonFF-Master.zip.


2) Did you install it correctly? Preferences > Addons > Install > Select dragonff-v0.1.1.zip, and it should show up automatically

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  • 2 weeks later...

Excuse me, does the export dff script on blender version 2.79 work for mobile, I tried it then it crashed when the loading screen was almost done, I got the obj model from renderhub ...

Edited by raighxjrone
The way I convert: import obj then select other then export ....
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1. I exported textures in .png format to the folder with Deagle.
2. Imported default Deagle. In Blender, he looked normal.
3. Exported .dff to a new Modloader folder.
4. I copied the .txd and .png textures there.
5. Found this sieve in the game. 

What could be the problem? I'm using the latest version of DragonFF, Blender 2.80.75.


On 6/18/2020 at 8:56 PM, comoaig said:

Hi, I need help. On Blender the skin is


In Game is 

Perhaps your question has already been answered:


On 2/18/2020 at 4:11 PM, CD1GAMING said:

what am i doing wrong? :/



here's the files


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By default when you are importing DFF with dragonff somes face are not flipped the right way.

FIRST > When you import the DFF you need to put READ MATERIAL SPLIT (It's important because for certain model like LaptotSAMP it's necessary).
SECOND > Select your object in object mode
FOURTH > On the top right you need sure to have Toggle XRAY ON.
FIFTH > Select your object (in edit mode like as i say before) with left click (drag on for selecting ALL the mesh ) 

You can do this face by face, perhaps i don't know how to have face pointing for two directions and not only one.





Edited by Loverdose
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Parik can you add support for mobile/xbox dffs?

When i import Claude from mobile version of GTA 3 he has no head and hands.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Here's a very bad tutorial on using DragonFF along with KAMs/TheHero Max tools to make a building from scratch then put it ingame. I really hope this tool is still getting attention, I would love to be able to complete my city from scratch project by solely using Blender.

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Hello everyone, I have a little question about how to re-export the dff file (dff> obj> dff) without changing the position of the object I am confused about this, because I have to re-create the map. Thank you very much all warm greetings.

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Please help me to export my model into the game! Im exporting, renaming to random object and they become invisible but shadow is from vanilla object
I can send you a model if you need


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I noticed a strange pattern, when I make simple models (like a cube with an extrusion), then the model in MEd (Map Editor 0.21b) works fine and I can put it on the San Andreas map. BUT as the model becomes complex with less than 1000 polygons I cannot load it into MEd and cannot insert it into the game (original GTA SA single player). There are no problems with 3ds max at all, but with the blender add-on there are some problems in export.😡

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7 hours ago, Dmitrysass said:

Я заметил странную закономерность, когда я делаю простые модели (например, куб с выдавливанием), тогда модель в MEd (Map Editor 0.21b) работает нормально и я могу разместить ее на карте Сан-Андреаса. НО, поскольку модель становится сложной с менее чем 1000 полигонов, я не могу загрузить ее в MEd и не могу вставить в игру (оригинальная одиночная игра GTA SA). С 3ds max проблем нет вообще, а вот с надстройкой blender есть проблемы с экспортом. <font style=😡">

Surprisingly, when exporting DFF with the collision type, the model does not break and is perfectly readable in MED, you can transfer sections with materials to it, so that the model is not white in MED

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14 hours ago, Federation said:

Surprisingly, when exporting DFF with the collision type, the model does not break and is perfectly readable in MED, you can transfer sections with materials to it, so that the model is not white in MED

Do I need the option to disable export of collisions for the model?

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36 minutes ago, Hamzeol Murf said:

What Does This Mean?

The addon works on versions at least 2.80. I myself use 2.90 and no problems arise.

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2 minutes ago, Dmitrysass said:

The addon works on versions at least 2.80. I myself use 2.90 and no problems arise.


The Portable Version Is Lower One?

Edited by Hamzeol Murf
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/13/2020 at 2:02 PM, YA_ZAREGALSYA said:

1. I exported textures in .png format to the folder with Deagle.
2. Imported default Deagle. In Blender, he looked normal.
3. Exported .dff to a new Modloader folder.
4. I copied the .txd and .png textures there.
5. Found this sieve in the game. 

What could be the problem? I'm using the latest version of DragonFF, Blender 2.80.75.


Perhaps your question has already been answered:



I have the same problem since ever, always gets that, especially with buildings

Edited by LightVelox
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/26/2020 at 5:18 PM, LightVelox said:

I have the same problem since ever, always gets that, especially with buildings


ZDKJ2IP.jpg dslI70k.jpg Imagem


These transparent faces are due to the vertex color alpha. GTA San Andreas building pipeline doesn't support it, but SkyGFX brings it back and Blender has no support to show it. You can fix it by going into Vertex Paint mode, switching to "Set Vertex Colors Alpha" and painting your model with the white color (1.000, #FFFFFF)


Apparently it happens when you export a model, reimport it and export it again, and when you use this script for baking ambient occlusion.




Edited by DeltaHL
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I hope that there will be IFP Support for DragonFF, animating in Blender 2.79 is hell and i keep getting errors after making just one animation.

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i know KAM's script imports the dffs raw and places them according to the IPL. for the multi-object dffs this is not correct however because every sub-object can have its own transformation that has to be ignored by the importer.

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