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Running the game at 60fps?


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I've seen a lot of people and gameplay channels record and play the game at 60fps. However, as everyone mainly knows, turning off the frame limiter causes glitches - in my case, cars are unable to reverse. However, with the frame limiter on, the game is way too choppy and laggy. Any way to run it at a really smooth framerate without all the glitches?

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On 1/28/2019 at 3:16 AM, gryffindorftw said:

I've seen a lot of people and gameplay channels record and play the game at 60fps. However, as everyone mainly knows, turning off the frame limiter causes glitches - in my case, cars are unable to reverse. However, with the frame limiter on, the game is way too choppy and laggy. Any way to run it at a really smooth framerate without all the glitches?

You can have 60fps with the limiter turned on. Use the Open Limit Adjuster and it will allow you to set the frame limiter value to 60. However I wouldn't recommend you to do it since you will still experience some of the glitches related to the high framerate. The game isn't supposed to run on a frame rate higher than 30 ;)

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