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Red Dead Online Videos

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It didn't record their voices but everyone with a mic was freaking the f*ck out in Most Wanted last night 👀😲😵


Some people started to throw dynamite so when I got it I went after someone in a cabin and threw my dynamite on the side of the cabin and it must of set off a loud chain reaction of explosions


everyone with a mic was saying


" WTF is going on over there?? "

" Someone unlock a grenade launcher ? "

" Dude.. the f*ck is happening over there? "

" The hell is going on? "



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THE BEST WAY TO MAKE MONEY IN RED DEAD ONLINE!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxGJXn0dfb0

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14 hours ago, Happy Hunter said:


A simple way to counter the Slow and Steady in Red Dead Online.


Pop out of Slippery Dead Eye and auto-aim them with Shotgun or Dynamite. They'll be dead in one shot. I still prefer Slippery Dead Eye over Slow and Steady. I've killed more than they've killed me. Slippery counters a lot more than Slow and Steady, even the Varmint Rifle.

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What a weird series of circumstances this was, I'd swear the bear led me right to the fish




Those are my two videos Ive done so far. Im not an expert or anything, im actually new to PS4 and creating videos so dont hate :P! 


but anyway, watch them if u want, peace! 




Native Invasion of Valentine




sorry for double post, I didnt know about this trick showin videos on forum instantly...




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Hey All, I made a new video which is basically a Guide for any new player looking to try out Red Dead Online. This video is packed with a lot of information

and tips that some players who have been playing for a while already may still find new. 


Here is an Outline of what you will find in the video!

Table of Contents:

1. Free (Good) Horse
2. Best Weapon
3. Best Shotgun
4. Dead Eye
5. Treasure Maps
6. Fishing
7. Best Money Making Method




Hope you guys like :)

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This rock looked like a nice spot to fish from



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Just now. Spawned in on tumbleweed, rode out of town, got shot at, saw indicator but no player. Turned out some clown was there. I killed them, some level 4 showed up and shot at me, killed him.

Well... 40 minutes later the 3 of us were just killing one another but I didn't die enough times for parley. The lvl 4 eventually left, the lvl 31 kept on until I ran dry on ammo. I chose 'parley' then went and got ammo.

Came outside and he kept firing at me to no effect. So I TNT'd him. got cops, I ran away, he chased. I TNT'd him again and the cops killed him as I rode off 🤣






Sorry it's so dark. >.<



I blocked him on xbox, now he made an alt account to harass me lol

Edited by Pocket Fox
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This! Two Christmas newb griefers who were talking to each other on their headsets, so everyone could hear them. They made me want to eff with them for plotting to ambush me outside the Valentine Doctor's Office. So I stood just inside the door to taaunt them, and one of them tried to shoot me, but auto-aimed an npc and got a wanted level.


The first clip that I recorded, was one of them riding his horse right off of a plateau, when I followed them to a fight with a larger posse they had started, and lost.


Second segment. I singlehandedly chased both of them into that building near Mt. Shann. Where they plotted over public chat to kill me by shooting a stick of dynamite that one of them planted in that small room. And one of them chatted publically about clapping me with a Cattleman Revolver, but chose to try to lasso me instead.



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