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7 hours ago, Dr.Rosenthal said:
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After Sean dies from a bullet through the head and during the ambush, Bill Williamson goes ”Is he deeeead?” in his broad southern accent, and Arthur goes ”OF COURSE HE’S DEAD!”.


(^ safe to view past Chapter 3)


Not really funny since the whole scene is very tragic but I loved that writing - those two lines of dialogue explain both Bill and Arthur's characters so well and with so few words.

That’s actually Micah that say the line.

@Alexlecj Wow, are you sure? I thought it sounded exactly like Bill! Lol. Well it was a hectic situation I guess.

But actually it probably makes even more sense now, with Micah being a real sh*thead and all.



I'm actually quite disappointed that I didn't get to torture that piece of sh*t more. Otherwise 10/10.

Edited by Dr.Rosenthal

This interaction made me laugh. I always have a laugh being rude to People. 😂


It helps with the way the voice actor delivers the line as well. Plus you can make it happen often I believe.



NPC: That's a beautiful horse you got there. I wish mine looked as good as that one.


John:.......Oh just shut up.

maybe not the funniest, but one that triggered me was the "Homeless Veteran" stranger who admits to not being a vet at all.

Instant throat slit and I carried the dead body like a trophy for a day before I threw him on the tracks. Should have fed him to the gators while he was alive.

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One that got me was an NPC in Saint Denis who commented on my black Arabian horse. She says something like


"That is one beautiful horse"


Next thing the horse does a sh*t right next to her and the man she was walking by with and he just said straight away


"Oooh wee, would ya look at that??"



On 11/27/2018 at 4:38 PM, 3Prcntr said:

maybe not the funniest, but one that triggered me was the "Homeless Veteran" stranger who admits to not being a vet at all.

Instant throat slit and I carried the dead body like a trophy for a day before I threw him on the tracks. Should have fed him to the gators while he was alive.

Jolly good Sir! 

I shot him in the face....f*cking Walter Mitty! 


 The Gunsmith owner in Valentine makes me chuckle every time.....


"I sold my old Blunderbuss to a bounty hunter last week. He's out to get someone that's for sure!" 


"That kid on the newspaper stand best move on I tell ya.....it's very dangerous for a gunstore owner to snap! hehehe!" 

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An NPC near the sheriff's offiuce says something like, "Ah caught one o' them reprobates, shamblin' acrost mah back yard."  😃 I've heard it a couple of times. 


Twist Of Sugar Venom

When Arthur is holding a gun to a prison guard’s head when breaking John out.


Arthur: You got one minute, I’m counting. One. Two. Three. Uh, Milliken is it?

Milliken: Yes, sir.

Arthur: Will you count for me? I’ve got talking to do.

Milliken: Of course sir. From one or four?

Arthur: Very funny, we must be at eleven by now.

I posted it before but it still makes me laugh.

I was exiting the Hotel in Valentine at the beginning of the game and was still all giddy so I was rushing everywhere, came out the door and tried to jump down off the littlw walkway in front and caught my foot on the hitching post behind it causing Arthur to faceplant straight into the mud only to have a woman sat next to the door say "Well...better luck next time" and I laughed.

Mr. Thomas:

"Mind yourselves, boys... There are big ass gators in these swamps."


Arthur: "Great"



"Come now, Arthur! It'll take more than a prehistorical reptile to scare you, surely?"



"I just wanna see you meet up your match when it comes down to ancient predators with a big mouth, Dutch."



"Arthur here is somewhat of a comedian, Mr. Thomas. More of a jester than a gunslinger lately."



~ I loved this one 😂






Hosea:When I die, I just want to be buried with my friends. 

Lenny:Me too. With friends or with family. I don't think anything matters more than that. 

Hosea:What about you Arthur? 

Arthur:Baaah I don't care about that nonsense. 

Hosea:Oh come on 

Arthur:Face me to the west so I can watch the setting sun... and remember all the fun times we had that way. 


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Arthur: [greeting an NPC in Saint Denis, trying to be nice] "Real nice town ya got here."  


NPC: [responds with incredulous voice voice] "Really??!!"  



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  • 2 weeks later...

Probably the only thing I really enjoyed in Chapter 5:


When Dutch and Arthur were rescuing Javier. After silently taking out the guards in that basement room, I put on one of the dead guards hats. When I walked up to Dutch he says "That hat really does not become you Arthur!" I LoL'd at that.


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