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ENB Screenshots and Artwork Thread (Part 2)


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I just use RSMB & MBL & SV 10 & COREL X3 for a renders/pics biggrin.gif . GTA IV has the potential for amazing looking machinimas ( dont care how post process is in it ) they looks sweet and day-to-day more photorealistic ! . Artwork thread everything allowed excepting fake CGI . Greetings : )

Edited by SxK
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Too shame that your screenshots are fully "upgraded" in photoshop. And you won't tell me it isn't, cus I saw your earlier photos. (even those from real environment) It's all remade in any program for processing photos. I don't say your ENB looks crap, because i can't tell it, when I don't see natural screenshot. And belive me, I worked some time with photoshop (even if it wasn't work with enb screenshot by correcting it), so I know how to recognize photos from it. I'm not so long in enb community but i can see which photos are corrected and which not





@AniHIlatOR You are photoshop smile.gif 
shutter bug from 00:08

@taskforce , thanks ! You too ! .


Burning rubber ! .



Photoshop or not - looking cool anyway and it's good to see another homie posting his hi level ss smile.gif I hope some day i'll see it in action smile.gif


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Edited by DarK64
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It's not only "just". It's enough or even too much to change drastically the whole gta 4 look. I don't remember but I suppose there was an argue about editing screenshots with professional applications more then several pages ago. It's okay then if other users accepting it here, that was only my perception sigh.gifwink.gif

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@AniHIlatOR You are photoshop smile.gif 
shutter bug from 00:08


If it's not photoshop, then it's After effects, simply clever. I really know how to expose photos in program. The same thing is with videos, It's not so hard when you have Magic Bullet Looks and you spent some time in it, right SxK? wink.gif

I just think there should be only clear and "fresh" screenshots from game without any edit, like panoramic resolution, black bars, color correction and exposure.

What are you angry about? Just because he has s good CGI like Config? xD


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These last 5 pages have just proven that type of douchebaggery that these VIP cars bring out.

Now others can see why Packet frowned upon having them in his thread in the first place

Its doing nothing but creating conflict and dividing the enthusiast in this thread and community.


Good job guys way to stay classy with your VIP bullsh*t icon13.gif

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