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[MP] Modern Frontlines (COD4 Remake)


13 members have voted

  1. 1. Which features do you like in this mission pack?

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Hello DYOM community, today I'm designing a 4th mission pack, people think that I working so hard, but no, I have a full time to design it. By the way, I'm designing the first remake of my favorite game of all time which is made in 2007, by Infinity Ward called: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Please be a good guy in this topic, and no disrespecting and bad languages, I'm putting a hard work for them.

I'd like to hear some feedback and reviews, thanks to you. :D




The year is 2011, Vlad Rodriguez begins a coup in the Afganistan, while Russia is in the Civil War, between the Ultranationalists and Government Loyalists. To complete the revolution, Vlad executes the mayor of Los Santos and takes all San Andreas territories. Meanwhile, a new Europe Force 141 recruit 'Sponge' Wilkins has passed the Selection and is now joining Cpt.Cost's squad and Cost will soon reveal that Vlad is just a small fish in these operations. It's up to you to discover the truth.





Sgt.'Sponge' Wilkins - A recruit to the British 22nd Europe Force 141 Regiment led by Cpt.Cost. He's the main playable protagonist of this series.
Cpt.Jack Cost - British special forces soldier and a leader of Razor team. He's the main protagonist along with 'Sponge' (Playable in the memory missions taking place in 1996, he was lieutenant under command of Cpt.MacDollian).
Sgt. Andrew Daniels - Marine from the 1st Force Recon, that invaded the Desert to search for Vlad Rodriguez. He's the secondary protagonist.

Non-Playable Allies:
Larry - A member of British Europe Force 141 team led by Cost. He's a veteran special forces operator.
Lt.Michael Bennet - He's in charge of 1st Force Recon during the northern desert operations.
SSgt.Bones - A member of United States Marine Corps 1st Force Recon under command of Lt. Micheal. He plays a large role in all operations.
Cpt. Chernov - Chernov is a Russian Loyalist, who helps Cost's team and other units operating in Russia.
Cpt.MacDollian - Scottish Europe Force 141 Officer back in 1996. He was the commander of a two-man sniper team with Cost. He's seen in 2 memory missions.
Dominic - 'Dominic' is the codename of a Russian informant in Ultranationalists and an ally of the Europe Force 141.

Vlad Rodriguez - A military commander of OpFor in the Desert and a secondary antagonist. He's the main villain of the first act.
Vladimir Hedgenkov - He was a russian arms dealer, Ultranationalist and a terrorist. He is the father of Sierjgei. He was killed by Cost in 1996, or was he?
Sierjgei Hedgenkov - Sierjgei is the son of Vladimir Hedgenkov and a commander of Ultranationalists. He wants to bring the Soviet-style government.





Act 1


Progress is 62%





A very nice Walkthrough series recorded by Mikolajek, North Rock, Ryder Studios and MartZ2. If you're thinking about downloading or you're stuck and need some help, you can watch his videos to see the complete walkthrough.wink.gif








North Rock:



Ryder Studios:





Martin's Path (Martin Strada):









Dutchy3010 & PatrickW - For DYOM, without them, there wouldn't be any mission pack.

Rockstar North - For making a game called: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Infinity Ward - For making a game called: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and some ideas.

TQR - First testing of the missions before release.

Danz. - First testing of the missions before release.

NeonGamer. - First testing of the missions before release.

Eddy4312. - First testing of the missions before release.

LODoesGames - First testing of the missions before release.

Yasir_RFL - First testing of the missions before release.

Chaos17 - First testing of the missions before release.

AfricaDesigner - First testing of the missions before release.

Mikolajek - First testing of the missions before release and for the walkthrough

GTA SA gamers - First testing of the missions before release.

North Rock - First testing of the missions before release and for the walkthrough

Ryder Studios: For a walkthrough's

MartZ2 - For the logo and for a walkthrough.


Edited by Martin_Strada
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Thanks for adding me in the Credits. Both the missions are played and 2nd mission finally. I've liked your 2nd mission and have played it 4-5 times without failing. I made a gameplay but, video is laggy and my editing software is not rendering videos. I am not lying about the problem of software.




Review, Rating and a few words for you.


Mission No. 1 E.F.1.4.1


Very easy mission, Like playing it. No grammar problems and nice sharp mind that you converted the Airport to Training Hall...



Mission No. 2 Crew Support


It was difficult at start, I failed but, After playing more than 1 time, I'm a Professional in playing it. Good That you added many Health Pickups and Barrels. Again Sharp Mind coz you made the ship into an battle field. XD




  • Like 1

The 3rd mission is out! There's a sign called ''To be continued'', because I tried to make a mission longer, cuz of actor bug, and I didn't add one actor which I needed to be added in this mission.


Night Ghost

  • Like 1

I understand Martin... You change Cobra Pilot to Snake Pilot and 'Soap" MacTavish to Sponge......


Soap Mactavish = Sponge Wilkins

Cobra Pilot will be in 4th mission.



COD is my fav game, I will play this


Thanks man, glad you like that franchise not that new bullsh*t.

  • Like 1

Walkthroughs made by Ryder Studios, special thanks to her for playing my missions:


Ryder Studios:



Edited by Martin_Strada

Walkthroughs made by Ryder Studios, special thanks to him for playing my missions:


Ryder Studios:



Wait man! RyderStudios is a GIRL! She's my sister i mentioned in discord... :)


Sorry for the short time break for designing missions, I was busy with school things, cuz in Mondays to Thursdays, I'm always being busier than not sitting in PC, hope you understand. 6th mission is coming soon. Time to bring EF141 back!

Hmmmm, I think there's a one guy who rated 1 star is that guy who rate 1 star in my all missions. Gtfo, if you hate it, don't play it then.


Chill out friend, they are just jealous to you because you have so great missions!

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