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GTA V Roleplay Community (PS4 2018)


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On 1/2/2018 at 3:51 AM, crispyburrito said:


DISCLAIMER: This post is from GTA5RP_PS4, in which he created his own community for PlayStation users to play GTA V in a roleplaying type fashion. It has come to our attention that he may no longer be active on this site. We wanted to create another community for PlayStation users to join in and roleplay in GTA V just like GTA5RP_PS4's vision, by creating an updated community on Discord, keeping you updated with roleplaying servers right here on console. Big thanks to GTA5RP_PS4. Follow him on Twitter listed down below.


* Please follow the directions down below and we will try our best to reach you within the next 24 of response. *


Welcome, as Roleplay has become very big in the PC Community of GTA we decided we didn't want the console community to be left out as well, or atleast the PS4 ;)

Of course we don't have the mods, and the plugins that PC Role play servers have, but to replace that we have very strict rules! (Read Below)


We also are unable to have a Server always running for it, so here is how we operate.


1. Write a response Application (Format at the bottom)


2. If you are accepted, you will be added to the Discord, which is where we announce servers etc.


3. We open our servers depending on how active the members are, every once and awhile the owner will ask in chat how many people would get on, and depending on that will determine whether or not we host a private Roleplay Server at that time.


4. If you are accepted, you will also get the owners PSN so you can join the Lobby's.


Of course we can't get rid of the AI police, but we do infact have good ol' Lester.

If you don't want the AI on you, and only want the server's police to go after you, call Lester to get rid of the AI.



As people have tons and tons of money, we do not use in-game balance, we have a currency system on our discord that allows people to gain money from working

and spend it on local businesses created by players.







1.) Don't 'stalk' other players.

Sometimes the roleplay gets a little damp, which requires you to get into some unlikely social actions. However, refrain for getting carried away from whom you talk to. As in, don't get in a group of 10 people all deciding to walk on the docks at the same time, and coincidentally 'bump' into each other. it is not realistic and annoying.
If you notice someone in a certain area by themselves or two, you can come up with some scenario to get interactive, but don't be a pest.



2.) No extreme killing sprees.
As exciting it may seem to you, it can easily ruin the role play experience. You can have shootouts with police, but it isn't logical to stand in the middle of a boardwalk and blast everyone with an RPG.


3.) Don't drive unrealistic cars for yourself.
This one is pretty much self explanatory as well. A dead-beat drug dealer doesn't drive a Comet. It just doesn't happen.


5.) stop for red lights, or every once and awhile get some gas at the gas station.
It really bugs me when someone is constantly weaving in and out of traffic and running red lights. If it's a street race, it's acceptable. But just flooring it to save time or whatever get annoying, especially if you crash your car and just go get it fixed immediately. Also, to make sure you have read the rules, put "GRAND THEFT HOOKER" somewhere in your application.


6.) Don't kill anyone without their consent.

Self exploratory. Don't go around killing someone unless they say it is alright. Also, do not do anything to other member's cars unless they say it is alright as well.


7.) Don't fix cars like magic.

If you get into a car accident, don't drive over to a LSC and get your vehicle repaired instantly. Give it some time, like a real accident, and leave your car there for a few days, or however long you think your car damage can be fixed.


8.) Listen to police, A car chase every once and awhile is ok, but they can see you on the map. Please just pull over, listen to what they have to say, get you're discord mark and move on with you're day.


8.) Have common sense.

I can list rules forever, but most of them are common sense. I don't believe I have to post every little thing down, but that doesn't excuse you to act stupidly and say "It isn't in the rules!" Please, please, please! For the sake of the game, be far to everyone.


9.) Don't be absent.

I try too keep this as active as possible. When a member of the server is absent for an extended amount of time without notice, I am highly likely to remove them.








Here you can find all the possible jobs and how they work.




It is you're job to get the required items for this job.


You will need any Taxi Cab.

You are asked to dress like a Taxi driver would, (no Taxi driver wears $10000 clothing)

Follow driving rules (Red lights etc.)

Actively say in the Discord that you are on Duty, until someone asks for a driver. (ONLY TAKE THE JOB IF THEY ARE RESPONDING TO YOU.)






It is you're job to get the required items for this job.


You will need a MARKED Police car.

You are asked to dress similar to a police officer, obviously not everyone knows the glitch. But dress as close as possible. (Blue, Black, etc.)

Follow Driving rules and use sirens and flashers only when necessary.



Multiple police officers can respond to one call, but please don't fight over who takes the main of the event.


Pull people over/Arrest for only these offences (Very High Speeds, Ran through Red Light, Signs of Public Intoxication, Gun in hand, Murder, Kidnapping, Store Robbery, Civilian Call via Discord, and other obvious offences)


After giving someone a ticket, add role on the user's name on discord as "Ticket #1,2,3" this helps other officers know what they're past is, after 3 tickets you can have you're license

revoked, of course you can drive without a license but if you are pulled over you will then be arrested and put in jail for 15 MINUTES.



JAIL IS LOCATED AT POLICE STATION (also used as a car impound in single player)

when you put the inmate in the police station keep them in the main room, other rooms might alert the police and get them killed.



If you end up killing a criminal or someone with a car, or arrest someone in a car, don't leave it in the middle of the street, ask in the discord for a tow truck and get them to bring it to the police station.


Abuse of power will get you banned.





It is you're job to get the required items for this job.


Wear something shady, most criminals aren't walking around like rainbows.

Don't drive something crazy, you're a store robbing criminal, they don't drive super cars and or tanks. (be realistic)

Don't shoot just anyone, preferably kidnap them.




Do not try to escape Jail if in it, do you're time. (15 minutes)





It is you're job to get the required items for this job.


You will need ANY functional tow truck.

Dress like a tow truck driver would (they don't wear $10000 clothing)

If a cop requests a Tow Truck driver, the closest one can take the job.

Get to know the other Drivers, it can benefit you in the long run.


ALL towed cars go to the police station parking lot.

If you tow a players car, said person will have to pay you 50 points via discord to get it back.





It is you're job to get the required items for this job.


To start a business in our server, you will need to have 15k points.

We will not let everyone open a business, only the first 3-5 to get to that number.


Dress depending on what you do in you're business. (Customize Cars, Sell cars, Delivery, Hitman, Security etc.)

Drive a car depending on you're business. (still no tanks)


You can request a place to have you're business put, or we will give you one.

Promote in the discord channel for shops and get customers as they come.









Please fill as most as you comfortably can. It will not only be easier to keep track of things, but also it makes me trust you more.



Out Of Character (OOC)

Role Play experience:


In Character (IC)

Job/Career/Money Source:
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):
Photograph (If available):



FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/PS4_GTAVRP


On 2/19/2018 at 11:23 PM, HeBeChiefin said:

Grand Theft Hooker


Out Of Character (OOC)


Name: Thomas Thompson

Age: 14
PSN: scoutsniper32
Role Play experience: None

Discord: scoutsniper32

In Character (IC)

Name: Thomas Thompson
Age: 39
Job/Career/Money Source: police
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Grew up on the streets and saw his dad die. Ever since then he wanted to stop the bad guys. His present goal is to become sergeant, his future goals are to become captain.
Vehicle: Police vehicle


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Name: Silas



Name: David William Prescott

Ocupation/job/ source of income: fixing vehicles and other everyday appliances


*Races at the Sandy shores airstrip for extra cash*

David's story: David grew up in vice city but when his father died he moved to liberty city with his brother. After a little while passed David's brother was run over and killed by a man trying to run from the cops, desperate and alone David snuck in a plane and hitched a ride to Los Santos and lived under a bridge. Until one day a man wrecked his bike running from the cops and died in front of an access tunnel off the highway. The man was believed to have just robbed a bank and the bag was full of cash.

David had the money laundered and bought himself a life in San Andreas where he now fixes things and races

Psn: Silas_Sayre

Discord: Silas_Sayre


Edited by Silas_Sayre
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Out Of Character (OOC)


Name: Bar.

Age: 21

PSN: barh777

Discord: barh777#2623

Role Play experience: On sa-mp roleplay servers, few years ago. LS-RP, PR-RP.


In Character (IC)


Name: Jahquill Simmons


Job/Career/Money Source: Warehouse shop.

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Was Tank commander in the Israel Defance Force, and have a mechanic skills.

I have a little warehouse store in Los Stantos. I give service for everyone who need to install furnitures or appliances in their house. Also I can help with other faults for vehicles. I hope that I'll open more branches of my warehouse shop.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Usually im in good mood. Connects to people easily, and a loyal firend.

Vehicle: SUV's vehicls.

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grand theft hooker

Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Jack
Age: 13
PSN: Golden_TkoKiller
Role Play experience: I Have watched a lot of videos on YouTube about roleplay on gta like bay area buggs, Jeff, and polecat.
In Character (IC)

Name: Kaleb Cowell
Age: 21
Job/Career/Money Source: Civialllin/Tow truck driver(sometimes)
Bio:just moved here from San francisco Because everyone in my family died in a plane crash. looking to start over 

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Chill, a little depressed, Gun owner


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Out of character(OOC)





Past experience:Gta 4,Arma 3 Altis life and loads of RP videos on youtube


In Character

Name:Jesse Pinkman


Job/career/money source:criminal

Bio:Looking for a fresh start in Los Santos after my business partner died a while ago.Hoping to start a new life as simple as possible.

Personality:cool,sensitive,non violent.


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Olly hopwood

Grand theft hooker


out of character 

name: Olly hopwood

age: 15

psn:  ollyhopwood01

roleplay experience: been in a few rps in the past and highly enjoy then. I know all the police codes and the dos and donts.


in character

Name: mike stand

age: 24

job/career/money source: police

bio: grew up in liberty city with his family but had to move to la for work. He has his wife and 2 kids back in liberty city. He’s been doing well and his life has been all round okay. In the future he wishes to carry on his career and eventually retire and settle down back in liberty city.

personality: happy cheerful guy

vehicle: silver Dodge Charger 

discord: ollyhopwood01 #6764

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Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: BukansRita
PSN: Buchanans_Rita

Role Play experience: some practice on story mode 

Discord: Buchanans_rita #7920

In Character (IC)

Name: BukanasRita
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: Drug dealer/ fake ID business 

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Bukanas is a young woman with a very sad past, out of a negative enviroment during her childhood, all that was left was the street and them Good bad friendships. Learn to be smart on the street game.  but still seking for a good life out of all the bad enviromen. goal of having a good "HONST" job and maybe even a family. 
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):

very happy and out going. Sensitive and loyal but tough as a rock. mature and very confident. 
Vehicle: Various veicles, trucks, sport cars and a couple clasics 
Photograph (If available):



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NAME: Gagan Bahri
AGE: 22
RP EXP: — Pretty minimal (World of Warcraft, Sims 3 mainly), but with friends and always had an interest in it, especially now, having a chance in GTAV, which has been one of my favourite games since release.


∆ IC
NAME: Lucious Hemingway
AGE: 33


 — Criminal Activities | Drug Trafficking Network | Family Wealth (Ponsonbys) | Business (Ponsonbys)

— Born & raised in Los Santos, as the only child in a wealthy family, but with a dark and traumatic childhood, due to severe physical abuse by his step-mother (Divorced afterwards) and the loss of his biological mother at a very young age. His father wasn’t around much, because of his wealthy successful clothing business “Ponsonbys”. Lucious was driven to a critical and dark path in his teenage and early adult years. Because of the traumatic childhood he failed to go through the necessary education and the right path, which eventually led him to the world of “outlaws and illegal criminal activities”. He built his drug trafficking network brick by brick by himself, with the aid of his wealth. His father became almost completely disconnected from Lucious, mainly after he became more and more aware of his criminal life, but Lucious still had his fathers financial benefits (Lucious still had a pretty decent amount of Ponsonbys’s stocks since his late teenage years, through which he also uses to launder all of his drug money). He threatened to mess up his fathers business, when his father tried to intervene in his illegal activities. So he didn’t take away his stocks or escalate his intervention. He also made sure that the media and anyone wouldn’t find out about Lucious’s illegal activities, which would compromise and collapse his whole business. Lucious did the same aswell, especially since he knows how to keep a extremely low profile.


— Now at the age of 33 he has learned to use his extraordinary skills, embracing and combining his creativity, cleverness and other personality features. He is one of a kind criminal, not any ordinary one.. The way he disguises and hides his true identity is his best quality, he is a mastermind in keeping a extremely low profile, to avoid any kind of suspicions or attention from the law enforcement. So he lives and blends in as any average ordinary criminal, he doesn’t shine his wealth too much, spend big amounts of money, own alot of assets or anything else indicating his true criminal identity. Although he is the son of the well known famous George Hemingway, CEO of Ponsonbys clothing business and a fashion designer. So with lucious’s pretty good amount of owned stocks of the company he can at least shine a bit, but like mentioned earlier he still has to be extremely cautious and careful and to keep switching his identities and lifestyles, as a disguised average criminal, a successful wealthy drug lord and the son of a famous wealthy businessman and a fashion designer. His own illegal wealth profits and assets are hidden far far away in offshore accounts and in hidden remote locations. Lucious lives a risky life, Managing a perfect stealth drug trafficking network, living daily as an ordinary average criminal and when necessary being the golden boy of George Hemingway… But all this with a high risk of revealing his true identity to the law enforcements. His future goals are expanding his illegal activities and drug network.. 


— But lets rewind back to the present.. Lucious has been having issues lately with keeping his identity hidden and has started to get some slight attention from the law enforcement… We have yet to see how more dangerous this life of his can get and the consequences, if he plans to continue this lifestyle and achieve his ambitious goals…


— Ambitious, motivated, courageous, loyal, determined, manipulative, ruthless, social, open-minded, sympathetic, respectful, creative, clever


— Oracle by Ubermacht ( BMW 7 Series ) and Baller by Gallivanter ( Range Rover Sport SVR )



— This is my first post ever, and I was unable to find / attach any image files. I have all the images ( My character and both vehicles ). Could you please reply and guide me how to attach image files so that i could provide the necessary images? Thank you

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Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Lee (discord name) Lee (・∀・ )#1234. 
Age: 12 (13 in around a mounth)
Role Play experience: I own 2 rp discords on UD. i also co own a server and i am a mod on a server. i have been doing rp since i was 8 on loads of games and i am very experienced in rp. thee type of rp i do is State police, criminal, civ, pilot, taxi driver and trucker. 

Discord: Lee (・∀・ )#1234

In Character (IC)

Name: Lee Thurston
Age: 18
Job/Career/Money Source: 
Criminal/Civilian (Primary),  BUT i might change my character to a pilot. 
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

PAST - i was risen by my single dad after his wife got divorced. i was risen as best as possible by my dad but then at the age of 11 my dad killed him self from depression caused by his wife leaving him and him loosing his job. after that i grew up on the streets following multiple gangs such as the family. As i grew up with the gang i learned how to use weapons and i also  got affected by all the crime. at the age of 16 i was still with the gang until one day i found out that my brother died. my brother left with are mum and we kept in touch with are phones and on discord. I found out the family (the gang i grew up with) killed him. i got really pissed and instantly shot as many people in the gang as i could. but i got out numbered and ran away from there street. i went to the airport and took flying lessons in how to use a helicopter and small aircraft. But i did not become a pilot. I choose crime. I mainly stole from people in houses at night and some times even small stores.

PRESENT - I currently have no job and i still steal for money I have killed a total of 13 people and stole from 25 people.

FUTURE - I am not sure on what would happen to me. i am thinking of becoming a pilot  or getting a job. Or i might keep to the crime life.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Angry.
Vehicle: No vehicle. (I steal vehicles)
Photograph (If available): N/A

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Grand theft hooker

Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Sophie
Age: 18
PSN: Da Real Darius
Role Play experience: small amount of fivem, watched videos etc.

Discord: SAM_312#6685


In Character (IC)
Name: Samantha Jones
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: works as a nurse in the hospital at day// woman of the night
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

past: Samantha has lived in los santos for 5 years and works hard looking after her ill mother, her father went under the radar after working with the government. She had many girlfriends who she liked to spend the weekends with. 

Present: with low income, Samantha has had to extend her jobs by becoming a “woman of the night”. Staying out of trouble is now hard and she has to replace all her old friends for her “acquaintances”

Future: Samantha wants to be able to afford her mother’s medical bills and settle down with a family but she knows trouble will be coming her way. 
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Cheerfull and sweet, but naughty when she needs to be 
Vehicle: Ocelot F620
Photograph (If available): (not available)

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Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Donte

Age: 18

PSN: Don_Swaggin

Role Play experience: Joined Some Servers But Never Played With Players

Discord: Don_Swaggin#3709


In Character (IC)


Name: Donte Wilson

Age: 19

Job/Career/Money Source: Uber Driver (Basically Freelance Taxi Business)/ Who Deals Drugs Sometimes

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Past: Lived In Chamberlain Hills All His Life, Hustled Since The Age Of 12, Quit School And Started Selling Drugs, Trying To Get Enough Money To Get A Stable Rap Career. Sent To Juvie For Drug Possession But Once Turned 18 It Was Erased From Record 

Present: Figured Out How To Sell Drugs Using Uber As A Front, Has Enough Money To Get By And Showoff Occasionally, Has No Friends But Needs To Make Connections

Future Goals: Make Money, Get Into The Music Scene Or If All Else Fails Go Back To School 

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):  Laid Back, Ambitious, Smart, Greedy At Times, Loves To Cook And Party, Mild Trust Issues

Vehicle: Ubermacht Oracle XS

Photograph (If available): N/A

Role Play experience:


In Character (IC)

Job/Career/Money Source:
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):
Photograph (If available):

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Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Jake
Age: 20
PSN: Gaming_God14
Role Play experience: YouTube Videos, Some previous communities

Discord: Gaming_God14#9597

In Character (IC)

Name: Valerie Sanders
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: Occasional Criminal/Stock Trader/Stocks
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Valerie Sanders has only ever wanted one thing from life, to never have to work again. She works towards this by programming an algorithm to play the stock markets. Her chosen profession is a bit shady, but she pays her taxes and no one is the wiser. Valerie enjoys riding her BMX and her motorcycle around as well as getting into trouble sometimes. 
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Valerie is usually laid back, though when her algorithm fails and she loses money, she loses her mind. 
Vehicles: Obey 9F, Western Nightblade, Hijak Ruston

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Role Play experience:none


In Character (IC)

Job/Career/Money source: business owner

Bio: was raised in the suburbs and got a good education but had had a bad home life so it made Ryan very anti social. In later years he moved to the city to start a new life 
Personality: organized, honest,picky,anti social,smart

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Grand Theft Hooker

Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Bradley
Age: 30
PSN: Badrad28092
Role Play experience: Table top/pen & paper, Skyrim

Discord: Badrad#5924

In Character (IC)

Name: Brandon Johnson
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: Tow truck driver/mechanic
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):Brandon Johnson was born an raised in Liberty City. Ever since he was young he has had an interest in cars and motorcycles. When he was 18 he got caught street racing and had to do 6 months in Liberty City State Penitentiary and then when he was 20 he got busted stealing cars and did 5 more years in LCSP. When he finally got out he decided to leave Liberty City and head to San Andreas to try and start a new life. Brandon currently lives in Sandy shores working as a mechanic and part-time tow truck driver. He hopes one day to own his own auto shop and tow truck business, if only he can keep himself out of trouble with the law.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Laid-back

Vehicle: Elegy RH8

Edited by km4qpd
forgot vehicle
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grand theft hooker

Name: David

Age: 22

PSN: WeFkyHigh1738

Role Play experience: none but love watching and wanna try it out

Discord: davidian#1923


In Character (IC)


Name: Davidian vanrossum

Age: 19

Job/Career/Money Source: street racer . deals drugs on side. 

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

born in lasantos going to die in losantos.. been racing since 16 cant stop wont stop . will race till the day im wraped around telephone pole.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):  chill stoner angry when wrong or yeld at 

Vehicle: Ubermacht Oracle XS

Photograph (If available): N/

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Out Of Character (OOC)

Role Play experience:N/A


In Character (IC)

Job/Career/Money Source:Rapper, rich from dad who passed away (he left him $500,000,000, and he can be a business owner if you can't let him be a rapper)

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):He was an athlete basketball, baseball, football, and soccer but loved to rap as a kid. He is now just living life to the fullest and wants to have a successful rap career.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):Very cheerful, nice, funny, charming, and a lady's man.
Vehicle:X80 Proto(black), XA-21 (red), and Voltic (green)
Photograph (If available):N/A

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Out Of Character (OOC)


Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Adam
Age: 14
PSN: champEGOdacool 
Role Play experience: none

Discord: Adam Berka


”Grand theft hooker”

In Character (IC)

Name: Danny
Age: 28
Job/Career/Money Source: criminal
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): When he was young his father was killed by the O’Neil family since then he has been trying to wipe them out . 

But it hasn’t gone how he wanted , so for now he’s moving to Los Santos. But one day Danny will wipe the O’Neil’s out( at least he thinks so)
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): sometimes gets sad over his fathers death , but apart from that he’s a pretty positive sometimes crazy person
Vehicle: Bati 801

Role Play experience:


In Character (IC)

Job/Career/Money Source:
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):

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Grand Theft Hooker

Out of Character 




Rp experience:youtube bay area buggs

Discord: #1166


In Character 

Name: Seán O'Bannon




Past:grew up in Los Santos with my sister Anna, dad Derek (former cop),mom Susan. In high school I always wanted to be a cop.

Present:LSPD patrol officer living in Del Perro Heights apt 7. Also has son who moved to paletto bay after my wife died in a car accident.

Future:nothing yet planned.

Personality:very bipolar can be very anger and very calm

Vehicles:Sultan,Futo,Elegy,Sandking,Bati 801, Vapid Dominator (all vehicles are black and red in color),Bobcat XL(all black)

Picture: currently unavailable.




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To add forgotten information
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Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: westin 
Age: 16
PSN: rexthekiller6
Role Play experience:i play on gmod serious rp and a little doj 

In Character (IC)

Name: jack nickerson 
Job/Career/Money Source: criminal 
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): white male in white tank top blue jeans a neckles a ls hat   with tattoos/ his dad and mother both died when a was 14/ hes a druggy carjacker that robs stores as well and kidnaps 
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): he has anger issues and hates life/cops
Vehicle:a white van/ chopper bike 
Photograph (If available):


if neded my discord is rex#4404 and "GRAND THEFT HOOKER"

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Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Alex
Age: 21
PSN: WarZoneTheDriver
Role Play experience: Watch BayAreaBuggs and Polecat regularly so I know the gist.


(Grand Theft Hooked)

In Character (IC)

Name: Alex River
Age: 24
Job/Career/Money Source: Criminal
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Lived in Liberty City from 2010-2013 and moved to LS from then to now. Liked cars from a young age and after his racing career didn't work out he became a nickle-and-dime wheelman. Wants to simply use the skills he learned on the street to get by. Knows his way around basic weapons and can be dangerous.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive etc): Can have a temper if pushed too far otherwise charismatic with a mouth that gets him into trouble and a smile that gets him out.
Vehicle: All black Declasse Tampa, License Plate - DRIV3RSF
Photograph (If available): Can't send one currently

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Grand Theft Hooker

Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Austin Anthony
Age: 19
PSN: Diamondz_Boss
Role Play experience: Watching YouTube Videos

Discord: Diamondz_Boss#0331

In Character (IC)
Name: Jake Raine

Age: 20

Job/Career/Money Source: Civilian/Criminal

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): 

       (Past): Jake grew up in Downtown Los Santos with his 2 brothers and little sister. Life was tough because his parents couldn't pay for him, his 2 brothers and sister. Eventually Jake moved out on his own.

       (Present): Jake is currently 20 years old living in Los Santos where he occasionally does some not so great things to make ends meet for his 1 year old daughter.

       (Future): Jake hopes to one day better himself as a person to make things right for his family as well as make things better for himself. Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Average-tempered person, but is calm under heated situations.

Vehicle: Diabolus, Carbon RS, Elegy, Steals cars if needed.

Photograph (If available):

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Grand Theft Hooker

Out of Character (OOC)

Name: Wyatt Mcginnis

Age: 13

PSN: Rustychicken1960

RP Experience: Never did Gta RP but watched Bay Area Buggs and Jeff Favignano.

I would very much love to join this community.


In Character (IC)

Name: John Harvey

Age: 21

Job/Career/Money Source: Taxi Driver/Criminal from time to time/Paramedic.

Bio: Did go to college but didn't have enough money to become a business owner. Spends most of his time driving his taxi and just relaxing. Trying to save up to become a business owner. Currently has a girlfriend.

Personality: Usually nice but does get really angry when mad.

Vehicles: Usually Karin Sultan


Discord: Rustychicken1960#5930

Edited by Rustychicken1960
Missed one thing
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Out Of Character (OOC)

Name:Buck Tuddrussle
Role Play experience: have a couple friends i love doing RP with but im dying to get in a group of people who are serious as we are(easier said than done)

In Character (IC)

Name: Buck Tuddrussle
Job/Career/Money Source:Police Officer
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):Grew up in Liberty City no father always in and out of trouble...joined a gang at age 16 and was hospitalised in a drive by that also claimed the life of my little brother so i decided to leave the criminal life behind and become a police officer moved to LS when i was 21 began training graduated with honors and have done some undercover work and am always up for more undercover work as well
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):obsessive and aggressive known to bend rules
Vehicle:police cruiser / bison pick up truck

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Nick Valentine

Out Of Character (OOC)

Name:Nick Valentine

Role Play experience:lots of experience just like bay area bugs


In Character (IC)

Name:Nick Valentine


(bio) my big brother got shot by a cop when I was little and I decided to take a life of crime and follow in his footsteps (personally) persuasive aggressive (vehicles) vapid dominator

Edited by Nick Valentine
Forgot bio
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Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Cecily
Age: 19
PSN: squeezemedaddy
Role Play experience: D&D

In Character (IC)

Name: Bella Kapp
Age: 21
Job/Career/Money Source: Web designer
Bio: Bella had a wonderful childhood, recently started living on her own, didn’t finish college, she’s having a hard time making ends meet and is ashamed of asking parents for help, doesn’t know what to expect for her future
Personality: Kindhearted, positive, easygoing 
Vehicle: A bicycle


Discord: squeezemedaddy#3272 


grand theft hooker

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Role play experience :None








Name:Sergei Popes


Job/career/Money Source :Police

  •   Past :Sergey Popes rose to the position of a police officer in Liberty city,with the money was all bad that would make came to Los-Santos
  • Future goals: To earn money ty buy a hous in Liberty city 





    Vechicle:Police cruiser.

    Photograph(If available):

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