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Halloween 2017

Raj The Rager

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I'm going to see

in concert since they're playing at a place nearby. Then I'll probably hit up one of the costume parties happening at local bars and see what's going on. Gone are the days when I want bags of sweets. Now I just want to get plastered while wearing a 1979 Glenn Danzig outfit.
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I'm going to get high and then watch the new SAW movie that's coming out.


Also thought of dressing/acting like a legit serial killer and just walking around my neighbourhood trying to scare the royal sh*t out of people.

Acting lmfao

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I'm in Dublin for most of the day, so probably nothing. Might stop by a party on my way back from the airport.


Give me a shout. The two "Misters" can have a Halloween pint :p



That'd be cool, but I'm only going straight in for a show and straight back home again! Steely Dan and The Doobie Brothers(!!!!) (Also I quit drinking heh)

If I like the town I'll probably go back at one point, then I'll remember to make time. Coffee's just as good as beer, right? ;)

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I'm in Dublin for most of the day, so probably nothing. Might stop by a party on my way back from the airport.


Give me a shout. The two "Misters" can have a Halloween pint :p



(Also I quit drinking heh)



Marwin, are you ok?

Are you ok, Marwin?

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make total destroy

1979 Glenn Danzig

heh heh


i understood this v obscure reference that other people not in the know like i am might not pick up on heh

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Probably going to rock the Daniel Lamb look this Halloween.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll look like an even bigger prick than the dude dressed in the generic clown outfit.

Heh, that was my oh-so-original outfit idea for this year.


Unfortunately, I have friggin' college classes scheduled on Halloween during the hours that kids normally trick-or-treat, so I won't be able to pass out candy or do any other fun Halloween stuff this year.

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well i start work at 7pm and do a 4 hour shift then uni the next morning at 5am till 8:30pm so my halloween is not really gunna happen this year. rip :(

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every year I ignore trick or treaters and keep the candy for myself and watch every tree house of horror episode. This year I'm going to the cinema and watch the IT remake. nothin' special tbh

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Halloween ain't really something big where I live,so I'll probably do what I usually do for Halloween,stay at home, carve a pumpkin and put it on a balcony, and maybe watch some horror movie.

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Halloween isn't a big thing here in my town, but I get so pissed with all the wastage of pumpkins!


Motherf*ckers think it's fun and all, but you know how much pumpkin soup I could make from them all?


Yes, I like my pumpkins and I'm dead serious :panic:

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Not A Nice Person

I decided to wear a Kimi no wa na (Your name) Taka outfit for Halloween.


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Hard to really capture this in a picture. Each one of those white bags is used to fill one of those three plastic tubs. There are 10 white bags in this shot.



This isn't even enough to make it through the whole stretch tonight.

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I'm about to watch Annabelle Creation (2017) and I'm drinking Mountain Dew and have reese's peanut butter cups and chips to enjoy with the film.

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Are those chips ruffled???

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I hope there's chocolate coins involved.

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Of course there will be chocolate currency!

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The true meaning of Halloween!

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