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RM-10 Bombushka Appreciation Thread

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Yeah the explosive sniper resistance is just... Nonexistent. Which is dumb. Good news is that in my whole GTA career, I've been shot at with an explosive sniper four times, and only three were freeroam hostiles.


I have flown nothing but the Bombushka since I've bought it, and have only been shot down twice, once by a Lazer, once by a Buzzard. Both times I had no gunners. Whenever I've had gunners, pursuit has been wiped out in seconds. My verdict, after more time playing: it's a great vehicle so long as you've got people in it, and it's quite fun, though useless, if you haven't got people in it. Four and a half million is a bit much though. With the discount on now, I'd say it's very much worth it.

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I think it being vulnerable to other aircraft is fine - I mean, it's a bomber, it's meant for stuff on the ground.


But it only taking 3 explosive sniper rounds is really pathetic. A Havok takes more than that. Like, wtf? Needs a huge buff against those. Even something like 10 would be a small amount considering how easy this thing is to hit. Ideally it shouldn't be a problem at all for it.


It really could use at least half of MOC Trailer's level of durability. (Cab is too ridiculous)


For reference, that would make it take 25 explosive sniper rounds or 13 of either kind of rockets to kill, a jet strafe would still end it rather quickly (especially given how easy it is to hit with sustained fire), and the Flak trailer would nuke it in two shots.

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Love spawning it in missions with m8s/randoms. Some of them it's hard to miss - Landing Strip frinstance it spawns right in front of you.


Get a circle on, do some AC-130-style ground pounding.

Edited by Gridl0k
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The Wandering Hunter

it should have apc level armor (i think, i mean about 30 explosive sniper rounds).


it should take 30 regular sniper rounds to destroy too though, and be vulnerable to heavy machine gun fire like on jets or insurgent pickups, and maybe have fewer flares since it flys outside homer range anyway.


this thing is a real piece of sh*t when the hunter exists. the hunter is a unstoppable death machine against ground players with a gunner, this thing can kill fast but a couple shots and it's all over.

Love spawning it in missions with m8s/randoms. Some of them it's hard to miss - Landing Strip frinstance it spawns right in front of you.


Get a circle on, do some AC-130-style ground pounding.

every time i try my randoms bail out. people must just not like having to aim or something. Edited by The Wandering Hunter
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thank goodness we can finally open the rear hatch in this thing for cargo purposes and whatnot. Just bought one today and wow it looks beautiful, but man is it slow.

Without any upgrades whatsoever, it can just barely take off with an Insurgent Pick Up Custom in the cargo bay. Just don't try to make any steep altitude climbs, you'll just immediately fall. Gonna see if I can master the technique of air dropping vehicles without blowing them up.

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Buzzing around one of these in the Thruster like a wasp bothering a bull is hilarious.

Just keep out of the guns reach and you can have some fun. It got to the point where the guy just opened the back hatch and I landed inside. My Thruster fell out the back...:(

  • 2 weeks later...

Bump because you can open and close the cargo door (from the cockpit too) which has to be put to good use. Careful with the JATO though...




PS buff to 100 pls R*

Edited by Gridl0k
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Im assuming its a bug else it would be the same for all players? I wouldnt mind an armor buff though but I guess that goes for most people.


Does anyone actually use it these days? Ive payed full price and only flew it 3 times tbh

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Anyone else notice that whatever you put into the Bombushka's cargo bay (same as the Cargobob) behaves as if it's been put into a giant washing machine? They need to fix the physics for both aircraft. And the speed is unimaginably slow. I sometimes feel confident that a bicycle is as fast as the Bombushka. Minus the ability to fly, really.


A 50% increase in speed would not be anywhere near generous. Only thoughtful. And it's such a shame about that cargo bay. I just suck it up and sometimes use the cargo bay to my advantage. I've mentioned it before. It helped me for some supply runs. Or cargo work. I forgot what. It was a really fun experience. And the Bombushka was actually useful. But Rockstar need to stop presenting new ways of playing the game (cargo bay) yet leave features like that broken.


This needs to be fixed, and rather quickly. Another inexcusable mistake by Rockstar. I love the idea of the cargo bay. But... it doesn't work? it's a flyable washing machine right now.

Need to take that new car, motorcycle, security van, or even bicycle for a... SPIN?



  • Like 3

Anyone else notice that whatever you put into the Bombushka's cargo bay (same as the Cargobob) behaves as if it's been put into a giant washing machine? They need to fix the physics for both aircraft. And the speed is unimaginably slow. I sometimes feel confident that a bicycle is as fast as the Bombushka. Minus the ability to fly, really.


A 50% increase in speed would not be anywhere near generous. Only thoughtful. And it's such a shame about that cargo bay. I just suck it up and sometimes use the cargo bay to my advantage. I've mentioned it before. It helped me for some supply runs. Or cargo work. I forgot what. It was a really fun experience. And the Bombushka was actually useful. But Rockstar need to stop presenting new ways of playing the game (cargo bay) yet leave features like that broken.


This needs to be fixed, and rather quickly. Another inexcusable mistake by Rockstar. I love the idea of the cargo bay. But... it doesn't work? it's a flyable washing machine right now.


Need to take that new car, motorcycle, security van, or even bicycle for a... SPIN?



Yeah i noticed that. This guy on the forums litterally crammed his chernobog into one

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Im assuming its a bug else it would be the same for all players? I wouldnt mind an armor buff though but I guess that goes for most people.


Does anyone actually use it these days? Ive payed full price and only flew it 3 times tbh



It´s a bug 100%. I also ate over 3 explosive sniper rounds with my savage without even smoking. Then again, i get randomly blown up by just 1 bullet, doesn´t matter if it´s a avenger or savage. I read somewhere in the forums here that those explosive resistances on the aircrafts are scripted. Maybe these scripts bug out sometimes, resulting in either instantly blown up or no damage at all.

Edited by SHOKKERZ91
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wish we could have the same customization options for the Titan... Really don't want to spend 4 million into a old era cargo plane when the brand new Titan is twice cheaper and faster. I got to meditate about it.

Wish we could have the same customization options for the Titan... Really don't want to spend 4 million into a old era cargo plane when the brand new Titan is twice cheaper and faster. I got to meditate about it.

Its a cool plane though. If you're into big planes, you should definitely consider it next time its on sale ... That said, the 'Bushka is not for public lobbies.

Is there a special option in the interaction menu to open the back door of the Bombushka?


I keep seeing video of people opening the back cargo door and driving the deluxo into the back mid-flight.

There sure is, see the post by Gridl0k that's eight posts above yours for example.
Wastelander (Suzuki)

So, Me and NightFox broke the game. We somehow godmoded the Bombushka by complete accident, some salty jet bois was the results.






Edited by Suzuki Azure Vulpine
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I love using this thing but find myself using it less and less due to not having friends online. It is slower than the Titan, I tried to race one in A Titan of a Job and could not keep up. Super fun to fly especially with its short landing roll and JATO though. I just wish they would boost the cruise speed. I understand you want it to be slow when trying to gun down ground targets. But seriously how hard would it be to make idle a slow cruise speed and then really boost it up when you apply the throttle. I swear the Cessna (forget the in-game name) is faster.

Edited by ronbonjovi
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  • 2 weeks later...

With Doomsday Heists enabling aircraft door controls, it is at least fun to screw around with friends once in a while.



Edited by Mattoropael
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What about the Chernobog? Has anyone tested the max range of the cannons vs a Chernobog's max lock range?

I think the guns on this have 500m. Which is good - longer than the lock on range of a homing launcher.


But not Chernobog lock on range. That can reach 1500m. The only thing I can see reaching further than that is an Avenger - and that often just glitches out anyway.


With Doomsday Heists enabling aircraft door controls, it is at least fun to screw around with friends once in a while.





In my opinion, that's currently it's only redeeming feature, and the only reason I haven't sold mine.


Yep, useful for solo deliveries:








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