WildBrick142 Posted April 23, 2017 Share Posted April 23, 2017 (edited) This is the first license plate mod for GTA V made to function as an add-on. Seven plates have been taken from iFruit files and modified to include stickers and/or normal maps, while the rest were made from scratch. All plates are lore-friendly. Kind of a shame Rockstar never included the ones featured in iFruit files, it would add some variety to customization.Lore-friendly plates and state names/slogans aim to be satirized the way Rockstar would do it (or at least close to that because we all have a long way to reach that R* satire quality), and are not meant to offend anyone. If I accidentally release a seriously offending plate, let me know and I will correct/remove it. Naming suggestions are welcome as long as they are somewhat relevant to the state they parody and are not highly offensive.HistoryThe first plate I have created has been "Vice City" (even the folder I make and store license plates in is called "vicecity" to this day) for the purpose of taking some screenshots of the Grotti Cheetah Classic that was recently converted by @_CP_ at that time.A few months later, once the Liberty City DLC rumors and wishlists started popping up if I remember correctly, I thought of making a prank, in the form of a fake Snapmatic picture, on the Next DLC Speculation thread. I have made the Liberty City plate and took green-screened screenshots. The plan was foiled as I was unable to turn the image into Snapmatic format without the game throwing up a "This image is corrupted." error. That idea has died with the plate. I was thinking of modifying the remaining iFruit plates and releasing the whole set as a mod but since tons of other people have already done that, meaning I wouldn't be bringing anything fresh to the table, I decided not to.On August 11, 2016, it has finally happened. "It" being carcols.ymt. Decoded, readable and editable. All thanks to the OpenIV Team. As I checked the file out I noticed that the license plates were defined in great detail. Me being the usual curious self, I added on the Liberty City plate and Vice City plate I had lying around for almost a year. I was surprised to see it worked! Liberty City and Vice City plates were now independent - no more texture replacing nonsense. I quickly went ahead and converted the remaining iFruit plates, and played with some of the other options that allowed me to control their text size, placement and color. Later that day, 8 hours after the release of carcols.ymt, I have released the first version of my mod to GTA5-Mods.com; New License Plates [Add-On].Since I am a massive fan(boy) of USA, one of the every things I admired were the license plates. How they looked nice and interesting, were varied, and did not ruin the look of the car as easily (imo), in most cases at least. The next day, I started recreating that one plate R* falsely advertised back in the day (then again, they said we'd get the text, not the actual design) and once that was done, I started my goal of doing all the states in a lore-friendly form. Starting off with North Volucrina (North Carolina), then Robada (Nevada), and lastly Alderney (New Jersey), before updating the mod with more and more plates over time.And now we're here.Versions/Changes/DownloadLATEST RELEASE: 25DEC217 (12/25/2017)"It's that time of the year, when it is snowing to the point hell can freeze over and seeing how this is San Andreas we're in, it's probably an apocalypse. Is it not cold enough for you? Head out to Minnewa or Misquakewan. Still not cold enough? Tanadux is your friend. But then, you might as well head out to Carcer City for a quick death, or just chuck yourself down a volcano in Haiateaa. Or do you not care about weather conditions and prefer to chill out to 1980's insipred movies and music? In that case we've managed to cram in another San Andreas variation - The Retrowave. Merry Christmas!"Updated compatibility to GTA Online:The Doomsday Heist (v1.0.1290.1). Added OpenIV package for easier installation. Added seven new plates: Added seven new plates: Minnewa, Yankton (clean), Misquakewan, Carcer City, Tanadux, Haiateaa, SA RetrowaveCarcer City plates included in the mod with permission from BLACKHACK09, modified to keep them consistent with other plates in the mod. www.carcer.gov and CCPD plates are optional variants. Updated San Andreas (Yellow) plate, it is not as bright anymore.The original bright color is now an optional variant. Rewritten the installation instructions. Hopefully they are more clear now. Thanks to futurestoryteller for feedback and suggestions. Updated random chance carvariation files with the seven new plates. The chances are:3% for San Andreas (Retrowave) [select vehicles only] 1% for Yankton (clean) [20% for snowy vehicles] 1% for Misquakewan 1% for Minnewa 1% for Carcer City 1% for Tanadux 1% for Haiateaa Download from GTA5-Mods!PREVIOUS RELEASES: 05SEP217 (09/05/2017) Updated compatibility to GTA Online:Smuggler's Run (v1.0.1180.1). Smuggler's Run vehicles can now spawn with the new plates in traffic. Removed mod compatibility.Mod compatibility will be uploaded as a separate mod at a later date. 11AUG217 (08/11/2017)"Celebrating our one year anniversary, we've got some more new plates in stock including a special Anniversary plate! Show off your support for the classics with the Yellow San Andreas plate, or impress the president with the Jefferson, C.D. plate. Or are you into sightseeing? In that case, we've got something for the ever-rainy Jefferson, the colorful scenery of Coloverdo, the snowy plains and mountains of Colina, and the endless dairy factories of Meskousin. In addition, decorate your plates with some dashes and arrows! Happy birthday to us, and thank you for the support!"Added seven new plates: Colina, Coloverdo, Jefferson, Jefferson C.D., Meskousin, San Andreas (Yellow), Anniversary Plate Updated random chance carvariation files with the seven new plates. The chances are:8% for San Andreas (Yellow) 4% for Jefferson 2% for Colina 2% for Coloverdo 1% for Jefferson, C.D. 1% for Meskousin 1% for Anniversary Plate [select vehicles only] Added support for extra plate characters.The characters are >, -, and < These characters can't by typed in a trainer, you will have to manually edit the vehicle data (for Simple Trainer, edit your saved vehicle's "PText" data in trainer.ini). They also don't display in Rockstar Editor - no fix for that since that's how the game saves the clips. Added support for IVPack, thanks to @_CP_ for permission. Added support for Vanillaworks and Vanillaworks Extended, thanks to @Boywond and @Carrythxd for permission. Added support for World of Variety, thanks to Cass for permission. 04JUL217 (07/04/2017)"During the summer you're bound to find some boring and not-so-boring events, so why not participate in some? Arts showcase, random giveaways on the Crosswalks of San Andreas and Liberty City, maybe even a car show of Coquettes. There's something for everyone. And, if you're not into events, nothing is stopping you from visiting some landmarks such as the swamplands in Maraisiana or the mountains in Cascadia."Updated compatibility to GTA Online:Gunrunning (v1.0.1103.2). Added six new plates: Maraisiana, Cascadia, San Andreas (Arts), San Andreas (Coquettes), San Andreas (Crosswalk), Liberty City (Crosswalk) Updated random chance carvariation files with the six new plates. The chances are:15% for San Andreas (Arts) 5% for Cascadia 2% for San Andreas (Coquettes) [invetero Coquette models only] 1% for Maraisiana 1% for Liberty City (Crosswalk) 1% for San Andreas (Crosswalk) 12APR217 (04/12/2017)"Remember when Vice City has celebrated its 100-year anniversary in the 90s? One has thought the limited-edition commemorative plates were lost over the years, and ones that survived had owners that kept them in poor condition, yet that wasn't the case. Some brand new plates were found, and it's your chance to get them again! And if Vice City is not your thing, there are a few Alamo plates to choose alongside a Cataldo plate for this spring."Added four new plates: Alamo Classic, Alamo (Graphics), Alamo (Graphics 2), Cataldo Re-did one plate: Vice CityGold sticker variant is the default. Variations with SA orange sticker and higher "Vice City" logo placement are included, and have to be installed manually. Updated random chance carvariation files with the 4 new plates. The chances are:2% for Alamo Classic, Alamo (Graphics) and Alamo (Graphics 2) 2% for Cataldo Vehicles from the base game can now spawn with the new plates in traffic! Finally! 25DEC216 (12/25/2016)"This winter, show your affection for some of the colder climates by rocking the brand new North Yankton and South Yankton plates, and, if it's too cold for you, there's always the San Andreas Firefighter and South Volucrina plates to show you prefer warmer places! Whether you believe retired firefighters shouldn't renew stickers in San Andreas, New Libertonians should have stickers on plates again, or are completely devoid of opinions, there are some alternatives to choose from."Added four new plates: North Yankton, South Yankton, South Volucrina, San Andreas FirefighterSan Andreas Firefighter has a sticker-less variant. Re-did three plates: Liberty City - Blue, Liberty City - Yellow, Liberty City - WhiteSticker-less variants are now default. Variations with stickers are included, and have to be installed manually. Removed "all plates, all dlc vehicles" carvariations pack as the plates are now selectable from at least two trainers (Simple Trainer and Menyoo). Until I reach the trainer's 35 plate limit, it will not be needed. Updated compatibility to GTA Online:Import/Export (v1.0.944.2). Updated random chance carvariation files with the ten new plates. The chances are:5% for Epsilon Program 3% for Hareona 2% for San Andreas Firefighter 2% for North Yankton 2% for South Yankton 1% for Lincoln 1% for Miami 1% for Miami Classic 1% for Miami Classic 2 1% for South Volucrina 09OCT016 (10/09/2016)Updated compatibility to GTA Online:Bikers (v1.0.877.1). Added GTA Online:Bikers carvariations.meta to "all plates, all dlc vehicles". Updated existing carvariation files with additional colors by Rockstar. 17SEP916 (09/17/2016)Added six new plates: Lincoln, Epsilon Program, Miami, Miami Classic, Miami Classic 2, Hareona. Miami Classic Plates include alternative variants. Corrected textures for Patriot Beer and Los Santos Shrimps in the manual addon/replacement folder. The plates now have screws on them. Updated "all plates, all dlc vehicles" carvariation files (only, for now) to include new plates. 16FIX162 (08/16/2016b)Fixed spelling mistake on Robada Plate.16AUG816 (08/16/2016)Added four new plates: San Andreas Lake, North Volucrina, Alderney, and Robada. Alderney Plate includes alternative variants. Fixed an issue with Patriot Beer and Los Santos Shrimps. Now both plates include screws as supposed. Changed Vice City's plate text color from dark green to light blue. Thanks to SwaGGer_1337 for suggestion! Added alternative variants for Liberty City - White, and Vice City. Those do not come by default, so you will have to change normal plate variants yourself with the provided textures. Included optional carvariation files that make all DLC vehicles spawn with a small chance of those plates (Keep in mind that once you change plate to any stock one you won't be able to get it back!). The chances are:35% for San Andreas Lake 15% for Sprunk 10% for Patriot Beer and Los Santos Shrimps 5% for Liberty City - Blue and White 4% for Robada 3% for Liberty City - Yellow 2% for Alderney 1% for North Volucrina 1% for Vice City Warning: Not all vehicles may spawn with these plates (Full list in a text file called "Vehicles and their plates")! Trying to keep it somewhat realistic (though probably my choices were dumb, oh well). Of course, if you want the cars have all the plates, I have included a different set of carvariation files. Just keep spawning the car until you get the plate you want. INITIAL VERSION (08/11/2016)Plates included: Liberty City - Blue, Liberty City - Yellow, Liberty City - White, Vice City, Sprunk, Patriot Beer, Los Santos Shrimps Installation I'm terrible at explaining things, so I hope this is not overly complicated.All you have to do is add vehshare.ytd to x64e.rpf/levels/gta5/vehicles/vehicles.rpf and carcols.ymt to update.rpf/x64/data, and you're good to go! If you have either file modified, instructions for manual installation are at the end of this section.Optionally, you can add carvariation files so that the plates naturally spawn on vehicles in traffic. The chance is random, and not all vehicles feature add-on plates. All carvariation files go into update.rpf/dlc_patch OR their DLC packs if they're not in dlc_patch.- Go to update.rpf/dlc_patch. You will have a bunch of DLC folders.- Go to update.rpf/dlc_patch/[dlc folder]/data. Then go to a folder with the same name of the dlc folder in the .rar archive.- Copy carvariations.meta from the .rar archive and paste it into update.rpf/dlc_patch/[dlc folder]/data.Some DLC's do not have a folder in dlc_patch. In that case, you will have to create one. Just create it the same way the others are done. Or just copy the DLC's and paste the carvariation file into dlc.rpf/data, whatever you choose. If you go through with the dlc_patch method, you will have o add another file in. The file is called extratitleupdatedata.meta and you put it in update.rpf/data, replacing the original file.There's another carvariation file inside the "x64a or update-x64-data" folder. This one is called carvariations.ymt, and it goes to a different place. You can put this one to the same place where you've put carcols - update.rpf/x64/data - or you can put it in x64a.rpf/data instead.If the game crashes, either I've done something wrong or You've done something wrong, or compatibility issues occurred. Best to let me know if the game crashes after installing this mod, so that the problem can be identified and fixed faster.To install plates manually, you will have to add the plate code into carcols.ymt (code is included in the readme). For the plate textures, you add them to vehshare.ytd exactly as they are. Alternative plate textures have to be replaced manually regardless, all you have to do is replace the corresponding texture. No easy way for carvariations - you will have to add, or copy, all the probabilities manually, or just wait for a compatibility version or something.Or just use the OpenIV package.Spawn InfoCurrently there is no known way to get the plates to appear in Los Santos Customs. There are trainers (Simple Trainer and Menyoo for example) out there that allow to select added on plates. Another way to get them to spawn is by circulating them in traffic, which is, unfortunately, a quite tedious step. Nothing is stopping you from replacing existing plates, though, if you don't want to go through all the trouble of adding them to traffic and/or don't like using trainers.So if you want to go through with adding probabilities manually, or would like them to install in custom add-on mods, these are the names you will have to add into the "Plate Probability" section in carvariations.meta.- Liberty City Plate- Liberty City Plate 2- Liberty City Plate 3- Vice City Plate- Sprunk Plate- Patriot Plate- Shrimps Plate- SA Lake- North Birds- Alderney Plate- Robada Plate- Lincoln Plate- Epsilon Plate- Miami Plate- Classic Miami Plate- Classic Miami Plate 2- Good Desert- North Yankton Plate- South Yankton Plate- South Birds- SA Firefighter- Alamo Plate- Alamo Plate 2- Alamo Plate 3- Cataldo Plate- Swampland Plate- Cascadia Plate- SA Coquettes- LC Crosswalk- SA Crosswalk- SA Arts- Colina Plate- Coloverdo Plate- Jefferson Plate- Capital Plate- Meskousin Plate- SA Yellow- Anniversary Plate- Minnewa Plate- yankton plate 2- Misquakewa Plate- Carcer City Plate- Tanadux Plate- Haiateaa Plate- SA RetrowaveCredits/ThanksRockstar Games - for leaving the iFruit plates behind, and making the actual game in the first place. OpenIV Team - for decoded carcols.ymt and their tool used for modding the game. Neodymium - for MetaTool, used to get a decoded version of carvariations.ymt. GTA5-Mods - for hosting the mod. License Plates of The World - for databasing all the different license plates and their designs not just in the US but around the whole world. Wikipedia - for detailed information on license plates and places in the United States. Adobe - for Photoshop, I gotta make these plates somehow after all. NormalMap Online - for the online normal map generator because I haven't a clue how to make those myself. Google & its Search results (too many to list, sorry :c) - for detailed information on state names, places, license plates, and pretty much everything used to help make this mod. The Community - for suggestions, and downloading the mod. _CP_ - for permission to create support for IVPack. Boywond & the Vanillaworks Team - for permission to create support for Vanillaworks Pack and Vanillaworks Extended. Cass - for permission to create support for World of Variety. BLACKHACK09 - for permission to include the Carcer City plates. futurestoryteller - for feedback and suggestions regarding the installation instructions Edited December 25, 2017 by WildBrick142 Jacobmaate, bahraini_carguy, Voit Turyv and 11 others 14 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
WildBrick142 Posted April 23, 2017 Author Share Posted April 23, 2017 (edited) Tutorial/Documentation This is the tutorial for making your own add-on license plates and some sort of a documentation for the plate settings in the carcols file. It will be updated whenever new information is found or something needs to be corrected. Once again, I hope I'm not explaining this as poorly as I think I am. Image tutorial (for easier sharing/offline use)   Text tutorial  To begin, this is how every plate looks like in the carcols file. For convenience I will use the Standard White plate.  <Item> <TextureSetName>Standard White</TextureSetName> //A <DiffuseMapName>plate01</DiffuseMapName> //B <NormalMapName>plate01_n</NormalMapName> //C <FontExtents x="0.08000000" y="0.35500000" z="0.92000000" w="0.81600000"/> //D <MaxLettersOnPlate x="7.00000000" y="1.00000000"/> //E <FontColor value="0xFF0F2352"/> //F <FontOutlineColor value="0x00FFFFFF"/> //G <IsFontOutlineEnabled value="false"/> //H <FontOutlineMinMaxDepth x="0.47500000" y="0.50000000"/> //I </Item>To make a plate an add-on, simply copy this entire code and paste it below the last one like this. Then edit the values/options to your liking, which are explained in more detail throughout this tutorial. Without going into too much detail yet, A: TextureSetName - Name of the plate. The game will use that name to load it from carvariations.meta if added there. B: DiffuseMapName - Name of the actual plate texture. C: NormalMapName - Self-explanatory. Name of the normal map texture. This is required if you want your plate to look like it has depth in-game as opposed to looking flat. D: FontExtents - How far the font extends from the left, right, top, and bottom of the plate. Used for resizing and moving the font. E: MaxLettersOnPlate - When I tested this, it didn't seem to affect the plate. I'm guessing this controls how many characters can appear on the plate, but regardless of the amount it always displays 8. F: FontColor - Self-explanatory. G: FontOulineColor - Color of the font outline. H: IsFontOutlineEnabled - Toggles whether the font outline appears. It doesn't seem to add any outlines. I: FontOutlineMinMaxDepth - I am guessing this would control the size of the outline if it actually appeared.   A: Plate Name Plate name is necessary so that the game know what do load (duh). As long as you write it correctly in both carcols and carvariations, it can be a proper name or just total gibberish.  Below is an example of a vehicle's carvariation entry. All you want to focus on is the plateProbabilities section, which has been highlighted with slashes.  <Item> <modelName>coquette</modelName> <colors> <Item> <indices> <Item value="0" /> <Item value="0" /> <Item value="0" /> <Item value="156" /> </indices> <liveries> <Item value="false" /> </liveries> </Item> </colors> <kits> <Item>64_coquette_modkit</Item> </kits> <windowsWithExposedEdges />////////////////////////////////////////////////// <plateProbabilities> <Probabilities> <Item> <Name>Standard White</Name> <Value value="100" /> </Item> </Probabilities> </plateProbabilities>////////////////////////////////////////////////// <lightSettings value="16" /> <sirenSettings value="0" /> </Item>Probability value is a percentage. Each plate has its own individual percentage. You can add five plates with a 25% chance, or ten plates with a 9% chance, there will not be any side effects. Just keep in mind, if you set the probability to 100, only that one plate will spawn. If a plate has a percentage of 33%, that plate has 1/3 chance of being chosen by the game to spawn in traffic. A plate with 99% spawn chance is more likely to be selected than a plate with 50% spawn chance. As outlined in the beginning, TextureSetName is what you should use when adding the plate name to carvariations.  B&C: Plate Textures This is where the fun begins, depends on what is your stronger suit. If you're wondering what textures are, or what do you need those for, you might want to do something else. In all seriousness, though, if you want your plate to display something, or anything, you have to add textures to vehshare.ytd and the texture name to carcols.ymt.  First of all you need to make the textures, this can be as easy or as hard as you want it to be. Either way, there are plenty of tutorials on how to make your own textures/normal maps out there. I will use this license plate with a ridiculous design that conveniently covers the other sections of this tutorial/documentation.   Name of the plate's texture must be written the same way in carcols.ymt. For example, this plate is named plate27. DiffuseMapName MUST say plate27 as well. Likewise, the normal map texture is called plate27_n thus NormalMapName section also must say this. If this isn't done correctly, the game will get confused, or try to load a/n non-/existing texture from the vehshare - the game will load the default Standard White plate or load an entirely different texture altogether. Normal maps give the plate its shape in-game. Without it, the plate would look flat.  All textures have to go to vehshare.ytd, which can be found in x64e.rpf/levels/gta5/vehicles.rpf.   D: Font Extents If your plate has a background, clutter, specific size or zone for the font, this is very important. Before carcols.ymt was decoded, the only way of tampering with plates was by replacing them. This caused issues with the immovable registration on plates which has the state name, or an artwork, or color, at the bottom or center of the plate. North Dakota, North Carolina, or Arizona are some examples. Basically anything that doesn't follow the standard SA/CA design.   As you can see, the text is overlapping the stickers to the right. This is exactly what the problem was in older license plate mods. Fortunately, it can now be fixed! This will involve manipulation of the FontExtents section of carcols.ymt. It may take a few tries, especially if you want to fine-tune the text.   <FontExtents x="0.08000000" y="0.35500000" z="0.92000000" w="0.81600000"/>To explain which value is which, here's a breakdown:X - How far the left side of the stretches across the plate. Y - How far the top of the text stretches down the plate. Z - How far the right side of the text stretches across the plate. W - How far the bottom of the text stretches down the plate.  Here's an example of all four values modified; X (0.58000000), Y (0.55500000), Z (0.52000000), and W (0.51600000). The other values were left intact.   When you set the values to either negative or further than the value of the opposite direction, the text disappears. It does not get mirrored or flipped. Neither it will extend further than the plate region. That doesn't mean it will be entirely useless, though. You can try to move the text around in a way that only some characters will appear on the plate to mimic different combinations, which are, sadly, not changeable at the moment. You will work with large text, and have little space between the letters to hide them effectively, but it works! One man's trash is another man's treasure, after all.   A tip when it comes to moving the text around is to keep the values in proportion. When you increase the first value (X or Y), increase the second value (Z or W) by the same amount you used to increase the first value, same with decreasing. For example; Y changes to 0.37500000 (increased by 0.02, previously 0.35500000), then W will have to change to 0.83600000 (increased by 0.02, previously 0.81600000). That way, you have moved the text down the plate by 0.02 points.   Here's the modified text. As you can see, it's tiny and to the left of the plate. The text first has been scaled down to let me see how it looks in-game and then decide on how to tweak it. I find the text to be small, so I will increase the size/stretch the letters a bit.   And here's the complete plate. I moved the text down a small bit and stretched it up. Below are the values of this text compared to the original. I don't recommend copying the values even if this is exactly how you'd want your text for some reason. It's better to try it for yourself, that way you'd have a better understanding of it.  <FontExtents x="0.08000000" y="0.46000000" z="0.72000000" w="0.84000000"/> //modified values<FontExtents x="0.08000000" y="0.35500000" z="0.92000000" w="0.81600000"/> //original values F: Font Color With the most complicated part out the way, this is the last thing you could use to finish your license plate. The color. Doesn't need much explaining.  As seen in the previous section, the text color is white. It's not a color on any of the available plates, so it's pretty obvious I have already changed it. For the color, you use hex values. You may notice that the hex has eight characters, not six. The first two characters are intended for controlling the opacity, the rest is the color. I wouldn't bother with opacity (leave it at FF) as all it does is makes the text darker, which is already fully achievable with the standard color hex. It doesn't have any fancy transparency effects.  The text in underlined bold is the hex of the color. <FontColor value="0xFFFFFFFF"/>   E, G, H & I: Unknown Settings The following are unknown settings that don't seem to change anything. MaxLettersOnPlate - Changing values does not do anything. I assume this was supposed to control how many characters would show up on on the plate - it is always 8 regardless of the setting. IsFontOutlineEnabled - True or False. Whether enabled, or disabled, it does not have any effect. FontOutlineColor - By default it's set to 0% opacity. Of the original plates, all have a pure white outline except for White Plate 2 (classic San Andreas plate), which has a red outline with 100% opacity and Yankton plate, which has a green outline, also with 100% opacity. FontOutlineMinMaxDepth - Possibly the size of the outline. Changing the values, negatively or positively, has no effects in-game.   Global Settings But wait, there's more! These settings are global - changing them will affect ALL plates.  <DefaultTexureIndex value="4"/> <NumericOffset value="0"/> <AlphabeticOffset value="10"/> <SpaceOffset value="63"/> <RandomCharOffset value="36"/> <NumRandomChar value="4"/>All of these settings control the letters on the plate. The Offset values control the offset of the character map on the font texture - in other words, it changes the character order.  This is the font texture. As you can see, it starts with ten numbers, the goes onto the 26 letters, and the rest is blank (space). The character count starts from 0 all the way to 35.  For example, if you changed NumericOffset to 10, the numbers would start at the letter A, not the number 0. If you would change AlphabeticOffset to 0, the actual letters would start at the number 0, not the letter A. If SpaceOffset changed to 10, the space would become the letter A.  I have not played with this enough, but this might be useful to change plate pattern/order around. DefaultTextureIndex and NumRandomChar don't seem to do anything. Either way, I don't recommend changing those.  That's all for the tutorial/documentation. Hopefully this was of some help.  Edited April 23, 2017 by WildBrick142 Clayverlags, Voit Turyv, Derrick Keno and 5 others 8 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069532479 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WildBrick142 Posted April 23, 2017 Author Share Posted April 23, 2017 (edited) Welcome to our one-stop-shop for license plates! We hope you will find something nice for your car here! The stock is expanding every now and again so if you don't see a plate you'd like, check back some other time or feel free to request a plate for the queue! All plate designs are street-legal in the State of San Andreas and are approved by the San Andreas DMV. We are currently pending approval at six locations outside of San Andreas, including LIberty City and Vice City.Proudly sponsored by Invetero and Lampadati Classic, providing us with their flagship Coquette and Tropos Rallye models, respectively, for plate fitting and testing purposes.Below is our catalog of the current stock. At the moment we have no plans to sell Canadian or Mexican plates. [table]ImagePlate NameDescriptionHistoryNotesLiberty City"A plate famous for its appearance during the time when illegal immigrants and organized mafia were tearing up the city, leaving the cops confused as every plate said "LIBERTY CITY". Is it still a replica if it features proper registration now? It will look great for when you decide to visit LC again this year!"The standard Liberty City plate as seen in Grand Theft Auto IV. Based on New York plate used from 2001-2010.Originally taken from iFruit files and modified to have stickers and normals, it has since been redone and is sticker-less with the stickered version as an option.Vice City"Commemorative plate for Vice City released to celebrate its 100-year Anniversary sometime in the 90s. Believed to have been lost forever, some collectors managed to preserve the plate and help us mass-produce it for everyone."City silhouette taken from a 1984 Vice City postcard (as seen in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories). Doesn't seem to be based on any real-life plate.Originally taken from iFruit files and modified to have stickers and normals, it has since been redone and features a single sticker with the two stickers version as an optionLiberty City (Modern)"What has changed since 2008, you ask? Apart from the flood and storm in LC making us fish one of these plates out among some rusty hipster bicycles, not much."Based on New York plate used since 2010.Originally taken from iFruit files and modified to have stickers and normals, it has since been redone and is sticker-less with the stickered version as an option.Liberty City (Classic)"A classic version of the Liberty City plate, what else is there to say? Will look perfect on your rusty old Blista Compact."Based on New York plate used from 1986-2001.Originally taken from iFruit files and modified to have stickers and normals, it has since been redone and is sticker-less with the stickered version as an option.Sprunk"We get it. You're a soda addict. And you love extreme sports. And you want to show it off more than you already do with your Sprunk Buffalo, Brioso R/A, or the Pony van you stole to have all this shipment for yourself. Have a plate."Sprunk-liveried plate. Doesn't seem to be based on any real-life plate.Taken from iFruit files and modified to have stickers and normals.Patriot Beer"If you live near the Alamo Sea and regularly show off your patriotism by blowing things up while drinking beer AND driving a US-flag-themed monster truck that's towing a Technical with your friend at the gun, all at the same time, this is for you."Patriot Beer-liveried plate. Doesn't seem to be based on any real-life plate.Taken from iFruit files and modified to have stickers and normals.Los Santos Shrimps"This is a plate worth getting shot for! Assuming you attach it to your car and drive down Grove Street."LS Shrimps-liveried plate. Doesn't seem to be based on any real-life plate.Taken from iFruit files and modified to have stickers and normals.San Andreas Lake"The government of San Andreas is actively trying to protect the state wildlife, and to do so they get funding from pricy plates such as this one. Alamo Sea preservation may have been a flop, but we're sure Lake San Andreas will be in good hands."As seen advertised by Rockstar during several Snapmatic contests in 2013/2014. Based on California's Lake Tahoe plate.Made from scratch.North Volucrina"A state established by a British prince with an obession with birds, or flying things in general. This has carried over to newer generations which not only invented the first aircraft, but were also the first to be able to take it off the ground... and then proceed to crash it."Based on North Carolina plate used in 1981-2015. North Carolina was named after King Charles I in Latin (Carolus) - "Volucrina" is a modified version of the Latin word "volucres", meaning "birds" or "flying things", in reference to how Carolina is a modified version of the Latin word "carolus", meaning "Charles", and the fact that the first plane flight happened in this state.Made from scratch.Alderney/New Alderney"A state known for its industrial wastelands and identity crisis. The state is referred to as "Alderney" by the older residents, while the hipsters and police officers refer to it as "New Alderney". Nobody knows what the actual name is anymore, and there's always conflict between those two with each side assuming they're right and others are wrong. This is the world we live in, people!"Based on New Jersey plate used since 1991. "Alderney" is a state in Grand Theft Auto IV that, in-game, shares license plates with Liberty City.Made from scratch. Includes versions with/without embossment and with "Alderney"/"New Alderney" text options.Robada"What do rich people do when they move here? They go to the illustrious casions in Las Venturas, and then start asking "What the hell happened?" as they sit on the sidewalks with nothing more but their clothes and their old car's license plate a few hours later."Based on Nevada plate used since 2001. Named after "Tierra Robada", a location in GTA San Andreas. Robada means "stolen" in Spanish, and sounds very similar to Nevada, while also being a fitting name considering that this state has Las Venturas (Las Vegas). "The Aluminum State" slogan comes from the real life "The Silver State" as both are similar in terms of color - also aluminum foil and Area 51, get it?Made from scratch.Lincoln"This state is well-known for two things. The president's birthplace and hackers. We doubt people wanted hackers to be officially recognized on a license plate, so the president it is!"Based on Illinois plate used since 2001. Naming comes from Abraham Lincoln and the real-life text "Land of Lincoln". "Land of Peoria" is based on the town of Peoria which was one of the oldest settlements (and the first European settlement in the state), and Native American tribes, in Illinois (or at least that's what Google tells me) - I guess that's also the name of the president in GTA world? R* didn't make a list of GTA-world presidents - or states - so I had to improvise, as usual.Made from scratch.Epsilon Program"Kifflom!"Kifflom! Kifflom, Kifflom, Kifflom Kifflom!Kifflom, Kifflom. Kifflom.Miami"Much like the necessity of drastic plate design changes, the state's relevance has also fallen since the 80s."Based on Florida plate used since 2003. While trying to make up names, I was thinking - Miami was mentioned before GTA:Vice City was a thing. Then Miami became Vice City. So I thought to myself, why not clear this up by assuming "Miami" is the state name? I blame Rockstar.Made from scratch.Miami (Classic)"All groups of people have a small percentage. For example, some people grew up with TV shows about some cops in Vice City. While the Grotti Cheetah is more popular, there is that 1% that prefers the Stinger replica built on top of a Coquette and finds it more nostalgic. Now it's your chance to be that 1%. Fulfill your childhood dream!"Based on Florida plate used in 1978-1986.Made from scratch. Includes variation without a scratched month sticker.Miami (Classic (2))"So what about the Cheetah, then? Yes, we've got those people covered, too."Based on Florida plate used in 1986-1991.Made from scratch. Includes variation without a scratched month sticker.Hareona"Welcome to... uh... well... a good desert I suppose? Bring a good dessert in the form of ice cream, assuming they don't evaporate by the time you get here with your shiny new plate."Based on Arizona plate used since 1997. Name comes from Basque "harea ona" meaning "good sand", similarly to how Arizona (or at least one of the reasons) comes from Basque "haritz ona"/""aritz onak" meaning "good oak".Made from scratch.North Yankton"Ah, yes, "Discover the Soul". This was quite a controversial slogan considering that people literally started digging up graves in barren towns to find souls. Apart from all the snow, and the Mid-West's Biggest Beaver, that's North Yankton for you."Based on North Dakota plates used in 1993-2015. Thanks to Rockstar, I did not need to think of any names for this state and its South equivalent. No, it does not replace the original Yankton plates.Made from scratch.South Yankton"This is where four famous presidents have their faces carved on a mountain and printed on a license plate. That's about it."Based on South Dakota plate used in 2007-2015. something something North Yankton.Made from scratch.South Volucrina"Is it a sunrise? Is it a sunset? No, it's a license plate, dummy. You put it on your car, hello? On a serious note... well... you know what? We don't have a serious note."Based on South Carolina plate used in 2008-2016. Name is already explained in the North variant. One wonders why I haven't made and included this long ago along with the North variant. Oh well, now it is.Made from scratch.SA Firefighter"To honor the heroic firefighters that risk their lives making sure places like the FIB building don't burn down to the ground, the firefighters, whether current or retired, get an option to use this plate instead. Of course, we can still sell it to you if you have nothing to do with fighting fires and prefer torching FIB buildings instead."Based on the California Firefighter plate.Made from scratch. Includes sticker-less version.Alamo Classic"We're not sure why "plate visibility" was enough of a problem to do something about it when half the people don't know how to drive to begin with, especially in the winter when every road turns into a trucking carnage due to the one inch of snow that has fallen overnight. Comes with a feeling of a deja vu, because it resembles an old design no-one cares about."Based on Texas plate (known as "Texas Classic") used since 2012. Name comes from The Alamo Mission which was assaulted by Mexican troops during Battle of the Alamo in San Antonio in 1836 and has become one of Texas' most famous landmarks.Made from scratch.Alamo (Graphics)"So you ask what caused visibility to be a problem? This plate should answer your question. If it hasn't, we guess someone out there has a vision problem."Based on Texas plate used from 2009 to 2012.Made from scratch.Alamo (Graphics (2))"Just so you know, the space shuttle and the cowboy do not mean you are, or were, an astronaut, let alone a space cowboy. It does mean you have a license plate with some fancy graphics, though."Based on Texas plate used from 1999 to 2009.Made from scratch.Cataldo"This state provides state-of-the-art technology to multi-billion dollar video game companies in order to keep their online services running 24/7. Not just that, they're edible, and ridiculously cheap. You'd think such tech would be more expensive than a space agency's supercomputer, yet a bag costs around five bucks. Increase the notoriety of this technological wonder even further with this shiny new plate."Based on Idaho plate used since 1998. Named after the The Silver Valley's Old Mission State Park, which is also known as the Cataldo Mission, which is the oldest standing building in Idaho and a national historic landmark.Made from scratch.Maraisiana"Hop onto an airboat and don't fear the alligators that will be surrounding you - they're relatively harmless, compared to Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez who hates that place for some reason. Now, head down to Lago Zancudo with this plate and show everyone you mean business - including the alligators and angry Colonels."Based on Louisiana plate used from 2011-2014. Named after the French word "marais" which translates to "marsh" or "swamp" in reference to the state's French history and its abundance of swamplands.Made from scratch.Cascadia"Whether you love this state and want to visit every single landmark it has to offer including the famous Cascadia Trail, or hate it so much you want to level it down with a superstorm after some Deluxo Time Machine shenanigans, you can't do it without this plate."Based on Oregon plate used since 1990. Named after "Cascadia", a bioregion in the Pacific Northwest of North America - the name "Cascadia" was first used by the town of Cascadia, Oregon, that was settled in 1890, before the name was applied to the region.Made from scratch.San Andreas Coquettes"If you're not driving one of the most iconic American cars, the Coquette, why do you even want this? It's your choice, but... ah, forget it. We borrowed the idea for this from the folks at Windy City, by the way, they just don't know about it. Intended for car shows but, as usual, we don't see anyone breaking laws."Based on Illinois' Windy City Corvettes plate used in 2014.Made from scratch.Liberty City Crosswalk"Welcome to the land of crosswalks and some of the most awesome people on earth! Listen out for a klang, set off some bangers, and have fun with people talking in a British voice. This one is a must-have for collectors and fans of a particularly awesome company. Free for those who are lucky enough to be selected."Based on the 2014-2017 Rockstar Broadcast Team intro & background and the Crosswalk Tee. I was bored and it turned out better than expected, so why not?Made from scratch.San Andreas Crosswalk"Why did a collector cross the road? To avoid this horrible joke, and collect one of those awesome Limited Edition plates we borrowed from LC. After we select a lucky winner, of course!"Based on the 2014-2017 Rockstar Broadcast Team intro & background and the Crosswalk Tee. If Liberty City got one, why not San Andreas too?Made from scratch.San Andreas Arts"In these days, where "art" is merely a solid block of color, you'd wonder why didn't we just import an European plate and called it day. Because we don't understand modern art, and we like our license plates to look nice. Buying this, you will be supporting the San Andreas Arts Program which teaches aspiring artists something more than a single brush stroke worth a million bucks."Based on the California Arts plate.Made from scratch.Colina"If you come here and order this plate, you won't even need to show your identification! Because we know you've never been to Colina, and are only trying to get this plate to register your supercar tax-free. When Exempt plates don't work out, this is a slightly safer alternative. "Slightly" being the keyword here.Based on Montana plate used since 2010. Named after "colina" which is a Spanish word for "hill", similarly to how "montaña" is a Spanish word for "mountain".Made from scratch.Coloverdo"A colorful state is what we've got to say on it. Want your water to evaporate twice as fast? They've got you covered. Want to have a picnic on the greenest of fields? They've got you covered. Want to go skiing in winter? They've got you covered. Want a new license plate? Unless you move there you're not going to get one, but don't worry - we've got you covered."Based on Colorado plate used since 2000. The name is a bit of a custom word meant to reference Colorado's name as "colorado" means "red color" in Spanish. "Coloverdo" is supposed to mean "green color" (the proper way would actually be "color verde"), in reference to one of Colorado's landmarks, the Mesa Verde (green table). In addition, Google Translate tells me that "coloverdo" means "hanging" for some reason (even though translating "hanging" into Spanish gives me a verified "colgando"), so if that's true it is also fitting because Mesa Verde contains many cliff dwellings.Made from scratch.Jefferson"This little corner of the Pacific Northwest USA never loses its green colors and rainfall. Whether you're looking to check out fishing villages, climbing the mountains, or just admiring the views from under your umbrella, this state is sure to provide your needs."Based on Washington plate used since 2010. Named after Thomas Jefferson, the Third President of The United States and one of the founding fathers. Emerald State slogan comes from Seattle's (one of Washington's largest cities) nickname; Emerald City.Made from scratch.Jefferson, C.D."Looking for places to rob? Wanting to commit suicide? Desiring to be remembered as the most insane individual to walk this planet? Check out the capital city, then! With a federal force ten times as deadly as the LSPD, SAHP, and the Los Santos FIB, what could go wrong? In the worst case scenario you'll be vaporized, but the clowns over there may be able to help avoid this fate."Based on Washington, D.C. plate used since 2003. C.D. stands for "Capital District" or "Columbia District".Made from scratch.Meskousin"Not a happy place for the lactose intolerant, Meskousin is one step away from building another dairy factory and a bus trip away from North Yankton's climate."Based on Wisconsin plate used since 2000. Named after "Meskousing", the first recorded name for what today is the Wisconsin River.Made from scratch.San Andreas (Yellow)"Officially, the state of San Andreas did not approve this plate due to the lack of necessary signatures. We said "screw signatures", and made one of these anyway, also officially. Come on, how much effort does a flat-colored plate with the same embossing template require? We feel like the state got lazy. Not us - not today. Questionable uses of this plate are unofficial, however."Based on California plate used in 1956-1962. This particular plate is a reference to one of the legacy plate designs that did not meet the required amount of orders.Made from scratch.Anniversary Plate"Los Santos License Plate Specialists is now one year old! Time flies when you're having fun. We made this free-of-charge plate for this special occasion. Be on a lookout, as the flagship models of our sponsors are already rollin' around with these."This mod is now one year old! Thank you all for nearly one thousand downloads and all the support! Not based on any particular plate.Made from scratch.Minnewa"With more lakes than the amount of snow-related jokes we've made about the northern states, it is quite evident Mother Nature has went too hard on the "Randomize" button. You can have a lake next to your house, your job, your soul, there are lakes everywhere to the point it has almost become a piece of merchandise. Now it's time for an obligatory snowfall joke, that's how cool we are; these lakes can freeze too."Based on Minnesota plate used since 2009 (which is basically the same design used since 1978 but with some minor details changed). Named after the Dakota Sioux "mnÃ" and "wa", meaning "water" and "snow" respectively, in reference to Minnesota being named after the word "mnisota" meaning "clear water".Made from scratch.[/table] Edited December 25, 2017 by WildBrick142 universetwisters, Testeuros, BS_BlackScout and 8 others 11 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069532480 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WildBrick142 Posted April 23, 2017 Author Share Posted April 23, 2017 (edited) Reserved for when I reach the 40 images limit.  Limits suck. here's part two of the catalogue. [table] Yankton (Classic (Clean))"Back when people couldn't differentiate between north and south, west and east, or left and right, this was the kind of plate they used. "Yankton". This one's clean of any dirt, rust, weathering, shenanigans, and rap sheets of the previous owners."  A clean version of the Yankton plate. Redrawn using existing vanilla plates as a base. Misquakewan"Home to degenerate cities such as Carcer City, Misquakewan is the prime example of industries going terribly wrong while the rest of the state participates in adversarial contests with the neighboring Minnewa as to which state has the most lakes. Better bring your deruster when going on vacation here."  Based on Michigan plate used since 2013 with inspiration from the previous iteration used from 2007 to 2013. Named after the Ojibwe word "miskwaabikokewin+an" which means "copper miner" (the real life Michigan was named after the Ojibwe word "mishigamaa", which means "large lake") in reference to the Upper Michigan Copper Country which is the largest commercial deposit of native copper in the world, and in some reference to Michigan being part of the Rust Belt even though copper doesn't rust but corrodes so I needed to improvize. Made from scratch. Carcer City"Please stop me... from laughing. Seriously, you think you can survive a day here? This plate doesn't have any magical powers to protect you and we don't provide any military-grade escorts but hey, if you really insist on going there, more power to you! We will assume this is your final time purchasing from us." Inspired from Michigan plate used from 2007 to 2013.  Created by BLACKHACK09, modified for consistency and included in the mod with permission from the creator.  Tanadux"With 365 days of extreme snowfall per year and the days of the gold rush long gone, you will be more likely to strike gold once again than find a square inch of the outdoors that isn't covered in snow. This is a great plate for potential prospectors that would soon realize there is no gold, and swiftly freeze to death." Based on Alaska plate used since 2005. Named after the Aleut words "dux" and "tanaq", meaning "snowstorm" and "land" respectively, in reference to "alaxsxaq"/"alyeska" being the Aleut for "Alaska" even though that's incorrect according to a book on the Aleut language.  Made from scratch. Haiateaa"This plate is a magnet for volcanoes, and we were lucky to find one that isn't set on fire along with everything else. No pot of gold on this end of the rainbow either, only lava and the two thousand miles of sea you'll have to cross to get back home. Welcome to paradise." Based on Hawaii plate used since 1991. Name is a combination of Hawaii and Raiatea - Raiatea is a small island that is believed to be the place where migrations to Hawaii and other islands began.  Made from scratch. San Andreas (Retrowave)"Pull up the gullwing door. Sit firmly at the driver's position of trustworthy Deluxo TM. Insert a cassette tape into the cassette player and listen to the synth blasting away. Ignore the Cliffford 2.0 cyborgs and dragons with lazers for eyes roaming around, or the fact that we still have managed to cram another San Andreas plate into our inventory update. Just sit back and relax, before continuing your survival in the darkest timeline. The future is here, and it's more deadly than ever." Inspired by retrowave designs, not based on any particular plate.  Made from scratch. [/table] Edited December 25, 2017 by WildBrick142 universetwisters 1 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069532482 Share on other sites More sharing options...
universetwisters Posted April 24, 2017 Share Posted April 24, 2017 Well done! I don't know what I like better, the witty descriptions for the plates or the fact that the North Yankton plate actually looks like the North Dakota one. If you're willing to take suggestions from someone who lives in the land of fancy plates like these, I'd suggest some antique plates like the one below that you can stick on cars that're X ammount of years old (30 in my state of Florida). It'd be a nice touch to see older cars spawn with them but then again, they aren't really fancy compared to the other ones. Â Â But seriously tho, great work WildBrick142 1 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069534282 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boywond Posted April 24, 2017 Share Posted April 24, 2017 (edited) Amazing! What about this one? Â Â Â EDIT: whoops, sorry, haven't noticed it Edited April 24, 2017 by Boywond WildBrick142 1 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069534553 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ash_735 Posted April 25, 2017 Share Posted April 25, 2017 Even though I don't mod GTAV, I love the amount of detail and research/thinking you're putting into these additional plates AND for providing the content Rockstar were supposed to back when the damn game came out! WildBrick142 and Wakka387 2 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069536914 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WildBrick142 Posted April 28, 2017 Author Share Posted April 28, 2017 (edited) Well done! I don't know what I like better, the witty descriptions for the plates or the fact that the North Yankton plate actually looks like the North Dakota one. If you're willing to take suggestions from someone who lives in the land of fancy plates like these, I'd suggest some antique plates like the one below that you can stick on cars that're X ammount of years old (30 in my state of Florida). It'd be a nice touch to see older cars spawn with them but then again, they aren't really fancy compared to the other ones. Â Â But seriously tho, great work Thanks! At the moment I'm not considering these plates mostly because (I assume) they'd be pretty rare, especially all the way on the other coast (the other, modern, plates are already more common in the mod than they probably are IRL). Though I will keep this particular plate in mind as I'm planning something that could use it. Â Â Â In other news, I've been playing a bit with the font and Liberty plates. Edited April 28, 2017 by WildBrick142 Testeuros, Voit Turyv, universetwisters and 1 other 4 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069542010 Share on other sites More sharing options...
nkjellman Posted April 29, 2017 Share Posted April 29, 2017 Looks great. I hope to see some real US state plates in addition to the fictional GTA ones. Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069544380 Share on other sites More sharing options...
universetwisters Posted May 1, 2017 Share Posted May 1, 2017 Looks great. I hope to see some real US state plates in addition to the fictional GTA ones. Â But wouldn't that defeat the purpose of this mod? Jinx. 1 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069546899 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 1, 2017 Share Posted May 1, 2017 Vice City is located within Florida "lore-wise". Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069547503 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WildBrick142 Posted July 4, 2017 Author Share Posted July 4, 2017 (edited) New update! Yes, it did take that long. I blame life. And the boring carvariation files. And the creativity that likes to stop working all of a sudden.Right now the file is pending approval. Will edit the post when it is approved. The new file has been approved!The new update includes six license plates: Maraisiana (Louisiana) Cascadia (Oregon) San Andreas Coquettes (Windy City Corvettes) Liberty City Crosswalk (Original Design) San Andreas Crosswalk (Original Design) San Andreas Arts (California Arts) *Images and more details are in the catalog above.So this one is a bit of a filler. Originally planned for plates based on Louisiana, Kansas, Arkansas, and Califorina Arts. Then I got an idea for plates based on the Crosswalk tee, and my attention moved onto Oregon - one of the reasons being the fact that I struggled with naming Kansas/Arkansas plates. Coquettes was just for screenshot purposes but I ended up liking it enough to throw it into the mix. Still better than only three plates, I guess. Looks great. I hope to see some real US state plates in addition to the fictional GTA ones. I won't do any real life plates since I'm more into lore-friendly stuff and it's more fun going creative instead of just totally copying, but if someone wishes to do a texture pack/edit based on this mod they are free to do so. Edited July 4, 2017 by WildBrick142 Carrythxd and Voit Turyv 2 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069702238 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Voit Turyv Posted July 4, 2017 Share Posted July 4, 2017   San Andreas Coquettes (Windy City Corvettes)  lel  Where do you get the spoof names for states and the like? Are these actual names in GTA lore or do you invent them on the fly? Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069702248 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WildBrick142 Posted July 4, 2017 Author Share Posted July 4, 2017  San Andreas Coquettes (Windy City Corvettes) lel  Where do you get the spoof names for states and the like? Are these actual names in GTA lore or do you invent them on the fly?  Invent them on the fly with the help of various websites with state facts & trivia. Voit Turyv 1 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069702271 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yannerrins Posted July 5, 2017 Share Posted July 5, 2017 (edited) I have a idea. What's about Capital City license plate, based on Washington DC? Â Â Edited July 5, 2017 by DidSomebodySayYouga Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069702759 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WildBrick142 Posted July 8, 2017 Author Share Posted July 8, 2017 I have a idea. What's about Capital City license plate, based on Washington DC? Â Â Â I will make one of these when I think of a name for the state of Washington. Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069708193 Share on other sites More sharing options...
[...] Posted July 8, 2017 Share Posted July 8, 2017 How about Capital (Washington) State license plates? Â Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069708758 Share on other sites More sharing options...
PJR_4015 Posted July 9, 2017 Share Posted July 9, 2017 And what about this 90s New York plate? Â Â There were some car mods back in GTA IV that came with a Liberty City version of that plate, but it would be nice to have it in V as well. Here is one such plate: Â Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069711266 Share on other sites More sharing options...
universetwisters Posted July 9, 2017 Share Posted July 9, 2017 Washington = Adams? Or one of the other founding fathers idk I slept through most of history and now it's biting me in the ass Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069711334 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WildBrick142 Posted July 20, 2017 Author Share Posted July 20, 2017 (edited) And what about this 90s New York plate?     There were some car mods back in GTA IV that came with a Liberty City version of that plate, but it would be nice to have it in V as well. Here is one such plate:    Technically one of these exist - Liberty City (Classic) - except that it has some blue color to it in addition to the red lines.  Washington = Adams?  Or one of the other founding fathers idk I slept through most of history and now it's biting me in the ass  That's a potential name. Here are mockups with the names I have so far, still unsure which one to choose.  * the name and sticker locations are swapped -and the mountain looks slightly different- so that I'm not copying the real plate entirely. Emerald State comes from one of Seattle's nicknames; The Emerald City.  -Vernon is named after Mount Vernon, Virginia, a plantation house of George Washington. (If this doesn't make it here I might reuse the name for Virginia, unless I find a better name) -Jefferson is named after Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the US and one of the founding fathers. -Adams is named after John Adams, the second president of the US (and the first VP while Washington was a president) and one of the founding fathers.  The capital will have the same name with "CD" (Capital District) added to it. Edited July 20, 2017 by WildBrick142 [...] and universetwisters 2 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069732655 Share on other sites More sharing options...
[...] Posted August 9, 2017 Share Posted August 9, 2017 (edited) Jefferson and Vernon sound good. Speaking of Washington-based plates, how about these? Â Rainier Ospreys (Seattle Seahawks) Â Rainier Deckies (Seattle Mariners) Edited August 9, 2017 by (Ambient) Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069767981 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WildBrick142 Posted August 11, 2017 Author Share Posted August 11, 2017 (edited) New Update!  Includes seven license plates: Colina (Montana) Coloverdo (Colorado) Jefferson (Washington) Jefferson, C.D. (Washington, D.C.) Meskousin (Wisconsin) SA Yellow (Unreleased California yellow legacy plate/1956-1962 California plate) Anniversary Plate (custom design) *Images and more details are in the catalog above. The presence of a plate called "Anniversary Plate" speaks for itself - the mod is now one year old. Exactly one year ago, carcols.ymt got decoded and released to the public, and the first release of this mod. Thank you for nearly one thousand downloads and the positive support and comments over the year. Less than one thousand is not a lot but such is the life of texture/"Paint Job" mods . I really appreciate this. I wish I could have done something bigger as a thank you and a celebration, though.  In addition, as a bonus, I've also added support for IVPack, World of Variety, Vanillaworks Pack, and the upcoming Vanillaworks Extended pack. If you're using any of those mods, you no longer have to mess around with the files yourself and can simply take the provided files. Just as a minor note, the vehicles and their plates list (for Vanillaworks Extended) is incomplete, wanted to release this update today and I'm kind of sick of editing carvariation-related files after the whole week.  Lastly, you can now use the dashes (-) and arrows (< and >) on the plates. Trainers don't allow you to type those in though, so you have to edit the saved vehicle data (trainerv.ini for Simple Trainer) to get those on the plate. These will not show up in Rockstar Editor, unfortunately - it appears that the Editor doesn't save these characters and instead displays a blank space.  So, yeah, that about wraps it up. Once again, thank you!   Jefferson and Vernon sound good. Speaking of Washington-based plates, how about these?   Rainier Ospreys (Seattle Seahawks)  Rainier Deckies (Seattle Mariners)  I would prefer to do the base plates first before starting on any special interest plates. Not to mention that special interest plates from other states in San Andreas would look more odd than the base plates from other states. I would be interested in making some one day though, just not now. Edited August 11, 2017 by WildBrick142 Voit Turyv, [...] and Carrythxd 3 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069772391 Share on other sites More sharing options...
RODEBLUR Posted August 17, 2017 Share Posted August 17, 2017 Can you make one of the Ohio plates Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069780866 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WildBrick142 Posted September 5, 2017 Author Share Posted September 5, 2017 This is just a quick post to note that a new update has been uploaded. No new plates this time. Just compatibility with Smuggler's Run. I've also removed mod compatibility. That will come as a separate mod sometime later. I did this because it will be more convenient for me since I don't want to be constantly updating the mod every other week and having about a thousand previous versions on the list. Â Â On another note which is also license plate related, I've uploaded a mod that restored the beta license plate text size. It's a small and subtle change, but should be interesting enough for the two or three people who like to restore cut content. Discovered this by accident before OpenIV decoded carcols.ymt last year but I completely forgot about it until I went on a nostalgia trip and noticed an odd text size. Download here: https://www.gta5-mods.com/paintjobs/beta-license-plate-font-size Ash_735, Alex106, Derrick Keno and 2 others 5 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069825167 Share on other sites More sharing options...
sjaak327 Posted December 19, 2017 Share Posted December 19, 2017 (edited) Will you be updating this for the lastest Doomsday thingy ?  Never mind  I managed to decrypt carcols.ymt, and just copied the stuff in the readme to it. Working fine now. Edited December 19, 2017 by sjaak327 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069996984 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anthonyb101 Posted December 20, 2017 Share Posted December 20, 2017 Hey, Could you make this California plate into the San Andreas? Also if you do Utah, choose one of these ones! -Thanks! Â (From Wikipedia) Cali- https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e9/CaliforniaGoldenState2GAT123.png/150px-CaliforniaGoldenState2GAT123.png Utah1- https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2e/UtahLifeElevatedArch_plate.JPG/150px-UtahLifeElevatedArch_plate.JPG Utah2- https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7c/Ski_Utah_License_Plate.JPG/150px-Ski_Utah_License_Plate.JPG Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1069997681 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WildBrick142 Posted December 22, 2017 Author Share Posted December 22, 2017 Breaking the silence with this poster of which the original idea was totally most definitely not copied from Rockstar.   Will you be updating this for the lastest Doomsday thingy ?Yup, the next update is scheduled for the 25th.  Hey, Could you make this California plate into the San Andreas? Also if you do Utah, choose one of these ones! -Thanks!  (From Wikipedia) Cali- https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e9/CaliforniaGoldenState2GAT123.png/150px-CaliforniaGoldenState2GAT123.png Utah1- https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2e/UtahLifeElevatedArch_plate.JPG/150px-UtahLifeElevatedArch_plate.JPG Utah2- https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7c/Ski_Utah_License_Plate.JPG/150px-Ski_Utah_License_Plate.JPG The California plate was already created by someone else and is already available in the Realism Dispatch Enhanced mod. As for Utah, once I have the name for it. The first one will definitely come, but no promises on the second one. universetwisters, Carrythxd and Voit Turyv 3 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1070003919 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WildBrick142 Posted December 25, 2017 Author Share Posted December 25, 2017 New Update!  Includes seven license plates: Minnewa (Minnesota) Yankton [Clean] (a cleaned up Yankton plate) Misquakewan (Michigan) Carcer City (Carcer City from Manhunt -- not made by me) Tanadux (Alaska) Haiateaa (Hawaii) San Andreas [Retrowave] (San Andreas plate with retrowave inspired design) *Images and more details are in the catalog above. So yeah, this took a while, in fact I moved the release date twice. Updating carvariations is quite a chore and then further listing all the vehicle names makes it worse (had to truck through carvariations over the past two days and completely skip writing down the vehicle names). Not to mention that real life begins to get busier leaving me with less time to work on this mod. Does anyone remembers when I said that updates will slow down? Yeah.  Anyway, Merry Christmas! Carrythxd and Voit Turyv 2 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1070010182 Share on other sites More sharing options...
MCAforPresident Posted January 5, 2018 Share Posted January 5, 2018 New Update!  Includes seven license plates: Minnewa (Minnesota) Yankton [Clean] (a cleaned up Yankton plate) Misquakewan (Michigan) Carcer City (Carcer City from Manhunt -- not made by me) Tanadux (Alaska) Haiateaa (Hawaii) San Andreas [Retrowave] (San Andreas plate with retrowave inspired design) *Images and more details are in the catalog above. So yeah, this took a while, in fact I moved the release date twice. Updating carvariations is quite a chore and then further listing all the vehicle names makes it worse (had to truck through carvariations over the past two days and completely skip writing down the vehicle names). Not to mention that real life begins to get busier leaving me with less time to work on this mod. Does anyone remembers when I said that updates will slow down? Yeah.  Anyway, Merry Christmas!   Fantastic effort on all these plates, it must really be a labour of love to see it through. Would any of these plates be available as a .png or similar in a greater resolution? It looks like the plates are a fairly small size, were they always this way, or do you scale them down? Thanks again. Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1070030545 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wakka387 Posted January 14, 2018 Share Posted January 14, 2018 waiting for a GTA IV version  good job Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/885977-wiprelv-add-on-license-plates/#findComment-1070046165 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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