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Liberty City in V mod gets new screenshots from GTANF

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Each screenshot they release it looks more and more impressive! Major kudos for those working on this and bringing something to the modding scene for GTA V that I'm sure a lot of people are thirsting for. I think Google Translate is a bit dodgy but nice little interview as well with the guys at GTANF :^:

If a half dozen guys can get this together, why can't R* figure this out as $DLC for console? This looks amazing.

If it becomes a new DLC (even for PC) where we get 50 or 60 player session along with this map, I would be throwing money like no tomorrow.

GTA V might be worth playing again.:p

  • Like 2

looks so similar to ENBseries ^^
Anyway, those guys is making a really good & hard work)

Edited by EVOLUT7ON

Here's hoping GTA VI has all the maps combined for one massive GTA Country.


That sh*t would be amazing.

A rumor on the wind is that they may release some kind of GTAUniverse for the 6 release. NO confirmation on that, though.


The rumor comes from the info that Lesl¡e Bens¡es current project, "Everywhere (aka Time for a New World," is doing just that. Of course, it's like the Wonka factory and no one really knows anything.


Lots of speculation; few facts.

Edited by fw3
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The Liberty City in V mod is probably one of the most anticipated mods over GTA V PC's lifespan. When the OpenIV Team first announced it over at the Maps Showroom forum, it was happy days for everyone expecting Liberty City to finally come to GTA V's engine, especially after a picture of Liberty City had been found on an artist's portfolio, and more even, after so many people were eagerly anticipating some sort of single player DLC for GTA V that included Liberty City...

Screens have been coming slowly, and those eagerly expecting some brand new screenshots from the OpenIV Team project, can now rest, as GTA Network France (whom our own @Yan2295 and are a part of) has gotten four brand new screenshots and an exclusive interview with GooD-NTS, the creator of the mod and lead developer of the OpenIV Team.



You can check out these screenshots below, straight from GTANF's article (click for full size versions):







You can read the full interview and check out a couple extra screens at their website below, and find a link to the mod's discussion thread as well.

Interview with the Liberty City in GTA V mod team + Exclusive Screenshots [in French]6ON4kBg.pngGTAForums' Liberty City in GTA V mod thread

Looks amazing,to bad i will never get a chance to play it :(
  • 3 years later...

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