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Snapshot 3 goals & stuff to do

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Since I never published a list of goals and things we want to include in Snapshot 3, I decided to make one.

The main goal for Snapshot 3 is to fix, improve, and add in everything we wanted to implement in the past. See it as a release to finish everything.


Links to detailed posts

Bullworth gameplay mechanics (Anything related to children is cut!)


Hidden Packages rewards and more info


More Snapshot 3 features undocumented here (some contain old plans! Please refer to this thread for all plans)


List of side missions planned for UG

  • Patriot Playground DONE
  • A Ride In The Park DONE
  • Gripped! DONE
  • Multistorey Mayhem DONE
  • PCJ Playground DONE
  • Playground On The Town NOT STARTED
  • Playground On The Point NOT STARTED
  • Playground On The Dock NOT STARTED
  • Playground On The Park NOT STARTED
  • Trial by Dirt NOT STARTED
  • Test Track NOT STARTED
  • Cone Crazy DONE
  • Pizza Boy NOT STARTED
  • Noodleboy NOT STARTED
  • Rampages VC NOT STARTED
  • Rampages LC NOT STARTED
  • Import/Export LC NOT STARTED
  • Downtown Chopper Checkpoint NOT STARTED
  • Ocean Beach Chopper Checkpoint NOT STARTED
  • Vice Point Chopper Checkpoint NOT STARTED
  • Little Haiti Chopper Checkpoint NOT STARTED
  • Distribution NOT STARTED
  • Checkpoint Charlie NOT STARTED
  • Trash Dash NOT STARTED
  • Checkpoint Race in LC: Low-Rider Rumble NOT STARTED
  • Checkpoint Race in LC: Deimos Dash NOT STARTED
  • Checkpoint Race in LC: Wi-Cheetah Run NOT STARTED
  • Checkpoint Race in LC: Red Light Racing NOT STARTED
  • Checkpoint Race in LC: Torrington TT NOT STARTED
  • Checkpoint Race in LC: Gangsta GP NOT STARTED
  • Checkpoint Race in VC: Terminal Velocity NOT STARTED
  • Checkpoint Race in VC: Ocean Drive NOT STARTED
  • Checkpoint Race in VC: Border Run NOT STARTED
  • Checkpoint Race in VC: Capital Cruise NOT STARTED
  • Checkpoint Race in VC: Tour! NOT STARTED
  • Checkpoint Race in VC: V.C. Endurance NOT STARTED
  • Checkpoint Race in BW: Race The Vale I to VII NOT STARTED
  • Checkpoint Race in BW: Bullworth Academy Grand Prix NOT STARTED
  • Checkpoint Race in BW: New Coventry Challenge NOT STARTED
  • Malibu Club dancing minigame DONE
  • Taxi Driver LC DONE
  • Taxi Driver VC DONE
  • Taxi Driver BW NOT STARTED
  • Paramedic LC DONE
  • Paramedic VC DONE
  • Paramedic BW NOT STARTED
  • Firefighter LC DONE
  • Firefighter VC DONE
  • Firefighter BW DONE
  • Vigilante in all cities DONE
  • Vice Squad DONE
  • Lowrider Challenge LC NOT STARTED
  • Lowrider Challenge VC NOT STARTED
  • Beach Party VC NOT STARTED
  • Burglary VC NOT STARTED
  • Burglary LC NOT STARTED

Changes to peds

  • Convert all VCS peds and adapt them to our pedcols system DONE
  • Convert all MH2 peds DONE
  • Convert all MH peds DONE
  • Convert all III peds DONE
  • Convert all VC peds DONE
  • Convert all LCS peds DONE
  • Make custom peds for Dunsfold DONE
  • Make custom peds for Mainland Liberty DONE
  • Make custom peds for Atlantis DONE
  • Make custom peds for UG-MP (SAMP adaption) WIP
  • Make custom cop bike peds DONE
  • Make police maverick pilot peds DONE
  • Fix all of the bugs related to peds DONE
  • Adapt the currently used VCS gang peds to the pedcols system DONE
  • Sort the ped IDs used alphabetically and by city DONE

Changes to vehicles

SA style means allowing the user to tune added vehicles, blow them up by shooting fuel caps, and making them look like actual San Andreas vehicles (but still keeping the look of the original vehicle)

  • Convert all BW vehicles & SA style them WIP
  • Convert all VC vehicles & SA style them WIP
  • Convert all III vehicles & SA style them WIP
  • Convert all MH vehicles & SA style them WIP
  • Convert all MH2 vehicles & SA style them WIP
  • Convert all unique Stories vehicles & SA style them WIP
  • Give some vehicles special features like some San Andreas vehicles DONE
  • Give vehicles unique audio where needed WIP
  • Sort the vehicle IDs used alphabetically and by city WIP

Changes to weapons

  • Convert all III weapons and give them SA styled icons DONE
  • Convert all VC weapons and give them SA styled icons DONE
  • Convert all VCS weapons and give them SA styled icons DONE
  • Convert all LCS weapons and give them SA styled icons DONE
  • Convert BW weapons which don't require specific patches or other features, or don't fit in that well and give them SA styled icons (yes, this topic said that BW weapons were excluded, but there are plenty of weapons which can be introduced just fine, as the reason for not including them was that some wouldn't fit in and others would require specific code) DONE
  • Convert all MH weapons and give them SA styled icons DONE
  • Convert all MH2 weapons and give them SA styled icons DONE
  • Sort the weapon IDs used alphabetically and by city DONE
  • Add custom weapons and give them SA styled icons (as Yhdf did a bunch of weapons in the past, and some custom weapons were already in the mod, we decided to add a bunch of extra ones) DONE
  • Update Ammu-Nation stores to sell all of the weapons of the city it is located in (since all III/LCS guns are all converted, you should be able to buy them at Ammu-Nation stores in LC, but not in other cities. In SA, nothing changes, except for a few purchase-able beta/cutscene weapons, and in VC, all VC/VCS guns can be bought.) DONE
  • Introduce Phil's Fully Cocked in Staunton Island using the LCS interior and make it sell heavy weapons from LCS (and other games, for the sake of it) DONE
  • Update Hardware Stores to sell all of the weapons of the city it is located in (same as with Ammu-Nation stores, one store sells VCS melee weapons, and another one sells VC ones) DONE

Changes to make UG more mod friendly

Mods are made compatible by patching them from Underground itself - meaning that internal changes are handled by Underground_Core.asi or through other methods. The actual mods will not be included in UG.

  • Make SAMP compatible with UG WIP - will be introduced in 3.3 update (also uncertain, depends on progress)
  • Make Project 2dfx compatible with UG DONE
  • Make Mobile HUD by DK22Pac compatible with UG DONE
  • Make ImVehFt compatible with UG DONE - only needs the plateback feature completed
  • Make V HUD by DK22Pac compatible with UG DONE - still needs support for all weapons
  • Make First person mod 3.0 compatible with UG DONE - everything works, but added peds/vehicles don't, it might be up to the developer to alter his code
  • Make CLEO compatible with UG DONE - only the latest CLEO version isnt patched yet - as we need to update CLEO
  • Make teleport to marker CLEO scripts work with UG DONE - it's done by patching CLEO itself
  • Make a downloading system which warns the user that he/she will need the modified data files for the mod in question to work - and UG will download and replace these files, and then launch the mod NOT STARTED
  • Create error messages which display when older mod versions or newer mod versions which arent supported by UG are installed DONE
  • Create error messages which display when mods which may cause problems with UG are installed (in most cases, you'll get them when you have both OLA and FLA installed (they are incompatible obviously), or when you install dynsfx.asi, grgx.asi, or even ExGangWars.asi) DONE

Content packs

  • Add a content pack which includes tunnels connecting each area SCRAPPED AND PLANNED FOR BETA 1.0
  • Add a content pack which includes the fully original vehicles SCRAPPED AND PLANNED FOR BETA 1.0

Changes to the SCM (script)

  • Introduce some side missions from the other 3D era games WIP
  • Fix all bugs related to the SCM script DONE
  • Implement Paramedic side mission in other cities WIP - VC/LC variant completed
  • Introduce rampages NOT STARTED
  • Fix a few bugs with the airplane ticket script WIP
  • Introduce a feature which allows users to ride the Liberty City trains DONE
  • Add in extra shops and safehouses to Bullworth and Liberty City WIP
  • Add in vending machines, food stands and other props handled by SCM to added cities WIP
  • Add in grocery shops to Bullworth where spud guns and other stuff can be bought NOT STARTED
  • Add Phils Fully Cocked to LC and VC - introduce all shops DONE
  • Add in all businesses from GTA: VC DONE
  • Finish all interior related scripts - bugs with the malibu club, pole position club should be fixed and introduce the bank robbing feature DONE
  • Add a scripted Bullworth lighthouse animation NOT STARTED
  • Add military feature to Fort Baxxter DONE - needs update
  • Add in the car crusher in LC NOT STARTED

Planned side mission (changes)

  • Adapt the taxi side mission so it spawns peds and has locations set for added cities DONE
  • Adapt the Paramedic side mission so it can be played with added vehicles and has hospital locations and peds spawning in added cities WIP
  • Add in offroad challenges from GTA: VC and GTA: III DONE
  • Adapt the vigilante side mission so it works with added vehicles and locations DONE
  • Add in Pizza Boy side mission from GTA: VC and allow it to be played with added vehicles NOT STARTED
  • Add in Distribution side mission from GTA: VC and limit it to Vice City NOT STARTED
  • Adapt Burglary side mission and set up robbable houses in added cities + add burglary vans to added cities NOT STARTED
  • Adapt checkpoint races side mission and introduce bike races in Bullworth, street races at Sunshine Auto's which are unlocked after buying that property, and adding street races to LC NOT STARTED
  • Add lowrider challenges to added cities NOT STARTED
  • Add beach parties to Vice City NOT STARTED

Changes to hardcoded features

  • Move changes done to hardcoded features to the ASI DONE
  • Add in a .dat file loader which allows users to assign vehicle features to their own vehicles WIP - partial customization can be done in latest release
  • Introduce two extra .zon types - one which controls weather zones and one which will be used for a gameplay mechanic in Bullworth DONE
  • Introduce hidden packages and replace the old placeholders DONE
  • Introduce Vice Squad DONE
  • Fix all of the bugs inside the vehicle feature patches DONE
  • Write a new wanted level system which makes law enforcement agencies from their respective games spawn in their respective city DONE
  • Introduce interpolating weather DONE
  • Add in a .dat file loader which allows users to add in new cheats DONE
  • Introduce a new statistics system to be used by the planned side missions DONE
  • Introduce extra SCM opcodes from GTA: VC and GTA: III to be used by some planned side missions WIP
  • Allow the game to have more than 14 radio stations and remove the SCM script used for this currently UNCERTAIN
  • Add guards to Fort Baxxter and let them shoot the player unless he is wearing the cop uniform WIP

Changes to maps & interiors

  • Introduce traffic to all of Bullworth and Mainland Liberty WIP
  • Convert all of the GTA: Vice City interiors DONE
  • Convert all of the Bully interiors WIP
  • Make all interiors from GTA: VC and Bully accessable WIP
  • Make plans for Atlantis and hopefully re-implement it WIP
  • Add rooftops to all of the VC/LC/BW buildings - all of them need to be solid and have some form of life to them WIP
  • Bullworth models need bug fixes and improvements - for example Old Bullworth Vale lacks prelightning, the school needs some extra work WIP
  • Add UV animations to several locations (III has moving text on several locations, VC has this too at the Hyman Memorial stadium) WIP
  • Add other small things to the map such as rotating fans to the Ocean Beach Hotel WIP

Bullworth game mechanics

  • Add in children SCRAPPED?
  • Add in the trespassing system - when entering zones like the school, the asylum, and the chemical plant, the game will automatically give you a two star wanted level. WIP
  • Add in curfew system tied to children SCRAPPED

Changes to CJ's clothes and outfits

  • Convert the Asylum guard outfit from Bully SE NOT STARTED
  • Convert the GTA: VC outfits and make CJ able to select them NOT STARTED
  • Convert the GTA: LCS outfits and make CJ able to select them NOT STARTED
  • Add clothes from GTA: VC, GTA: VCS, GTA: III, and GTA: LCS to the game and make CJ able to purchase them NOT STARTED
  • Convert the GTA: VCS outfits and make CJ able to select them NOT STARTED
  • Create custom cop outfits for each city - can be used for secret things NOT STARTED


Edited by dkluin
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