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Playstation have partnership rights for Red Dead Redemption 2

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Great. Knew there'd be a catch somewhere down the line.


So how much are they cutting out of the game/holding back from the xbox guys?


They're such sellouts - literally. They did this with EFLC too. I swear, anyone can just wave a dollar bill at them and they'd do anything.

Why are you getting so emotional? R* is not your gf that cheated on you or bff that owes you its loyalty. They are a business selling out and the dollar bill is their objective.

Why are you getting so emotional? R* is not your gf that cheated on you or bff that owes you its loyalty. They are a business selling out and the dollar bill is their objective.

There are businesses that don't stoop too low and treat people like cr*p. I've paid Rockstar for their games just as much as you have.


This is a thread about this topic - what, do you want me to sit here and say how glad I am that they've sold out and announced they're holding content back before it's even released?


You're only prolonging my negativity. Stop poking me.

Fancy marketing talk.

I'm with you, Bin Laden.


Sh*t, I didn't think I'd be saying that. Second thoughts, maybe not.


But, meh, I guess it's early days. We'll just have to see what it all means. Like someone said in another thread, GTA V had a similar thing, and all that resulted in was some extra grass on PS4.


Not over the moon about it, but it'll probably turn out to be smaller than expected.

Edited by Icantthinkofonew
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Der einzig Wahre

They specifically mention multiplayer DLC this does not bode well for singleplayer it's like Sony went to Rockstar HQ and were shown a road map and SP DLC was nowhere to be found.



So Playstation users get exclusive online content first, it seems. Don't see why it's such a big deal to people, as long as Xbox users will get it eventually. Besides, the majority will be playing the story mode a lot compared to the online anyway!

And then they switch to online once finished with single player, only play online and R* leave SP to rot, we know the drill..

Only if story doesnt attract people like it did in GTA V. Most people played a little and never finished it. RDR though, majority of them did play it...and thought it was a masterpiece.

As a Ps4 user, I couldn't really care less. So, we get a few extra hats & a horse a few months earlier. Don't really understand why some are upset about it. Just a video game after all & it's a bit naive to think either Sony or Microsoft wouldn't pay for exclusives.


We all know Rockstars (& every other business on planet earths) main agenda. Money. Is it really that much of a surprise?


As long as it isn't any kind of Story Mode DLC or more than 1 month exclusivity, i'm fine with it... (Xbox One player)

Most likely won't. Probably just some 'exclusive content' for online first.

Having never played the old red dead the game actually didn't interest me, but the fact that so far Rockstar have given word processor users the kick in the mouth they thoroughly deserve, and are now starting on the other Microsoft product, is raising my opinion.


Good times to be team Sony


Having never played the old red dead the game actually didn't interest me, but the fact that so far Rockstar have given word processor users the kick in the mouth they thoroughly deserve, and are now starting on the other Microsoft product, is raising my opinion.


Good times to be team Sony

If you have PS Now you can play RDR 'soon'


But if you have a PS3 or 360 and about $15, buy RDR. Really good story. Or if you have time, watch a walk through of the game.

Seeing as how I don't care about online, I doubt this will make me dust off my PS4. Which has been collecting dust for I don't even know how long now.


I'll probably get this on XBO. Much more enjoyable for me.


Also: "Hand crafted to take full advantage of PS4..."

Marketing buzzwords m8s.


They ain't sitting there sculpting the PS4 version like Michelangelo. These are just pretty marketing buzzwords they're using to play up their partnership. I doubt there will be much differences at the end of the day. Short of this 'exclusive' content coming to PS4 first.

Edited by Audiophile
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Given when the game started development (roughly obviously), i imagine the vanilla PS4 version will be nearly as impressive looking as the Pro version. Hopefully xbox don't get a less optimized version live V did with One. f*cking greedy businessmen will do anything for a profit, too bad they're willing to do so at the player's expense.


PS3 users had to wait a whole year for the kind of DLC that matters. Single Player Expansions. XB1 users only have to wait for some online content. Nothing to get emotional about. Sh*t, we're all getting RDR2 a year from now. It's a celebration b*tches!

Edited by UrbanTheEmcee
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PS3 users had to wait a whole year for the kind of DLC that matters. Single Player Expansions. XB1 users only have to wait for some online content. Nothing to get emotional about. Sh*t, we're all getting RDR2 a year from now. It's a celebration b*tches!

I told my friends last night, that if I pass in this world before hand, bury me with my PS4, a copy of GTA V, my controller and bring a copy of RDR2 to my grave on the midnight release!


I'm ready! Lol

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Pressure Drop

I'm not too bothered about the ps4-exclusive stuff. It's only early access to a few items for online.

I only have an Xbox console so I will buy it on there.


Then later I will buy the definitive version on PC, if they actually release it :lol:

Really distasteful imo.


I never expected to have content held back away from me in a R* game.


But I guess if there is enough zeros on the check, I guess they will.

Ahem, GTA IV DLC...

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PS3 users had to wait a whole year for the kind of DLC that matters. Single Player Expansions. XB1 users only have to wait for some online content. Nothing to get emotional about. Sh*t, we're all getting RDR2 a year from now. It's a celebration b*tches!

I told my friends last night, that if I pass in this world before hand, bury me with my PS4, a copy of GTA V, my controller and bring a copy of RDR2 to my grave on the midnight release!


I'm ready! Lol

I'm with You! Dead or not im still going to be kicking in the wild wild west!!!

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