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[REL/OpenSrc] Magic.TXD

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An example of the modding evolution.


I can't say how much I appreciate it.





My first TXD:



Edited by Junior_Djjr
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Does this tool features an IMG Editor aswell?

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Does this tool features an IMG Editor aswell?

We do not include an IMG editor. Instead we focused on quality internals of the TXD editor. :)


I recommend using X-Seti's IMG Factory because it supports drag and drop.

If you are working on GTA:SA modloader by LINK/2012.

Edited by The_GTA
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Thanks :)


I'm working on GTA 3 (for now), and wondered if there is any good IMG Editor. I totally forgot about IMG Manager :p

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What about NFT support? It will make Bully modding much easier.

Our focus of Magic.TXD is RenderWare. Other framework formats such as Gamebryo are out of scope. :)

You are able to mod the PS2 version of Bully.


I have ideas about Rockstar Leeds formats, very very early ideas.

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Really nice! Is it possible to use this to re-size multiple .txd files at once? I see there is an option for "Resize" for an individually selected .txd on the left pane but can I do this with multiple txds at once?

We have plans to add multi-texture selection in the next version, for resizing, removing, render properties, etc. We ran out of time :)
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One more idea:


-Bit depth conversion (textures can be 8 bit, 16 bit, or 32 bit), how about an option to convert them?

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Igor Bogdanoff

Finally, f*cking finally.

RIP TXDWorkshop

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Is it that , the release is for x64 only? Can't run it on Windows 10 x86 :alien:

The installer comes with 32bit and 64bit executables. It installs the correct version depending on what OS you are running.


But the installer tries to download Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable and Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable and then gives an error that it is unable to install VS2015 Redistributable even though I already had them installed.


I opened the setup file using 7zip and there were two magictxd.exe , extracted each of them separately and tried to run them , but it still didn't run.

Edited by Parik
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Greetings with the official release!

I can add from myself, that Magic.TXD is actively used in the development of my HRT 1.4, and soon all the textures will be rebuilded with its using.

The tool is very good.

Also MIP mapping algorithm here is much better than in G-TXD and we can avoid artifacts.

Edited by Flame
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