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Time Trial #17 "LSIA"


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Monday Again. TT18


LSIA, From the sounds of the description, it's a race through the town, from LSIA to where ever the goal might be.


Start is ontop of the parking garage in LSIA, Ends at Tonga Valley, near where we started in a earlier Time Trial.

Have fun falling off your bike when you jump off the Garage.






Edited by Khaisz
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Ah, another thread!

Yeah, me and Xiled made one thread each at exact same time(~20 seconds).

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I never knew you could restart time-trials until I just saw someone do it. Well that's quite the kick in the bollocks.

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I never knew you could restart time-trials until I just saw someone do it. Well that's quite the kick in the bollocks.

How do you do this?

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I never knew you could restart time-trials until I just saw someone do it. Well that's quite the kick in the bollocks.

How do you do this?



You just hold down, TRIANGLE on PS4 and equivalent on other platforms.

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Yes! Finally one where a stunt jump (possibly 2) may make a difference. It's wishful thinking, I know, but we'll see.

Edited by Furry_Monkey
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These ones where you start out on top of parking garages actually makes them kind of difficult. Jump down and your bike has zero suspension. XD

Edited by Xiled
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I never knew you could restart time-trials until I just saw someone do it. Well that's quite the kick in the bollocks.

How do you do this?


You just hold down, TRIANGLE on PS4 and equivalent on other platforms.

Omg, I didnt know that lol oops

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Woke up, tried this 50 times, got pissed, came here. I had a totally wrong route. f*ck me. Usually I don't check this topic until I've passed...

sorry for a bit ot.

when is the daily and weekly resets in gtao? for objectives etc

Daily objectives reset about at the same time of day as this topic was made, every day. Time trials reset on Mondays.

Edited by Bolatsi
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I never knew you could restart time-trials until I just saw someone do it. Well that's quite the kick in the bollocks.

How do you do this?


You just hold down, TRIANGLE on PS4 and equivalent on other platforms.

Omg, I didnt know that lol oops

It must have been horrific for you guys having to make your way back to the start each time! It helps a lot being able to quickly restart given the nature of the beast.

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Ok, my job for when I'm home tonight. Looks like one with a bit more bite

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Hmm, that means I have to buy and upgrade a banshee just to not beat the time cause it probably won't be possible.

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Can't believe it, done it on my second try. :panic: First try I fell off the bike after the jump...

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Did it on my first attempt. Rather than going slow over the jump and try and get between the tree and sign, I floored it and angled over toward the road. Much quicker.

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This is probably the easiest in a long time. Bikes can easily get it 10 seconds under par. Got a 1:39 on a Blackfin. Rockstar either didn't account for driving on the wrong side or they were just being generous.

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After 7 tries (caused by my poor driving skills) I finally did it in my t20, 1.42.3-- Definitely an easy time trial bc I crashed once and still had enough room to finish it without pushing too hard.

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