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chronic lumbago

I was just about to post this.



Haven't watched the awards myself because I already know what my favorite games are this year but seeing that guy makes me regret not watching it lol.


Google didn't help, was he representing a game or a company?

Edited by fashion

Sorta, he's making A Way Out which is being published by EA.

Richard Power Colt

I was just about to post this.



Haven't watched the awards myself because I already know what my favorite games are this year but seeing that guy makes me regret not watching it lol.


Google didn't help, was he representing a game or a company?

Most of the Game awards was just a bunch of ads like always, that interview was pretty much the highlight of the show.


"I'm just a little jetlagged..."...Yeah, course you are, nothing to do with copious amounts of alcohol in the system or anything...But yeah, this interview and the sly little dig at EA about micro-transactions were pretty much the highlights of the show...the rest was just advertisements followed by a 30 second slot, if that, to announce the winner of each category.

Margot Robbed Me

Just started playing Tomb Raider (2013) and this game is already going down as a horrible game due to the quick time events. It doesn't even tell me what to press so basically I'm just getting killed over and over until I figure out what I need to do. :lol: Such a great experience.

  • Like 1

Just started playing Tomb Raider (2013) and this game is already going down as a horrible game due to the quick time events. It doesn't even tell me what to press so basically I'm just getting killed over and over until I figure out what I need to do. :lol: Such a great experience.


Yeah, I was hugely disappointed in how much the game just felt like an interactive movie more than a game. I remember one small section of the game had me repeat it around 20 times just because I didn't press a direction in time and ended up getting spiked to death in a river. The combat sections are pretty fun, but in such small doses that it just doesn't make up for it. I tried getting back in to the game recently to clear stuff up, but just felt so bored, like they'd added sh*tty little side stuff just to fill the small gap between the cutscenes and QTE's.


That been said, the last game I played on the 360 was Rise Of The Tomb Raider after picking it up for like £10 at CEX the other week, and, well, this game just feels even worse. In the half hour of the game of I played, I think like 3/4 minutes of that was where I actually felt like I had some control over what to do, and not stuck in a cutscene or QTE.


I get that they wanted to try and tell the story of her earlier life, but f*ck me, it's meant to be a game, not just a story where you press a button every 10 minutes...

heeeeeeeeeeeey just to let anyone who played Night in the Woods, the Weird Autumn Edition has just released (is a free update if you own the game) so uh


go update it and start a new game


Edit: alsi if you haven't bought/played NitW, go do that

Edited by RedDagger
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PUBG's Xbox woes don't surprise me, that games secret sauce from a development standpoint is that it's been duct taped together with premade assets with an engine that hasn't really been optimised all that well for console. The lack of aim assist is hilarious too, not only does it make shooting in a game of that size and scale with a controller redonkously difficult it also means that the growing amount of keyboard and mouse players on consoles are running absolutely rampant.

it also means that the growing amount of keyboard and mouse players on consoles are running absolutely rampant.


That implies they would eventually learn kbm is better for shooters, but we both know they'll just rage and bitch til aim assist is added. Or they'll just go back to Fortnite

chronic lumbago

Normally I don't care for official GOTY popularity contests, but it blew my mind how an early access game was prefered and had a GOTY nomination and gems like Nier Automata, AC Origins, Yakuza 0 and a bunch of others didn't even have a chance.

Edited by fashion
  • Like 2
chronic lumbago



Goodbye Deus Ex. Couldn't they at least finish the damn trilogy before turning it into another online f*ckfest?


Sure, nothing is announced yet but they already tried pushing MTX in DE Mankind Divided. It's going to get even worse from now on.


Motherf*ckers didn't learn their lesson and do the opposite of what players want. The pointless MTX didn't sell well so the obvious step for them is to turn their games into whatever the f*ck they're creating now.


Sorry for the rant, I know nothing is announced yet, but I have a horrible feeling about this.




@Richard: I don't think it was even nominated for anything. Well, it certainly didn't win any awards. In my opinion, AC is finally GOTY material again. It's the best game in the franchise if you ask me, even above the almighty Ezio trilogy. It feels fresh and is a bit different than the previous titles. Finally an open world done well.

Edited by fashion

It's probably just Adderall lol, the competitive eSports scene is kinda infamous for having a surprisingly widespread issue with it.

Margot Robbed Me

In case nobody is following the MGSV thread, I'm going to ask it here. I'm only at Mission 23 so if the spoilers go beyond that, just let me know that it's all explained later.




Can anyone tell me the whole situation with Quiet and Snake? Was she not the one who attacked at the start of the game? Does Snake not recognize her when she shows back up as a sniper? Or did I miss something (a cassette perhaps) that goes into detail about it. At the moment, it just seems like Snake doesn't recognize her and has accepted her as a buddy. If it's something that gets explained later in the game, then I'll keep playing. It just bothers me at the moment.
Edited by Noale

Has anybody played RIOT - Civil Unrest


If so how is it? Worth getting?


The reviews are mostly positive, But i'd like to see what ya'll have to say

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In case nobody is following the MGSV thread, I'm going to ask it here. I'm only at Mission 23 so if the spoilers go beyond that, just let me know that it's all explained later.




Can anyone tell me the whole situation with Quiet and Snake? Was she not the one who attacked at the start of the game? Does Snake not recognize her when she shows back up as a sniper? Or did I miss something (a cassette perhaps) that goes into detail about it. At the moment, it just seems like Snake doesn't recognize her and has accepted her as a buddy. If it's something that gets explained later in the game, then I'll keep playing. It just bothers me at the moment.



It gets explained later, no worries.



In case nobody is following the MGSV thread, I'm going to ask it here. I'm only at Mission 23 so if the spoilers go beyond that, just let me know that it's all explained later.



Can anyone tell me the whole situation with Quiet and Snake? Was she not the one who attacked at the start of the game? Does Snake not recognize her when she shows back up as a sniper? Or did I miss something (a cassette perhaps) that goes into detail about it. At the moment, it just seems like Snake doesn't recognize her and has accepted her as a buddy. If it's something that gets explained later in the game, then I'll keep playing. It just bothers me at the moment



FYI instead of typing SPOILER ALERT why not use actual spoiler tags?




Insert Text Here

Edited by Ai®aCob®a

Hitman's Paris "Showstopper" level is free to download and play forever. It's a special Holiday pack which includes a lot of the extra challenges for Paris.


Just log in on Steam and download it (between 15th of December and 5th of January) and you can keep it permanently.

Edited by Fireman
  • 1 month later...

So the latest rumours on that RE2 Remake (no idea why they still haven't got anything out on it, its been ages) - are ... Meh. Hasn't got the old camera, don't even think it has typewriters (sounds like it autosaves?), they even cut the crocodile out, and stuff like the 4th survivor/Hunk's part.


I wasn't really hyped in the first place, RE5 was the last game I bought. It's just frustrating though. If you're remaking a 20 year old game, the main target is people who liked that game. All they had to do was make something with the same spirit and feel, like when they remade the first game.




So the latest rumours on that RE2 Remake (no idea why they still haven't got anything out on it, its been ages) - are ... Meh. Hasn't got the old camera, don't even think it has typewriters (sounds like it autosaves?), they even cut the crocodile out, and stuff like the 4th survivor/Hunk's part.


I wasn't really hyped in the first place, RE5 was the last game I bought. It's just frustrating though. If you're remaking a 20 year old game, the main target is people who liked that game. All they had to do was make something with the same spirit and feel, like when they remade the first game.




Eh, but the whole typewriter situation was what added to the whole horror-survival aspect of the game. Everytime you went somewhere new, you wanted to know where the first typewriter was for that feeling of safety. In a world full of auto-saving, the old style of having to find somewhere to save a game was what added to the tension - It's why I liked Dead Space too, everywhere you ventured, you always wanted to know the route to a save system. And by what you say, if they decide to change the camera to an over-the-shoulder one, then you've basically just took everything away from the original game...pointless if you ask me.


Mad to think I first played RE2 20 years ago. The 10 year old me getting grossed out by walking past a zombie, and seeing some guy curled up at a table with a fork stuck in his back. Barely played the game since then, but yet that image has always stuck in my mind. I really need to get through my RE collecton at some point...Remember that I used to like Code Veronica X, and got quite some way through it when I had it back in the day.

Edited by KilnerLUFC

I've been wondering this for quite some time and i just can't help myself but to ask: Would it be absurd and/or weird if the father owns a supercar irl but his son plays NFS Underground? And what if the father owns a Rolls-Royce?



Finally Nintendo realizes nobody wants to buy portables anymore, jumping on the smartphone wagon.

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