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Time Trial #15 "Casino"


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The Rumord Final Time Trial.

But instead, It's #15.






Edited by Khaisz
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That Turismo



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Can't use casino anyway, and then they say "Vinewood Hills mansion you'll never own." Rockstar is really rubbing our faces in it, haha.

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I'm having issues with this one - using the Hakuchou and getting around 1:10. There's gotta be a shortcut somewhere...

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Feck, that one looks tight and no real shortcuts.

No problem for the Bati.

Can't use casino anyway, and then they say "Vinewood Hills mansion you'll never own." Rockstar is really rubbing our faces in it, haha.

One of the many reasons I love Rockstar.
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Welp, I beat it on my ass



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Goddamn, this traffic is gonna make me rage. I've probably restarted like 20 times now. This is a tough one, to be honest.

I'll give that route a go. Shortcuts will really help for this one.

Edited by livejoker
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I just completed this time trial. Didn't even think to record it until after, but I will work on getting a video of it. Anyways, I started on my Double-T motorcycle facing north. After leaving the Casino driveway, I took a left and drove down the hill, across the highway (if you're lucky, you won't get hit) back up the hill and onto the road. From there you just follow the GPS to the finish line.


I don't see how this could be done without jumping the highway, because even with that shortcut I only finished with half a second left, and I consider myself a very good driver. It's definitely a hard race; no mistakes allowed.

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Beat it with Bati, But something broke in GTA.

There is no "Finish" thing popping up.

So I have to beat it again. to get a better video


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There is no "Finish" thing popping up.

sometimes the HUD gets glitchy for me and the timer disappears mid run for no reason.
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Welp, I beat it on my ass

Great success, high 5. Get a vid for us?



I just completed this time trial. Didn't even think to record it until after, but I will work on getting a video of it. Anyways, I started on my Double-T motorcycle facing north. After leaving the Casino driveway, I took a left and drove down the hill, across the highway (if you're lucky, you won't get hit) back up the hill and onto the road. From there you just follow the GPS to the finish line.


I don't see how this could be done without jumping the highway, because even with that shortcut I only finished with half a second left, and I consider myself a very good driver. It's definitely a hard race; no mistakes allowed.




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while i'm at work, here's what i think about the route here


Just trying out some of oleg's paths when trying to find a shortcut at the end this happands.





oh and my time is 56 seconds using the path Crysis used.

Edited by Khaisz
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I swear, these goddamn cars hit you on purpose.


Anyway, I know a for sure route to take, but my second character's Bati is not fully upgraded. Got there in 1.01.01 time, I'm sure you can imagine my frustration, lol. Will post a video later, and also some pretty funny f*ck-ups that happened as well.

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I'm guessing this one'll be hell like TT #13 because of the traffic and a tight time limit. (unless of course I'm wrong)

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Harder than it looked, took a few tries.




It's also possible to take a shortcut through the amphitheater-thing parking lot if you don't like the traffic, but you'll have to bounce over the fence. Might shave couple seconds if you'll get the jump right.

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Forgot I had Shadowplay on 1 minute recordings, Missed the first 4-5 seconds of the run.




It's also possible to take a shortcut through the amphitheater-thing parking lot if you don't like the traffic, but you'll have to bounce over the fence. Might shave couple seconds if you'll get the jump right.

I'll try this.

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*spit out water* those things pay 50 THOUSAND!? wow i need to get off my ass, dust off my Hakouchu and get crackin!

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0:59.95x on what I think was maybe my fourth run (second complete run), I couldn't really be bothered I just wanted the money.

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Trying the Theater Path.

Finally getting a decent chance at a good time.

Then this happands...

(speed is .50x)


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I found this one to be pretty easy and straight forward...as usual, BATI and some wheelies. Took 5 attempts, 3 of which were thwarted by a car placed on the last corner headed to the mansion. Different car, same spot all three times. NOT COOL Rockstar...not cool at all.

If this is truly the last time trial I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or relieved. Some of these have been fun but most of them are just doing wheelies on a BATI and crossing your fingers that traffic doesn't pull some sh*t and screw up your run.

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The orange route seems like the best bet, although it will be tight. I tried earlier today to go over the highway, but that's pretty risky, and you loose time jumping and swerving through the trees and traffic.

If you get lucky, it could be faster as it is shorter, but staying full throttle through the orange route is going to usually give you higher average speed?


Easy this isn't. Always so interesting traffic and tight time limit shall make grown men weep.

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It's good that there are a few different routes for this one. I have a feeling there might be a jump somewhere that could knock quite a bit off the time.

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