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[SA|TUT] How to add new cars without replacing

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For portuguese - Click here.

Now is also possible to add weapons!
I don't created an english tutorial yet. Here's a tutorial to add weapons in portuguese. Translate the page.

Simple, direct, effective.

Now you can add cars without replacing in GTA SA and GTA VC!

Including bikes, planes, boats etc!
Including using Mod Loader!


Compatibility Warning:

It is only compatible with Tuning Mod v1.5 above.

It is only compatible with Real Traffic Fix v1.2 above.

It is only compatible with unofficial First Person Mod updates.

There are several other old (or even new) mods that control handling, activate by model etc., so they will not work either and you will have to ask the author to update his mod.

If you are the author of one of these mods, I or someone else can teach you how to adapt it.
(report more incompatibilities to put here)




Silent's ASI Loader (for GTA SA) or Ultimate ASI Loader (for GTA VC)
fastman92 limit adjuster (GTA VC and GTA SA Android available after 5.0 version)

(use GTA SA 1.0 US and GTA VC 1.0 US versions; downgrade it if you are using Steam/RLG versions)
(installation by Mod Loader is optional)

Install fastman92 limit adjuster and open your "fastman92limitAdjuster_GTASA.ini" (if GTA SA) or "fastman92limitAdjuster_GTAVC.ini" (if GTA VC).


It also works for GTA SA 2.0 for Android.

GTA Vice City allows vehicles to be added by Maxo Vehicle Loader, but MVL causes many incompatibilities. Even though it is more difficult, fastman92 limit adjuster does a better job, and if you already know how to do this in GTA SA, you already know it for GTA VC (they are the same).



Preparing the .ini

To find the lines, use "CTRL+F" (or "CTRL+T" or other, depends on your text editor).

IMPORTANT: At the beginning of each line mentioned below will have a "#" making line not be loaded. Remove this "#" of such line and only then change the value, if not, will not change whatsoever!!!

Apply handling.cfg patch = 0
Set "1"

Number of standard lines = 210
Number of common lines for handling.cfg
You have the option to gradually increasing with the amount of vehicles that you will install, increasing to 211, 212 and so on.
But is much simpler you set a large number as 300 or more and so add about 100 new vehicles without worrying about re-edit the .ini. (just don't overdo putting for example 9999, everything costs a bit of RAM).

Enable vehicle audio loader = 0
At the end of the .ini. Set "1" in this line to enable the sounds settings of the vehicles (if not your car will be muted)

Vehicle Models = 212
Number of lines for vehicles.ide
The same explained in "Number of standard lines", you can increase it, or if you prefer, set about 300 or more to not worry about it.
Important: If you use Open Limit Adjuster DON'T EDIT THIS LINE! Open Limit Adjuster sets this number automatically for you with an unlimited mode. If you use it, skip this step! And let "#" at the beginning of the line so would not be loaded! Or if you prefer, disable it on OLA.

Important 2: This configuration only works if you are installing FLA outside ModLoader, if you are installing through ModLoader, you will have to use OLA.

Save the file.





As an example, I'll use the car Mallard.

Get the line of vehicles.ide of your car and rename the car name to a new name of your choice.
The chosen name will be used throughout this tutorial. Choose a unique, short name.

In the case of our Mallard, the line looks like this:
549, mallard, mallard, car, MALLARD, MALLARD, null, poorfamily, 10, 0, 0, -1, 0.684, 0.684, 0

Important: The chosen name can't be more than 7 chars!!! If your car is a Lamborghini Gallardo for example, don't use "Gallardo", it has 8 chars, invent, put eg "gallard".
(you can actually use 8 in the model name and handling, but for simplicity, we will always use 7).

The "549" is the ID (index/identification) of the model.
Since I'm a guy who likes to organize, for compatibility, we will use the IDs "12500 to 12599" (if you need, more, huh).
You can have a list of empty IDs here. (I use it for Tuning Mod's parts). Tools like Free ID List Generator can generate a list of IDs available in your game.

And so our line will be ready:
12500, mallard, mallard, car, MALLARD, MALLARD, null, poorfamily, 10, 0, 0, -1, 0.684, 0.684, 0

When installing a new car, use 12501, 12502 etc. (is not a rule, but let's organize ourselves, right?)

Also simply rename the car's name on the line. For example:
MALLARD 1700.0 4166.4 2.5 0.0 0.15 0.0 70 0.60 0.85 0.52 4 160.0 24.0 10.0 R P 8.17 0.52 0 35.0 0.7 0.08 3.0 0.30 -0.16 0.5 0.50 0.3 0.52 19000 40000004 4 1 1 1
Be careful, this line only works if capitalized!

Same thing.
mallard, 74,39, 72,39, 75,39, 79,39, 83,36, 84,36, 89,35, 91,35

Also, but it's kind optional, you may even skip that.
In the case of bike etc, it is obviously not necessary, but you can.
mallard, bnt_b_sc_p_l, bnt_b_sc_p_m, bntl_b_ov, bntl_b_sq, exh_b_l, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, spl_b_bab_m, spl_b_bbb_m, spl_b_mab_m, wg_l_b_ssk

HEY! But the car I downloaded didn't come with the line for carcols and/or carmods!
No problem, if the car you downloaded came without one or even without any line, get the lines right from your handling.cfg, vehicles.ide, carcols.dat and carmods.dat and use them in the installation.
In the case of carmods.dat, if your car isn't tunable, but you still want to use Transfender to change colors, wheels etc. Use the following line:
mallard, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw

As always, changing the "mallard" to the name of your car (.dff).





Returning to the .ini

Count of killable model IDs = 800
In the tutorial example, we used the ID 12500, but the limit of the game to identify as a vehicle (or pedestrian) is up to "800" (or rather, 799). We must increase this limit according to the ID that we used.
We can let some "12600" (or more) and so you can add vehicles to any ID from 0 up to 12599.
The game needs it for some proper functioning (only stats or something else more important?).





Bikes, aircrafts, boats
If you are installing a car, skip this part.
Do exactly the same! The only difference is that there is an extra handling line and you need to increase another limit.
Bike tip: Ductape 99P

Preparing the .ini

In the case of a bike, look for the line:
Number of bike lines = 13
Also. Same thing explained there in "Number of standard lines", you can set 20 or 30 here, or more if you consider adding many new bikes.

In the case of an aircraft:
Number of flying lines = 24

In the case of a boat:
Number of boat lines = 12
Same thing.


In addition to a common handling line (controlling mass, suspension, speed etc.), we also have a special handling line (is near the end of handling.cfg file).

Do exactly the same thing ever, put the name of your bike/aircraft/boat in that line.
If the bike, aircraft or boat that you downloaded didn't come with a line like that, as I said before, copy the line directly from your handling.cfg and use it.

Example of bike (line starts with "!"):
! FCR900 0.33 0.15 0.28 0.15 45.0 38.0 0.93 0.70 0.5 0.1 35.0 -40.0 -0.009 0.7 0.6

Example of boat line starts with "%"):
% SPEEDER 0.65 0.5 0.5 8.0 0.70 -0.5 3.0 0.7 0.998 0.999 0.85 0.98 0.96 4.0

Example of aircraft line starts with "$"):
$ DODO 0.5 0.40 -0.00015 0.002 0.10 0.003 -0.002 0.0003 0.0020 0.020 0.15 1.0 1.0 0.2 1.0 0.998 0.998 0.995 20.0 50.0 20.0


As always, just change the name to the name of your motorcycle, boat or aircraft.




Adding audio

Open the "gtasa_vehicleAudioSettings.cfg" (if GTA SA) or "gtavc_vehicleAudioSettings.cfg" (if GTA VC). It comes from "data" folder together with fastman92 limit adjuster.
In this file you have all the settings of the sounds of vehicles, you can even edit them normally.

Choose the sound of a vehicle (you are free!)

In the case of Mallard, I will use the Tampa sounds:
tampa 0 95 94 0 0.65 1.0 2 0.943874 1 0 9 0 1 0.0
Guess what you have to do? Rename...
mallard 0 95 94 0 0.65 1.0 2 0.943874 1 0 9 0 1 0.0
And paste it somewhere in the file. For organization, we have the choice of paste in the end of file, like this:
Don't add it bellow ";the end"!!! No line is read bellow it.






If you haven't already, rename your car's .dff and .txd files to the same name as well.
In this example, "mallard.dff" and "mallard.txd"

Yes, you can install all into Modloader.
Remembering that in Modloader you can simply create a .txt with any name and paste the lines there anyway, then will identifies and installs the lines for you. Magic.


The car is already working.


If you cannot use ModLoader for any reason, install it in the conventional way like any other vehicle (by editing the .img file (normally in "models/gta3.img") and .dat and .cfg files (in data folder) manually with IMG and text editors).


For mobile, you need to use Txdf*cker or TXD Tool by VIS Apps to install new textures (from .txd files). Search for it.




Adding name for the car (optional)

To show the car's name when you enter it:
Open Notepad and type, as in this example:
(no matter be capitalized or not)
In the case, the first "MALLARD" is your car's identification name, and the second is the name for it appear in the game.
Earlier I gave an example of adding a Gallardo named "gallard". In that example, you can do this:
GALLARD Lamborghini Gallardo
And so, save the file in a ".fxt" format inside some folder inside ModLoader, or the folder "CLEO\CLEO_TEXT" or a "FXT" folder in the root folder of your GTA SA.
The file name doesn't matter, you can even create a file "vehicles.fxt" and put all future new vehicles there, one on each line.

I usually create a new text file via the context menu in the folder and rename it to .fxt (configure for Windows to show the file extensions).
If saving with Notepad be eg "vehicles.fxt.txt", try saving SO. Or simply make a copy of some .fxt, open with notepad, delete all the content, type and save.



Make the car appear on the street (optional)

Also simple.
Open your "cargrp.dat" in the data folder. Or take a copy of it and put inside the Mod Loader. I recommend it for not need to make a backup.
At the end of each line has something like this:
In the example, this is the line of the beach (BEACHFOLK), therefore, the cars of this line are the cars that appear on the beach.
Put your car's identification name there (careful with comma!).
taxi, cabbie, bfinject, faggio, glendale, oceanic, mesa, bmx, mtbike, mrwhoop, washing, previon, pcj600, cadrona, sunrise, yosemite, bravura, primo, mallard # POPCYCLE_GROUP_BEACHFOLK

See the "mallard" added at the end.
Click here for a tutorial related to it. (portuguese)




Tuning parts and paintjobs


Try to add the tuning parts without replacing, there is no good tutorial yet.

For paintjobs to work on cars added without replacing, you need to change the "#Make paintjobs work for any ID = 0" line in the fastman92 limit adjuster to:

Make paintjobs work for any ID = 1



Special features


Such "special features" are things like functional suspensions (like lowriders, Bandito etc), pop-up headlights (remembering that VehFuncs has a replacement for this), making some airplane work like a Hydra... Things like that.

After version 5.0 of the fastman92 limit adjuster uses a file called "data/model_special_features.dat".

This replaces the use of other mods, such as Alexander Blade's Vehicle Special Abilities (which causes a number of problems, unlike the fastman92 limit adjuster which works very well).


First, found the line "#Enable model special feature loader = 0" in the FLA .ini and enable it:

Enable model special feature loader = 1


This requires the "Apply ID limit patch" to be enabled as well:

Apply ID limit patch = 1


Open your "data/model_special_features.dat" with some text editor.

The configuration of the file is very self-explanatory and user friendly:

You simply add the model name of your vehicle and then the model name of the vehicle you want the special features.

Inside there is an example "#new_hydra hydra" (note that the line is commented out (#) not to be loaded). In this example (if you remove the "#") the FLA will treat the "new_hydra" model as the "hydra" features.

For example, if you add this line:

mallard zr350

It will apply the features of the "zr350" (ie, the pop-up headlights) in the "mallard" (if it is adapted to this, of course).

It is simply this. One on each line.

Note: This is not only for added vehicles, but also for replaced ones.

Note: This is not for example to make a car be treated as a police car, this is another matter.




There are some car spawners adapted for vehicles added without replacing, useful for you to test quickly.


Djjr Car Spawner (you create the car by typing its .dff name, it will soon be called Vehicle Name Spawner).

Car Spawner by fastman92 (by menu; additional settings required)




Final notes

  • The fastman92 limit adjuster itself can inform you of bad settings when trying to start the game.
  • In any type of crash, you can use the Crash List (portuguese, but please try to translate it and read all the page). Most crashes that this tutorial can give is already listed there, I hope. One of the differences for the information of some crashes that the FLA reports, is that FLA reports the literal problem, while the Crash List tries to inform possibilities of that problem to happen.
  • Looking at Modloader\modloader.log you can have a crash of this type (click here), where the last loaded line was vehicles.ide, therefore, the error was based when trying to load this file. But remember, only in this case, it isn't always in any kind of crash that will help! Will help now, in this case. Do not take this as an absolute truth, it may lie to you.
  • By adding many vehicles on some line inside the cargrp.dat, you may need to increase the limit if the line gets too long. Increase the number in the "Cargrp cars per group = 23", not necessarily the exact number (24, 25 etc), you can put directly about 30. Increasing you may need also to increase the "VehicleStructs", but, if you use Open Limit Adjuster you don't have to worry with this as it adjusts automatically.
  • To add pedestrians without replacing is no mystery, it is much simpler. You can see an example here.

Tutorial author: Junior_Djjr (MixMods) - Please don't copy, keep it here, but if you really need to copy, link the source.

Edited by Junior_Djjr
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If you enter in GTA at this moment, will give the crash "0x004C678E" because the lines are not added. Let's add now.


Game crashes on 0x004C678E if 'IDE:cars' limit is exceeded.


You also didn't tell about the limit



; Count of killable model IDs (vehicles/peds) (800); In game there's an array CDarkel::RegisteredKills and it stores the number of registered kills for model IDs.; Model IDs that may be killed are vehicles/peds.; Default value of 800, means that 0-799 is valid ID for ped/vehicle.;; In short, this value will affect the max possible ID for ped/vehicle.#Count of killable model IDs = 800


Car spawner that I created:


Edited by fastman92
  • excuseme 2

Game crashes on 0x004C678E if 'IDE:cars' limit is exceeded.

In the crash list I mentioned it, I thought also includes the lines more


In fact, the crash here was because I enabled the "Vehicle Models" along with the Open Limit Adjuster :p



You also didn't tell about the limit


; Count of killable model IDs (vehicles/peds) (800); In game there's an array CDarkel::RegisteredKills and it stores the number of registered kills for model IDs.; Model IDs that may be killed are vehicles/peds.; Default value of 800, means that 0-799 is valid ID for ped/vehicle.;; In short, this value will affect the max possible ID for ped/vehicle.#Count of killable model IDs = 800


I didn't know, thanks.

Now I'm confused, what is the problem that I should see if not set this? Scripts not identifying the "death" of the vehicle?

And I used ID 12500, increase this limit to high numbers that is not cool, right?

Edited by Junior_Djjr


Game crashes on 0x004C678E if 'IDE:cars' limit is exceeded.

In the crash list I mentioned it, I thought also includes the lines more


In fact, the crash here was because I enabled the "Vehicle Models" along with the Open Limit Adjuster :p



You also didn't tell about the limit


; Count of killable model IDs (vehicles/peds) (800); In game there's an array CDarkel::RegisteredKills and it stores the number of registered kills for model IDs.; Model IDs that may be killed are vehicles/peds.; Default value of 800, means that 0-799 is valid ID for ped/vehicle.;; In short, this value will affect the max possible ID for ped/vehicle.#Count of killable model IDs = 800


I didn't know, thanks.

Now I'm confused, what is the problem that I should see if not set this? Scripts not identifying the "death" of the vehicle?

And I used ID 12500, increase this limit to high numbers that is not cool, right?


Read the posts beginning from this one: http://gta.com.ua/forum/index.php?showtopic=4799&p=2215770
  • excuseme 1

Damn, I must warn all people, it is not cool :sui:

But first, if use high numbers in this limit, will greatly increase the memory of the game or stuff like that? You think best not to use the ID 12500?

Damn, I must warn all people, it is not cool :sui:


But first, if use high numbers in this limit, will greatly increase the memory of the game or stuff like that? You think best not to use the ID 12500?

The memory needed:

(Count of killable model IDs) * 2 * 2


By default:

800 * 2 * 2 = 3200 bytes


I'll make a message box saying "Count of killable model IDs limit needs to be increased", if you define a ped/vehicle with ID exceeding this limit. Message will come in the next version of limit adjuster.

Edited by fastman92
  • excuseme 1

The cheat "RIPAZHA"/"ChittyChittyBangBang" (aka flying cars) bugs if add new vehicles.

All cars are floating upside down and shaking, lol.


@fastman92 Any solution?

Edited by Junior_Djjr

The cheat "RIPAZHA"/"ChittyChittyBangBang" (aka flying cars) bugs if add new vehicles.

All cars are floating upside down and shaking, lol.


@fastman92 Any solution?


Acho que encontrei um bug no Fastman Limit Adjuster.


Experimentem adicionar um veículo, entrem no jogo, e depois usem o cheat de carros voadores (RIPAZHA). Quando faço isso no meu jogo, o carro anda um pouco, mas imediatamente vira ao contrário e fica batendo no chão. Ao tirar o carro, o código voltou a funcionar normalmente.

That user might have handling.cfg not enabled.

He's done something done.

Edited by fastman92


The cheat "RIPAZHA"/"ChittyChittyBangBang" (aka flying cars) bugs if add new vehicles.

All cars are floating upside down and shaking, lol.


@fastman92 Any solution?


Acho que encontrei um bug no Fastman Limit Adjuster.


Experimentem adicionar um veículo, entrem no jogo, e depois usem o cheat de carros voadores (RIPAZHA). Quando faço isso no meu jogo, o carro anda um pouco, mas imediatamente vira ao contrário e fica batendo no chão. Ao tirar o carro, o código voltou a funcionar normalmente.

That user might have handling.cfg not enabled.

He's done something done.


I already tested here, really happens.

In your game doesn't?


Here it happens with all cars, possibly because I use Real Traffic Fix that forces the physics.

Try to touch on some street car, will start shaking wildly.

  • 3 weeks later...

My friend is creating a software to automatically add vehicles :D


(Yes, will have the option of pasting the lines manually)

I hope a day it will be possible with weapons! We need more weapons in GTA SA, the actual number of weapons is quite small, and Ryosuke's Weapon Limit Adjuster is unusable...

Edited by Junior_Djjr

Only with Ryosuke's Weapon Limit Adjuster, making ugly hacks, emulating the shots and missing sounds. Besides crashes.

The worst are the shots, they're fake, when you shoot a person, the person simply loses energy without reacting to anything, and the police did not pursue you or anything, the game does not know that it is a weapon shot.


Fastman92 Limit Adjuster only broke the limit of weapon models, It remains necessary to break many other limits to be able to add new weapons.

  • Like 2

Game crashes when entering the added car

May be handling's/vehicle's line or some incompatible mod.


Send fastman92limitAdjuster.log and/or temporary disable (0) "Register global expection handler" in .ini and send "modloader\modloader.log"

Edited by Junior_Djjr
  • 2 weeks later...


Edited by fastman92
  • KEKW 1



... i ve to say thanks to fastman32... because his limit adjuster... i even can add 42 vehicles to this game :3


Do you like a limit adjuster? Did it increase your modding possibilities?

Please read the post and make a free decision.


yeah... of course.. im using ... ur limit adjuster, Open LA, and mix sets by junior_djjr..

Hey, just tried the tutorial and added a new vehicle, everything works just as it should! Thanks for the tutorial @Junior_Djjr and @fastman92 for the limit adjuster :)

Edited by blackalienHD


Game crashes when I try put the car name in the car spawner and the limiter doesn't detect it

can you screenshoot the gta folder? maybe i can help u.. :lol:


I haven't really done much with the folder


I make a Tutorial About This

not able in my country

  • 4 weeks later...

I added bunch of new trailers for Roadtrain, Linerunner and Petrol truck. I can attach/tow them to the truck just fine, like original trailers bu when I add new trailers that act like utiltr1 I can't attach them to utility truck, baggage, tractor or towtruck. How can I make them towable? I really want to add some small trailers and use Trucks and Trailers mod so people drive around while towing all kinds of trailers. Also when adding new towtrucks they won't tow anything either. Haven't tested with trucks yet.


Am I doing something wrong?

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