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I really hate Roman

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It has been years since I last played GTAIV but I decided to start a new game recently because Liberty City by far is my favorite setting in the GTA series. Anyway, I always found Roman annoying but now I realize more how much of a sh*t head he really is.


You may find his lies about living a lavish lifestyle in the early storyline quite annoying, but what got me was his gambling debts to the Albanian gangsters and to Vlad the loan shark. He really forced Niko to clean up his mess for him. He also never shuts up about women and "titties". He may have Mallorie, but she cheats on him with Vlad (possibly as a part of the payment for his debt) and he really strikes me as the type of guy who would get no women. Roman Bellic is a materialistic fraud who gets Niko into unneccessary deep sh*t, but it's what makes the story more interesting, right?


I also find it annoying that he never gets over his gambling problem. I feel like it would've been good for the storyline if he gave up on gambling shortly before if he were to marry Mallorie. If you think about it, all Roman cares about is money and he wants to get it the easiest way possible. In most of my past games in GTAIV, I would choose Revenge because presumably you can't date Kate again after the Deal ending right? But this time, I already made up my mind to do the deal... I know I sound bitter but he's just so annoying.

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You want to go bowling?









I don't normally react well to meme videos because i can't relate... but this was... great !


''roman what the hell, now is really not the time i'm kinda in the middle of a quiet demanding crime''

''why don't you call the cops and tell them to calm down, then maybe i'll have the time to ferry you around'; :lol::lol:



''you want me to desist so you can stuff your fatty face'' :lol:





i also love the fake accent, no it's not perfect but it's good enough !

Edited by Old Dinosaur
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slimeball supreme

i like roman though

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We all make mistakes, that's what makes us human.

Who did he say that to again?



It wasn't Roman , it was Hossan , that guy on the boat



" we all do dumb things , thats what makes us human "




Yeah OP , i agree , i hate Roman ,hes not funny like everyone says ,and thank god we have an ending where he dies at his own wedding lmao , he had it coming .

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The guy is just desperate for bowling, how could you hate him ?

After all, you have to admit, he bowls like an angle.


But now for real, he is funny, sarcastic, has nasty jokes and is building his own business (methods questionable) but still, to me he is amazing.

A person that would probably die very fast if Niko would not appear at the right time. But for real, the guy is no rocket scientist and just tries to make a living.

Edited by DoubledRelic696
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upon arriving at the stripclub with niko....


''TITTIES TITTIES TITTIES let me at them cousin unleash me !!!!!! '' :lol:


he sounds so excited too, like an 8 year old kid at disneyland



i also love the whole drunk conversation with niko where romans talking about other womens tits and niko responds ''what about mallorie's titties ? don't you like them'' and roman gets all upset ''damn even my cousins thinking about my womans sweet titties'' i can't remember the exact lines but it was great,

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Roman's awesome. How could you not like a fat man with an obsession for bowling and ripe, round American titties?

Edited by SonOfLiberty
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