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Time Trial #5 "End to End"


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You basically drive from the docks to Paleto bay in ~4 minutes




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Edited by CrysisAverted
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welp 1st try and like 30 seconds off at best, all dis wheelieing is f*cking up my joystick


*edit* beat it second try with seconds to spare.

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I'm not even going to bother trying this one I only have level 1 motor upgrades unlocked. It would probably take me 10 tries even with all the upgrades I could make that money in half the time doing missions.

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These Time Trials are literally the only reason I want to get a PS4...

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These are getting easier. This one even allows one crash with a bike. This was the first where I noticed that there was way less traffic by night.

Reward 54K.




Edit: Sorry about the honking...

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Rocket Skates

So I imagine it's sticking to the highway all the way? If so I am worried because I wasn't able to beat the GOH time trial a couple of weeks ago and that one was basically all highway (granted I only tried like 10 - 15 times).

Edited by Passive Mode
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I think the drivers on the highway to Sandy Shores drive much more smarter, also the road there doesn't curve around as much as it does on the Chumash highway.

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This one isn't so hard as traffic doesn't really bother you. The worst part about this one is finding the highway entrance in the night as it's not lit up. :/ There's some rocks on the inside of the last turn so don't try to shortcut there.


Beat part after failing a few times before reaching the highway, although how I did is is the worst. There were like 3 or 4 times where I expected to fall of my bike. Even had 2 flying moments, can't believe I still beat par after that horrible drive.


Edited by Verstappen
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So it this hard or easy? Four minutes? Wow! I hope my Bati is up for the job


I just did it after about 5 or 6 goes. I tried the West coast highway once and then gave up on that as it was obviously a lot slower. I did it in about 4:05. I don't think this is as hard as the others as you have a much longer easy route. If you get alongside the wind farm in 2 minutes then you should be good.

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Easiest one so far IMHO. 4.06;575 on a Bati. 2nd try, because I crashed still in the city on my first try.

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Did it with hakuchoi in 4:04:611. Start to watch video from 30 sec



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First try with my 2nd character


Edit: tried to get the bonus again with my 1st character, didn't work.



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Seriously? The epic finale of time trials is just the 5th in rotation?

This is not the epic finale. The one going down Chilliad is.



This looks easy. Going to do it in the Z Type.

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This one was easy. I did crash a few times in the first part, getting from the docks to the highway ramp (whoever it was in free roam that shot that NPC, causing him to leave his Ruiner parked diagonally across both lanes - thanks, big guy! And kudos to that NPC semi that pulled across the ENTIRE ROAD, BOTH SIDES on my next attempt). Once I got to the highway I beat par on that attempt, without even knowing where the finish line was exactly - not that it's hard to find once you reach Paleto Bay.


I have a feeling though that unlike the last one, there won't be many people beating this in weird cars that aren't supers or motorcycles. Top speed seems like your biggest asset here. It's not a hard challenge but you have to cover a lot of ground.

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Did this the second time of trying. These time trials are getting more boring with each passing week.




EDIT: Half-arsed attempt with a Bati.



Edited by Mottershead
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Can't wait until family goes to sleep! I guess there are better ones coming, and since we now know the drill, highway TT's are bound to be a bit boring.

And since this is a long distance run, it will be a bit... Well, long. But this seems to be a whole different animal to last one. Or previous.

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Can't wait until family goes to sleep! I guess there are better ones coming, and since we now know the drill, highway TT's are bound to be a bit boring.

And since this is a long distance run, it will be a bit... Well, long. But this seems to be a whole different animal to last one. Or previous.


I agree. And I don't mind having some that are more straightforward or easier. As long as they're not all like this. I really enjoyed the Mt. Gordo one, even though it was pretty easy - I think a lot of people made it easier on themselves by checking out other people's routes, anyway.

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Can't wait until family goes to sleep! I guess there are better ones coming, and since we now know the drill, highway TT's are bound to be a bit boring.

And since this is a long distance run, it will be a bit... Well, long. But this seems to be a whole different animal to last one. Or previous.

I agree. And I don't mind having some that are more straightforward or easier. As long as they're not all like this. I really enjoyed the Mt. Gordo one, even though it was pretty easy - I think a lot of people made it easier on themselves by checking out other people's routes, anyway.

Yeah, i did that too, but only because i didn't even think there might be a different route! :D i was bored at work and checked out the video of the new TT, and more than possibly saved me a many, many rides up that hill. Now i don't check videos this time although they tempt me, but i understood that it really doesn't help here since it's pretty much only one possible way.

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The Gordo one was so easy and fun. First one i beat lol. I still have Gordo. This forum gets a new one 5 days before I do

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Figuring out a route is half the fun. :(


I agree with that. Don't mind making an easy 50K, but I hope some of the upcoming trials are more like the first and second one, where there are some different viable options to choose from. With this one, you take one look at the endpoint and distance, and realize that pretty much any route creativity is just going to slow you down.

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This is going to take a long time on the Dozer.

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Talk about one extreme to the other compared to the last one, will give it a go later on

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