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Time Trial #4 "Mount Gordo"


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Time Trial #4 is now active, most likely to few people.




Basically, climb up to the peak of the mountain from the starrting position, here:



Reward $51,000




View "The Time Trial Thread"

for lists of the best times set, time trials, and time trial topics


Edited by CrysisAverted
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Rocket Skates

Interesting. The 3rd one has only been out not even a week and this one is now live. Didn't you say in the other thread that once you switched sessions this Gordo one disappeared?

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Interesting. The 3rd one has only been out not even a week and this one is now live. Didn't you say in the other thread that once you switched sessions this Gordo one disappeared?


Yes and judging by the last time trial, it seems many people may have a chance to try it before it becomes available to everyone.

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Rocket Skates

Ok. I thought the 3rd one was removed for a while as it had a bug where it was giving you five minutes to complete.

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I wonder how the Akuma will do on this one? As it's an uphill climb.

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I recently happened to drive to the end of the lighthouse road in GTAV/GTA0, and found the trailhead for the Mt Gordo trail.


I started hiking up it, and I had one of those uncanny realizations, when a virtual world scene reminds one so much of a real world scene, hitting the same neurons in my brain, because being on the Mt Gordo trail was exactly like hiking the Rancho Palos Verdes ocean trails in the real world.


The virtual world:




EDIT: Virtual world, daytime shot:




The real world:



There's even a lighthouse nearby in Palos Verdes:


Edited by saintsrow
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Anyone on PS4 still in a session with this time trial?



PM me!

Edited by Arms Dealer
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I wonder if the Sanchez would be good on this with its low off-road speed loss.

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I recently happened to drive to the end of the lighthouse road in GTAV/GTA0, and found the trailhead for the Mt Gordo trail.


I started hiking up it, and I had one of those uncanny realizations, when a virtual world scene reminds one so much of a real world scene, hitting the same neurons in my brain, because being on the Mt Gordo trail was exactly like hiking the Rancho Palos Verdes ocean trails in the real world.


The virtual world:




The real world:



There's even a lighthouse nearby in Palos Verdes:


Aaah, Palos Verdes... first time I was being pulled over in the US. :D


But wouldn't that be located between LSI and the harbor or something?

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R* seems to be A/B testing these time trials. Would be a good reason as to why only a certain few get them while others don't. And it's probably to make sure the time can be beaten by a certain percentage of players before it goes live to the rest of us.


A/B testing as a quick definition is when an online company would like to test something on a live server to make sure it's working correctly before releasing it to the masses. Users will be categorized into two groups, A and B. A usually is the masses which won't receive the content and B being a small percentage which would receive and inadvertently test the content. R* will then take the results of group B and analyze it, if say for instance, 10% of those people could beat the time - it is ready for full release.


So as an overall example, A group would be about 80% of the playerbase, B group being 20%. You cannot change the group you fall in - this is determined when you log into online. So in essence if you keep switching sessions you should be able to get into the B group and get the time trial - however long that will take. Out of those 20% B group players, whoever actually does the time trial - their results will be checked and if there is enough passes - the time trial will not be adjusted and go live to all of us.


Please note, my percentages I sucked out my thumb. I do not know exactly what they are set at for GTA Online. I'm taking example percentages from an online gaming company I am contracting with.

Edited by DaTwista
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R* seems to be A/B testing these time trials. Would be a good reason as to why only a certain few get them while others don't. And it's probably to make sure the time can be beaten by a certain percentage of players before it goes live to the rest of us.


A/B testing as a quick definition is when an online company would like to test something on a live server to make sure it's working correctly before releasing it to the masses. Users will be categorized into two groups, A and B. A usually is the masses which won't receive the content and B being a small percentage which would receive and inadvertently test the content. R* will then take the results of group B and analyze it, if say for instance, 10% of those people could beat the time - it is ready for full release.


So as an overall example, A group would be about 80% of the playerbase, B group being 20%. You cannot change the group you fall in - this is determined when you log into online. So in essence if you keep switching sessions you should be able to get into the B group and get the time trial - however long that will take. Out of those 20% B group players, whoever actually does the time trial - their results will be checked and if there is enough passes - the time trial will not be adjusted and go live to all of us.


Please note, my percentages I sucked out my thumb. I do not know exactly what they are set at for GTA Online. I'm taking example percentages from an online gaming company I am contracting with.


Or it could just be a bug, which is more likely.


Incidentally, A/B Testing isn't quite what you described. It's when you test 2 different things that vary slightly, in order to see which performs the best. What you described is simply testing, but with a small group.

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This one looks fun, rather similar to the first half of a race I made (though that one goes up Mt Chilliad, not Gordo). I'm thinking I'll beat this pretty fast compared the previous trials - I have spent a ton of time taking my bike up and down the mountains in this game, and I'm more comfortable with it than racing in traffic.

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I believe the Brawler may be possible on this one as well.

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My Bati is ready.


Schoolboy chortle.

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My Bati is ready.


Schoolboy chortle.


Missed that the first time I read it. :D Sublime. :^:

Edited by saintsrow
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A minor problem I'm having with this Trial.

Also I'm constantly a second late because I either have to much air time somewhere or isn't getting enough speed up a hill



Edit: Just made it in 00:44:2** seconds.


Edited by Khaisz
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I think i have found why last one was impossible. I happened to play last night with my daughters controller, and immediately shaved 3 seconds of my time. Not a perfect run, but 2.05.6 or something. With better runs earlier on different controller i made 2.08 something at best. Any ideas how to check Dualshock 4 functions, to test if there indeed is something wrong with trigger?

Edited by Absolut
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I think i have found why last one was impossible. I happened to play last night with my daughters controller, and immediately shaved 3 seconds of my time. Not a perfect run, but 2.05.6 or something. With better runs i made 2.08 something at best. Any ideas how to check Dualshock 4 functions, to test if there indeed is something wrong with trigger?

Very common issue with the PS4 controller. RT breaks/Stops working. I think you can send it to sony but I just said f*ck it and bought a new one.

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I think i have found why last one was impossible. I happened to play last night with my daughters controller, and immediately shaved 3 seconds of my time. Not a perfect run, but 2.05.6 or something. With better runs earlier on different controller i made 2.08 something at best. Any ideas how to check Dualshock 4 functions, to test if there indeed is something wrong with trigger?

I had a broken controller I was using previously. I think the spring in the R2 button was broken. It slowed me done considerably until I got a new controller.

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Interesting. The 3rd one has only been out not even a week and this one is now live. Didn't you say in the other thread that once you switched sessions this Gordo one disappeared?

The 3rd Time Trial ran from last Monday till today, so it did run one week like the 2nd Time Trial. Only the first one lasted 3-4 days.


Although, for a short while 3 appeared by mistake during time trial 2.


Possibly the same happened for a Time Trial 4.

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This one took me a couple of tries to figure out where all the rocks are, but I was able to beat it pretty easily within 15 minutes of trying.


I used Khaisz' route, thanks for your video.

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Rocket Skates

The 3rd Time Trial ran from last Monday till today, so it did run one week like the 2nd Time Trial. Only the first one lasted 3-4 days.

Although, for a short while 3 appeared by mistake during time trial 2.


Possibly the same happened for a Time Trial 4.


Yeah I know I said that 4 or 5 days ago.

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My time is 40:15 so far. I'll post my route video in an hour, it's pretty easy and consistent

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I'm using a Sanchez doing a run down the train tracks to where theres a tree on the left, then staight lining up the valley to the marker. Just did a 46.315 so should have it in the next few tries. The trick is to get a smooth transition from tracks to gravel. Theres room for several seconds of improvement as the tracks are easy and the climb is easy.




45 second run on a smoking Sanchez, its a far from perfect effort so way better times are possible:


Edited by Zyo
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I got it after a few tries in 43.5 on a Hakuchou. Much easier than the last one, with traffic trolling you constantly...

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