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Time Trial #3 "Great Ocean Highway"


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New time trial is up, lets share our victories and methods.





Legacy (Text Version I guess)



Start Location: Morning Wood (Last floor of Parking Garage)




Finish Location: North Chumash (Hookies Parking Lot)




Par Time: 02:04.90

Description: Basically, haul ass down the highway from the garage with that shotty ramp (next to the Ammunation) all the way to Hookies passed Zancudo.






Fastest Time: N/A, Fastest Time gets in OP f3njTaj.gif



View "The Time Trial Thread"

for lists of the best times set, time trials, and time trial topics


Edited by CrysisAverted
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I just don't know, Fastest attempt was 1 second too late, later decided listening to some tunes would help me so while I looked for my headphones I started the time trial in order to go temp passive, come back and the par time changed to 5 minutes, I impulsively respawned (sh*t I could have beat it with that par time even with 2 minutes already up) after respawning the time trial vanished and after several session changes It still won't show up.




Anyone seeing this time trial or wtf happened?

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The trials are a little bit bugged. The day the dlc dropped the first one I saw was the second, the observatory one, I tried it a couple times and then I never saw it again for a few days. I guess this one is the next one, it will be there for everyone in a few days.

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Maybe they sent it out, realized it had a bug that changes time to 5 min if you wait at the start and removed it to fix it?

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I thought these were weekly. Could I persuade you to change the formatting of the OP to match my last thread?

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I thought these was supposed to be weekly man... Rockstar forcing us to complete these as soon as they're out before they disappear. It would be better to actually have a whole week to do it then I wouldn't need to spend like 2 hours in one day trying to complete it.

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I thought these was supposed to be weekly man... Rockstar forcing us to complete these as soon as they're out before they disappear. It would be better to actually have a whole week to do it then I wouldn't need to spend like 2 hours in one day trying to complete it.


Yeah, they're a bit too demanding to be a daily thing. Worse if they're inconsistent - it means it could disappear at any given time...

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There's definitely something not right with these things. A friend of mine still has the one at the pier, whilst most of us lost that a few days ago.

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Well it makes sense that there should be a new trial every Monday, and they put 2 in the first week because it was the launch of the update, so i would expect a new one today.

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Description: Basically, haul ass down the highway from the garage with that shotty ramp (next to the Ammunation) all the way to Hookies passed Zancudo.


Aha... is that really the description? I guess Rockstar got a different guy to write the description for the first two.

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Well it makes sense that there should be a new trial every Monday, and they put 2 in the first week because it was the launch of the update, so i would expect a new one today.


Lol. NONE of what you said makes sense. You're just making stuff up to fit what you think is happening, when it's not.

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Don't got it but oh God...... I can just imagine crashing off my bike due to traffic.

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I thought these were weekly. Could I persuade you to change the formatting of the OP to match my last thread?






Description: Basically, haul ass down the highway from the garage with that shotty ramp (next to the Ammunation) all the way to Hookies passed Zancudo.


Aha... is that really the description? I guess Rockstar got a different guy to write the description for the first two.



Didn't check the Description and its gone now, so until it decides to waddle its way back into Online I think my description is descriptive enough.

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From looking at the map I can see a *much* faster route, but it's not pleasant. I posted something similar to this a while ago, from a time trial that I had set myself...



The car park that you start this trial in is on the right, 1 block along. I make it into Zancudo in about 1:30 from that point, and that's on a Ruffian.


Go straight through the fort and jump out here...



Unless someone finds a better route then I'll be all over this when it re-appears.

Edited by Furry_Monkey
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I used during extradiction drive over Tonga Hills a lot, so I know that place pretty well and I wonder if it wont be faster just going straight over it.

That is atleast what I will try.

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I used during extradiction drive over Tonga Hills a lot, so I know that place pretty well and I wonder if it wont be faster just going straight over it.

That is atleast what I will try.


Basic trigonometry is telling me that won't be faster. As soon as you go vertical you make the route longer, and half of that vertical you'll also be going slower.

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Traffic is gonna suck on this one.

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The worst of the traffic is right when you jump down the ramp, had some asshole take a really wide right turn.

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The worst of the traffic is right when you jump down the ramp, had some asshole take a really wide right turn.

I kept hitting the traffic light... :facedesk:

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I used during extradiction drive over Tonga Hills a lot, so I know that place pretty well and I wonder if it wont be faster just going straight over it.

That is atleast what I will try.


Basic trigonometry is telling me that won't be faster. As soon as you go vertical you make the route longer, and half of that vertical you'll also be going slower.


Yeah, you are right, I timed myself driving over the mountain and just the mountain and not the other parts and the mountains themself took just under 2 mins.

While driving along the highway took me about 2:10 from start to finish.


oh and just speaking about the time trials, I have neither of the 3 visible on my map.

Edited by Khaisz
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Don't got it but oh God...... I can just imagine crashing off my bike due to traffic.

I can't even get my bike off the ramp without crashing. Tried 10 times with my fully upgraded bati, no luck. And if I've learned anything from the first two that I've never beaten, falling off your bike or wrecking your car is an instant loss.


I also tried it with my fully upgraded zentorno, since I'm too poor to upgrade to the t20. 14 seconds late with an absolutely perfect run. Are these meant to be impossible without having the best luck in the world?

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I used during extradiction drive over Tonga Hills a lot, so I know that place pretty well and I wonder if it wont be faster just going straight over it.

That is atleast what I will try.


Basic trigonometry is telling me that won't be faster. As soon as you go vertical you make the route longer, and half of that vertical you'll also be going slower.


Yeah, you are right, I timed myself driving over the mountain and just the mountain and not the other parts and the mountains themself took just under 2 mins.

While driving along the highway took me about 2:10 from start to finish.


oh and just speaking about the time trials, I have neither of the 3 visible on my map.



From what we've been told so far, you should only ever have 1 as it's meant to change on a weekly basis, but there's clearly something going wrong with it at the moment. A friend and I have 2 different ones available, and this one appears to not actually be out yet. It's shame that this has happened to what has so far been a totally bug-free experience :p

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