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[REL|Bully] Playstation 2/3 Button Prompts

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I've been discussing controls and stuff in Bully with Silent and then it hit me! All of us DS2/3/4 players are getting X360 controller button prompts even though it should be possible to mod them in right? I've tried peeking in Bully's files and found a file storing all the button prompts with their original names even! So that started the whole thing. I ripped the buttons from PS2 version of the game and Ash_735 gave me his PS3 button prompts he sourced and improved from mobile version of GTA San Andreas for that modern look.


(Click on screenshots to get bigger ones with no artifacts. I blame imgur!!!!)


PS2 Classic



GTA SA Mobile (Modern)





  • PS2 Classic - Those are sourced from the PS2 version of Bully for that authentic feel
  • GTASA Mobile - Those are sourced from SA Mobile and further improved by Ash_735 for more modern look


Simply put your desired version of HUDElems.nft into TXD folder located in Bully's installation folder ie. \Bully Scholarship Edition\TXD\




Credits and thanks to:


@Ash_735 for providing the SA Mobile button prompts. Without his help they'd look ugly :D

@Silent for being middleman between me and Ash :)


Report any bugs in the thread if you found any!!!

Edited by Blackbird88
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Bully needs a "alpha bug fix" aswell. And I believe it's wrongly capped at 30 fps, just like SA, I mean, frame delay, because it's really laggy.

No it really runs at 30 FPS. At least that's what Fraps shows. It's just sh*tty port with random slowdowns. It also doesn't use RenderWare so nothing from SA could be applied to it.

You can unlock the FPS, but I never tried it myself.

Edited by Blackbird88
Igor Bogdanoff


Bully needs a "alpha bug fix" aswell. And I believe it's wrongly capped at 30 fps, just like SA, I mean, frame delay, because it's really laggy.

No it really runs at 30 FPS. At least that's what Fraps shows. It's just sh*tty port with random slowdowns. It also doesn't use RenderWare so nothing from SA could be applied to it.

You can unlock the FPS, but I never tried it myself.


I wonder why they didn't use rage, when they couldn't use Renderware.




Bully needs a "alpha bug fix" aswell. And I believe it's wrongly capped at 30 fps, just like SA, I mean, frame delay, because it's really laggy.

No it really runs at 30 FPS. At least that's what Fraps shows. It's just sh*tty port with random slowdowns. It also doesn't use RenderWare so nothing from SA could be applied to it.

You can unlock the FPS, but I never tried it myself.


I wonder why they didn't use rage, when they couldn't use Renderware.


Because it didn't exist yet and they obviously wanted the game to be easily ported. From the Bully forums it seems RW was a mess at the time and Criterion didn't bother fixing it so they ported the whole game to Gamebryo.

Edited by Blackbird88
Igor Bogdanoff




Bully needs a "alpha bug fix" aswell. And I believe it's wrongly capped at 30 fps, just like SA, I mean, frame delay, because it's really laggy.

No it really runs at 30 FPS. At least that's what Fraps shows. It's just sh*tty port with random slowdowns. It also doesn't use RenderWare so nothing from SA could be applied to it.

You can unlock the FPS, but I never tried it myself.


I wonder why they didn't use rage, when they couldn't use Renderware.


Because it didn't exist yet and they obviously wanted the game to be easily ported. From the Bully forums it seems RW was a mess at the time and Criterion didn't bother fixing it so they ported the whole game to Gamebryo.


Umm yep it existed (I'm talking about x360, wii & PC version not PS2 one)

Igor Bogdanoff

It came out month before GTA4, they could use it...


Wait, this actually has controller support on PC? I thought like Manhunt 1 and 2 in that it didn't, as Rockstar really only started getting coherent controller support on PC with GTA IV...

Yeah it has XInput controller support but not like IV/V where they switch on the fly. You can either use KB/M or Controller.

  • Like 1
  • 1 year later...
Igor Bogdanoff

You can reuse IV and V icons duh.

Igor Bogdanoff


You can reuse IV and V icons duh.

Did you mean me or Blackbird88 ?

Because I can mod GTA games but bully is kinda outta my territory.


blackbird. in sacrastic way btw.

  • 2 months later...

hi thanks for your site its great

one thing i download the mod and do exactly what the instruction said (and i tried both version) but it's not worling

but away i also install the v 1.2 patch (idk if can help it all)

pleas help me. thanks for everything


So are you using some sort of retail version or something? I only tested Steam version. All you need to do is copy the HUDElems.nft file into the TXD folder and overwrite the one that is already there.

Edited by Blackbird88

So are you using some sort of retail version or something? I only tested Steam version. All you need to do is copy the HUDElems.nft file into the TXD folder and overwrite the one that is already there.




i'm using a retail version i did what u said and nothing happen with both version of the mod

Edited by herkoooool

sorry for delay. no i don't have xbox prompts. but away i'm using DS2 controller .

for me it's numbered : button 1,2,3, ... (before and after the mod)

i'm sorry idk if it answer your question

here is screenshot of controller page (before and after the mod) this the link


Edited by herkoooool

Aha so that's why it doesn't work. My mod replaces Xbox prompts. :D

I didn't even realize the game supports DInput controllers. Did you try using X360CE with the game? It could work.

Edited by Blackbird88

Aha so that's why it doesn't work. My mod replaces Xbox prompts. :D

I didn't even realize the game supports DInput controllers. Not sure if replacing those prompts is possible without mismatches.


do you think is their a way to make it work?

something i can work with

it would be much appreciated


Read above. Try to configure your DS2 with this program and then copy the XInput1_3.dll and the INI it provides you next to Bully's exe.


Edited by Blackbird88

Read above. Try to configure your DS2 with this program and then copy the XInput1_3.dll and the INI it provides you next to Bully's exe.




with this app and config my button change to PS button mod?

i'm sorry i don't understand the " INI " what is that mean?

again thanks for the help

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