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Criminal Mastermind Recruitment Hub

Sussus Amongus

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Sussus Amongus

Welcome to the GTA Online Criminal Mastermind Recruitment Hub!


Disclaimer: I no longer have the time to properly update this topic, so if you're an old player you'd have to PM me if you wish to be removed.






This is the hub for GTA Online Criminal Mastermind Recruitment! This topic is made to keep everyone who wants to form a crew to tackle the challenge in one place. I recommend for anyone who wants to give the challenge a go to read the Criminal Mastermind Guide first. It can be found here: http://gtaforums.com/topic/779754-criminal-mastermind-in-depth-guide/


Post your details below and I'll add you to the op. If you've found a crew or are currently unavailable due to whatever reasons pm me and I will list you as "inactive" or if in a crew: "grouped up".


If you don't have a crew formed yet I'll list you as "For hire". Once a crew has been formed I can add you to the crews list. If you find the people you would like to play with pm them. If they agree to let you into their group pm me to change you into "grouped up". No need for all 4 members. Just a group of 2 will work. Once the whole team is together I will put you into the active crews.


Details and application formation:


Platform: Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 or PC

GTA Online username:

(optional) Social Club:


Mic: Yes or no



Members on Xbox 360:




For hire: YungLive201: inactive, mic: yes, timezone: EST


Stormer2000: active, mic: yes


TACO HO33: active, mic: yes, timezone: unknown


Tr0llfap: active, mic: yes, timezone: EST


Usedshark7863: active, mic: none (Skype), timezone: EST


Sljce, mic: yes, tz: EST, Social Club: Champ 485


SSR SCOTTZD: active, mic: yes, timezone: GMT, Social Club: SCOTTZD


TH3SHR3DD3RFX: active, mic: yes, timezone: ET, Social Club: TH3_SHR3DD3R


T H E GAMER H5: active, mic: yes, timezone: GMT/UTC


Delta Force Son, active: mic: yes, timezone: unknown





Grouped up:


Members on Xbox One:



For hire: Uxroh: active, mic: yes


Powder 😧 active, mic: yes, timezone: EST


TheZodiac1994: active, mic: yes, timezone: EST


Oqex TF: active, mic: yes, timezone: EST


SteveyHDgaming: active mic: yes, timezone: unknown


YungLive201: inactive, mic: yes, timezone: EST


Dolphanatic: active, mic: yes, timezone: EST


JustinSane1991, active, mic: unknown, timezone: EST


SuperJordan666, active, mic: yes, timezone: unknown


State of mindv2: active, mic: yes, timezone: unknown


TheKillerDonuts: active, mic: yes, timezone: EST


metal1138, active, mic: yes, timezone: EST


lucozaide: active, mic: yes, timezone: GMT


StickLips: active, mic: yes, timezone: EST


OH MY GODSEY: active, mic: yes, timezone: EST


HDPrismz: active, mic: yes, timezone: unknown


zV Tempest Vz: active, mic: yes


vicarious mind: active, mic: yes, timezone: unknown


Shadow Fluxes: actjve, mic: yes, timezone: unknown


XxBaDbOi17xX: active, mic: yes, timezone; AEST


The 0nly JM, active, mic: yes, timezone: EST


Ba2210, acitvve, mic: yes, timezone: PST


MattofUTexasmic: yes, tz: CST


ceosea, mic yes, tz: CST





Grouped up:


Members on PS3:



For hire: Cartown: active, mic: yes


Danken000: active, mic: yes, GMT


GroundedEarth315: active, mic: yes, timezone: unknown


AUDREY786: active, mic: yes, timezone: unknown


Mike_1349: active, mic: no, timezone: MST / GMT-7:00


Zentorno Breezy: active, mic: yes, timezone: EST


KilI4Weed, active, mic: yes, timezone: CST +1, social club: Monkey7331


Invaderrjl , active, mic: yes, timezone: California Pacific Time


Joshybox224, active, mic: yes, timezone: AEST +10


weloh78, mic: yes, GMT +8






Grouped up: Darth_Predovicus: active, mic: none, timezone: GMT


Pajkosinjo, active, mic: none


Members on PS4:



For hire: alchemist3321: active, mic: unknown


Pietsaabye: active, mic: yes, timezone: GMT


GAMER6X: active, mic: yes, timezone: ET


technetic: active, mic: yes, timezone: GMT


robot701: mic: yes, timezone: unknown


natney1469: mic: yes, timezone: unknown


Doomskhul: active, mic: yes, timezone: unknown


Shakespeare10, active, mic: yes, timezone: AEDT


MVL_Blayde: active, mic: yes, timezone:unknown


spidy374: active, mic: yes, timezone: EST


Natney1469: active, mic: yes, timezone: unknown


JustCallMe_Alec: active, mic: yes, timezone: CT


Uggas415: active, mic: unknown, timezone: unknown


RestfulRyan: active, mic: unknown, timezone: unknown


LamannalNT8: active, mic: yes, timezone: yes


BamaGoodfella, active, mic: yes, Social Club: BamaGoodfella


WWE-DBZ12: active, mic: yes, timezone: EST


Planiche: active, mic: yes, timezone: PST


grooveyghost: active, mic: yes, timezone: GMT


Danny203: active, mic: unknown, timezone: GMT


xXJienParanoiaXx: active, mic: unknown, timezone: unknown


Gardengnome23: active, mic: yes, timezone: GMT, Social CLube: Gradengnome23


rdml91: mic: yes, timezone: ET


eimaj1779, mic: yes, timezone: GMT, SC: eimaj1779


AdamnBilly, mic: yes, TZ: CST, SC: Redfirebird87


MadSamJR: mic: yes, timezone: GMT


PicklePie: mic: yes, timezone: EST


misak08: mic: yes, timezone: GMT


MCDrank, mic: yes, timezone: GMT-5/EST, Social Club: MCKing


talhasen123, mic: yes, timezone: GMT +1


Lochstina, mic: no, timezone: GMT +1


politiklycorrect, mic: yes, timezone: unknown


RunninNGunnin84, mic: yes, timezone: CST


LLRicoSuaveLL, mic: yes, timezone: EST


sanitylimited, mic: no, extra notes: Free aim only, FPV only





Grouped up:


Members on PC:



For hire:

protiny, mic: none (alternate comm options, Skype, Google Hangouts, Steam Chat) timezone: GMT +0


Vapizt, mic: yes (TS only), timezone: EST


Player77720, mic: yes, Social Club: Player77720


Pandaveyron, Mic: yes (also Skype, TS, In-Game etc), Timezone: GMT



Grouped up:



To be added into the crews section fill out the following application and pm it to me.


Heist host:



Open for recruitment or finished crew:


Criminal Mastermind Crews:



Pajkosinjo's crew: Members: XD_Stoney0503, JayJay, active



Disclaimer: You are meant to post your details in the topic and if you ever want to change your mastermind status to either: "grouped up", "for hire" or to "inactive" pm me.


Any feedback to improve the recruitment hub is appreciated!



I wish my future masterminds good luck and to one day be able to see this screenshot below for yourself!


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Sussus Amongus

For Hire


Xbox One

GT: Uxroh

I use skype but also have a mic


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For hire


Skype,no mic, rank 280 something

Heavy armour vest, good at heists, wouldn't be a great host (only done up to humane on my own progress)

Have not done pacific standard setups in order and not completed the finale due to randoms but also never died in it

Edit:PSN shivisrt10

Would like a semi organised leader at least?

Edited by ShiviSRT-10
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Sussus Amongus



For hire
Skype,no mic, rank 280 something
Heavy armour vest, good at heists, wouldn't be a great host (only done up to humane on my own progress)
Have not done pacific standard setups in order and not completed the finale due to randoms but also never died in it
Edit:PSN shivisrt10
Would like a semi organised leader at least?





Level: 211 (as of now)



Edited by Cake* Games
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P.s. great idea with the thread, thanks for adding me :)

Edit - missed timezone if necessary - GMT

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Powder D






Rank 95



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Sussus Amongus

Powder D

You have to be a bit more specific. You won't be added to the op untill you edit your post to meet the requirements of the application.

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Grouped Up


Rank 87


No mic


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Sussus Amongus

Powder D






Rank 95




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Sussus Amongus

Grouped Up


Rank 87


No mic


Added. The crew you pm'd me has also been added.

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Gt: TheZodiac1994



Mic: yes

Xbox one

Have done all the heist and set ups except for series a

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Sussus Amongus

Gt: TheZodiac1994



Mic: yes

Xbox one

Have done all the heist and set ups except for series a

Added to the op.


Something I wanted to clear up here...


If you find the people that you think would be good to do heists with and they also would like to have a go at the challenge with you you should pm them. Once you have a few members. (no need for all 4 just yet) Pm me so I can change you to "grouped up".


Updated op to clear some things up on how I meant crew recruitment to work here.

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Criminal mastermind need 2 people.

Gt state of mindv2, mic, etc hit me up if you want 10 million.

Edited by Thesyndicatehasarrived
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Huang Leeroy

EDIT: Already finished criminal mastermind months ago. I'm now inactive.

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Raavi x Spider-Vice FAGS


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Sussus Amongus



For Hire


Platform: XB1 & 360

GT/Social Club: YungLive201

Time Zone: EST

Mic: Yes

For Hire
Xbox One
Yes Got a mic

Xbox one
Need 1 more Still open
Gt : Oqex TF message me

For Hire


Platform: PS4

ID: PietSaabye


Mic: yes


ps. Im good, and dont play with people below my lvl



Edited by Cake* Games
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For Hire:





Mic: Yes

Only play with people atleast rank 120+

My rank is 142

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GTA Online username:technetic

(optional) Social Club:

Timezone: GMT

Mic: Yes

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PSN: natney1469

Mic: Yes

LVL: 114

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Mic: Yes

Timezone: Eastern

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XBox 1


GT: Dolphanatic

Mic: yes

Lvl 147


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Sussus Amongus



For Hire:





Mic: Yes

Only play with people atleast rank 120+

My rank is 142




GTA Online username:technetic
(optional) Social Club:
Timezone: GMT
Mic: Yes





PSN: robot701

MIC: yes




PSN: natney1469

Mic: Yes

LVL: 114




For Hire



PSN: Cartown55

I use skype but also have a mic




GT: Stormer2000
Have mic



Mic: Yes



XBox 1
GT: Dolphanatic
Mic: yes
Lvl 147


You've all been added.

P.s. great idea with the thread, thanks for adding me :)

Edit - missed timezone if necessary - GMT

Added timezone.

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