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Realistic situations, actual consequences. lets get straight into it, this video will explain how we Role Play in an exciting and pulse raising way:




Edited by ~Tiger~
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I know it's bad voice acting but I wanted a rough trailer to show you guys what is going to be coming on my YouTube Channel. It's a trailer for a upcoming, action, black comedy, series in the same style as Red Vs Blue...




Thank you for watching. I could really do with some support :)

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GTA 5: Bounty Hunting with Special Agent Smith (B13 Exclusive)

Maybe this really is how an Angel dies. I regret nothing. At the end of the day,

I did what no other officer would do. I took down Las Santos' most wanted

bounties. To me it didn't matter what they had done, what their history was

or even if they could be rehabilitated. If they were on the list, they were leaving

this city in a body bag. It's still crazy to think back at it all. In the bureau they can

prepare you for most anything that can happen, but nothing can prepare you for

the day the entire world turns their back and an entire city is against you.

Edited by JohnMcClainNYPD
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GTA 5: Bounty Hunting with Special Agent Smith (B13 Exclusive)
Maybe this really is how an Angel dies. I regret nothing. At the end of the day,
I did what no other officer would do. I took down Las Santos' most wanted
bounties. To me it didn't matter what they had done, what their history was
or even if they could be rehabilitated. If they were on the list, they were leaving
this city in a body bag. It's still crazy to think back at it all. In the bureau they can
prepare you for most anything that can happen, but nothing can prepare you for
the day the entire world turns their back and an entire city is against you.


That video is epic !!!

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Heres part one of me and a buddy just mucking around and having a laugh, if you enjoy feel free to sub, I'd appreciate it haha. I plan to be on these forums a lot now that I have GTA 5 again :)




Part 2 is also on my channel so feel free to give them a like if you enjoyed :)

Thanks all!

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Check out Mine and my friends new gaming page. Its a community based page where you can come and join in with us creating videos but also hear the latest news on gaming. GTAV is out main game at the mo but will be doing many more!



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If you ever wondered how to become better in combat and deathmatch then this video is just for you. I'll show you the basics of how to become a better shooter in a couple of points that has never been published before. Ever.


Edited by Rwande
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