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SAMP Addon

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SAMP 0.3.7:

Connection restart when your connection rejected as unacceptable nickname (for situatuation when your game crash or you losted connection and kicked because you still in game)


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How to limit FPS?

create disableantivsync.txt

Edited by nonamenoname
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SAMP 0.3.7:

Connection restart when your connection rejected as unacceptable nickname (for situatuation when your game crash or you losted connection and kicked because you still in game)


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How to limit FPS?

create disableantivsync.txt


Thx. Some cars are black but have colors (e.g. 211). What to do? I think you know about this issue.

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SAMP 0.3.7:

Enter key in Tab menu work as double click on player

Fixed arrow keys don't work in Tab menu


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It's just me, or the installer is not in english anymore? Why not multilanguage?

Can you post screen where you have other language

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Like from the beggining:



And it didn't happened just for me.


It's just me, or the installer is not in english anymore? Why not multilanguage?

Can you post screen where you have other language



LE: Looks like i've downloaded the file directly from your site and it's in russian.. nvm, this setup works flawless.

Edited by alesuu
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Game cursor has right width on HD resolutions

Better cursor in models/fronten_pc.txd and cursor.png


SAMP 0.3.7:

Cursor now use alpha channel and use cursor.png

Fixed cursor wasn't at the screenshots


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Edited by nonamenoname
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It said this message when I finished installing, why?




Also, I go on a SAMP server, and after like 10 seconds of playing, my game crashes with no error. Why?


Edit: I deleted a bunch of mods and I still crash, but now after like 10 minutes or random time. Also with the mod, my ENB looks plainer and darker, why?


Edit 2: I uninstalled the addon via Control Panel and also I deleted my whole GTA San Andreas folder and put original files I had backup of, but I still have this ENG language box in SA-MP when I type?


Edit 3: tried installing on a clean GTA. Played samp movie server for a while but crashed after ramming someone with a car with the error:

SA-MP 0.3.7
Exception At Address: 0x00756B89
Exception: 0xC0000005 - Access violation reading location 0xC47A0000
EAX: 0x00000001 EBX: 0x00000004 ECX: 0x00000000 EDX: 0xFFFFFFFF
ESI: 0x21AB9644 EDI: 0xC47A0000 EBP: 0x0BF5A240 ESP: 0x0028F4F8
EFLAGS: 0x00210286
0x00756B89 in gta_sa.exe
0x0075773B in gta_sa.exe
0x00805769 in gta_sa.exe
0x007491E4 in gta_sa.exe
0x0073331B in gta_sa.exe
0x00749B4B in gta_sa.exe
0x005343A1 in gta_sa.exe
0x006A2C29 in gta_sa.exe
ASI plugins:
+0000: 0x1AB555A8 0x007578C0 0x06351998 0x220A7930
+0010: 0x0BF5A1C0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000004
+0020: 0x21AB9644 0x00000001 0x0BF5A1E0 0x0075773B
+0030: 0x220A7930 0x28544DA8 0x0BF5A23C 0x00000004
+0040: 0x21AB9628 0x007578C0 0x00000000 0x00000000
+0050: 0x062DCDF4 0x21EDD8D0 0x00000012 0x00000001
+0060: 0x3F8CCCCD 0x3F666666 0x00805769 0x00000037
+0070: 0x00C9BC50 0x220A7930 0x220A7930 0x007491E4
+0080: 0x062DCDF4 0x220A7930 0x00000001 0x220A7930
+0090: 0x0073331B 0x220A7930 0x220A7970 0x1AD89378
+00A0: 0x1AD89370 0x00C88084 0x00749B4B 0x220A7930
+00B0: 0x21EDDF10 0x00B3A4C4 0x12740A38 0x0028F69C
+00C0: 0xFFFFFF00 0x005343A1 0x1AD89370 0x12740A38
+00D0: 0x00000000 0x006A2C29 0x00B3A4C4 0x12740A38
+00E0: 0x00000064 0x0028F634 0x0028F634 0x220A732C
SCM Op: 0x2BF, lDbg: 0 LastRendObj: 1283
Game Version: US 1.0
Edit 4: What does the "disableac.txt" stand for? I mean I mainly play a server where cheating is not allowed at all. I don't cheat but if I go on that server with this, I might get banned no?
Edit 5: If I don't use normalmap, shells and outfix mods, can I just delete the normalmapfix, shellfix and outfitfix?
Edited by powerofpencil
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I have this crash only in Los Santos...




SA-MP 0.3.7
Exception At Address: 0x00553948
Exception: 0xC0000005 - Access violation reading location 0x00000000

EAX: 0x000003E8 EBX: 0xFFFFFFFF ECX: 0x00000000 EDX: 0x18B0F0C8
ESI: 0x00000000 EDI: 0x019C3590 EBP: 0x0028F69C ESP: 0x0028F67C
EFLAGS: 0x00210206

0x00553948 in gta_sa.exe
0x6645C0DD in modloader.asi+0x1C0DD
0x66460552 in modloader.asi+0x20552
0x6645EBB7 in modloader.asi+0x1EBB7
0x66460C06 in modloader.asi+0x20C06
0x66460AFC in modloader.asi+0x20AFC
0x0053ECC2 in gta_sa.exe
0x00619B71 in gta_sa.exe
0x7693F050 VirtualQueryEx+0x1D in KERNELBASE.dll+0xF050
0x77C7ED4C RtlInitUnicodeString+0x164 in ntdll.dll+0x1ED4C
0x66460504 in modloader.asi+0x20504
0x6645E756 in modloader.asi+0x1E756
0x6645C01F in modloader.asi+0x1C01F
0x6646052B in modloader.asi+0x2052B
0x6645EB52 in modloader.asi+0x1EB52
0x664611DB in modloader.asi+0x211DB
0x66460B48 in modloader.asi+0x20B48
0x6645E828 in modloader.asi+0x1E828
0x6645C01F in modloader.asi+0x1C01F

ASI plugins:

Radio off.cs

+0000: 0x019C3590 0x0028F71C 0xFFFFFFFF 0x0053EA03
+0010: 0x44700000 0x44070000 0x66460570 0x00000001
+0020: 0x0028F6E4 0x6645C0DD 0x0028F6F0 0x019C79C0
+0030: 0x664B8AAC 0x019C3590 0x039DF10B 0x37B71D30
+0040: 0x80000000 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000003
+0050: 0x00000000 0x0028F6AC 0x0028F6AC 0x0028F708
+0060: 0x664B46C0 0x00000001 0x0028F6F8 0x66460552
+0070: 0x019C79D4 0x00000001 0x0028F89C 0x0028F714
+0080: 0x6645EBB7 0x0028F71C 0x0028F89C 0x0028F87C
+0090: 0x664B46D8 0x00000000 0x0028F888 0x66460C06
+00A0: 0x664B89B4 0x019C3590 0x000100CC 0x021C03C0
+00B0: 0x00000000 0x0028F87C 0x664B4965 0xFFFFFFFF
+00C0: 0x0028F888 0x00000000 0x0028F89C 0x0000001A
+00D0: 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x000007F8 0x00000028
+00E0: 0x00001F84 0x00000000 0x36E755A8 0x070500D8

SCM Op: 0x685, lDbg: 0 LastRendObj: 19022

Game Version: US 1.0



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I don't have crash without SALodLights.asi, maybe some incompatibility with distance rendering function...

I'm use disabledrawdistance.txt and disablefastload.txt...


My SALodLights.ini


RenderLodLights = 1
MaxNumberOfLodLights = 25000
CoronaRadiusMultiplier = 0.8
SlightlyIncreaseRadiusWithDistance = 0
CoronaFarClip = auto
CustomCoronaTexturePath = .\\corona.png

RenderStaticShadowsForLODs = 0 //may reduce performance
StaticShadowsIntensity = 2.0
StaticShadowsDrawDistance = 200.0

RenderSearchlightEffects = 1
RenderOnlyDuringFoggyWeather = 1
SearchlightEffectVisibilityFactor = 0.25
SmoothEffect = 1

Enable = 0
MinDrawDistanceOnTheGround = 800.0
Factor1 = 8.0
Factor2 = 3.0
StaticSunSize = 40.0

Enable = 0 // Works only with DrawDistanceChanger enabled
MinFPSValue = 35 // Plugin will decrease draw distance (far clip) if FPS value is less than this
MaxFPSValue = 55 // Plugin will increase draw distance (far clip) if FPS value is greater than this
MaxPossibleDrawDistance = 1100.0 // Plugin will stop increasing draw distance if it reaches this value

TimedObjectsDrawDistance = 0.0 // All values below 10.0 will be used as a multiplier, otherwise as a draw distance.
NeonsDrawDistance = 0.0
LODObjectsDrawDistance = 1300.0
GenericObjectsDrawDistance = 400.0
AllNormalObjectsDrawDistance = 4.0
VegetationDrawDistance = 800.0
LoadAllBinaryIPLs = 0
PreloadLODs = 0


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Crashlog shows size and CRC32 in module crash and code from crash address



Change language Alt+Shift doesn't prees Shift and player doesn't jump

Fixed player shoot when you reopen dialog and close dialog/Tab/F6 while pressing mouse


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SAMP 0.3.7:

Time is not displayed in empty message with timestamp




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SAMP 0.3.7:

Fixed crash on start in guest windows account


For this crash fix you need modified samp.dll (changed few bytes)

Download SAMP Guest Rar

Edited by nonamenoname
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Incompatible with Cleo TextDraw appeared in 2.0


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SAMP Guest 0.3.7:

Fixed LAw2.IDE was from original game


Download SAMP Guest Rar

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After installing the latest version something really funky is happening when i or other players enter cars.

Sometimes it will give me opcodes in chat, sometimes it wont play the animation properly and warps me in after running at the car for a bit, sometimes it will outright crash the game. If needed i can post the errors.

Havent had these kinds of issues before, even with older versions of samp addon.

Edited by Mubber
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Incompatible with Project2DFX

Incompatible with newCoronaLimit caused crash on start


SAMP 0.3.7:

Fixed timestamp in chat with 3'd F7 with timestamp appeared in last versions of addon


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