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Respect is Everything

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I was thinking about the future of GTA Online and how the gameplay and lite RPG elements could evolve.


One of the ideas I had was a complete overhaul to the RP/rank system. I'll do my best to explain, and even though this would be for a future game, I'll use GTA V as the example.


1. Players no longer earn linear RP. Instead, they earn respect within individual crime syndicates or families, similar to GTA2.


2. As the player works for, let's say Lester, their reputation/respect with Lester increases.


As RP with Lester increases, you gain access to new perks, such as Blind Eye, Off Radar, etc.


To raise RP with Lester, you may do jobs that decrease RP with other "factions" (merryweather, as an example).


As your RP decreases with a faction, you begin to lose benefits with them, starting with perks, and eventually losing the ability to take jobs from them entirely. Bottom out your RP with a faction and they may recruit another player to take you out.


To regain RP with a faction, you will have to attack members of an opposing faction.



This new system will mean that players can essentially outfit themselves with the perk set they prefer, but not be allowed access to EVERY perk. If you align yourself with The Ballers, for example, you might get access to their perks like hiring goons to perform a drive by on another player, etc, but you would lose Lamars mugging perk.


If you wanted to make your character more of a stealthy crime lord, you'd want Lester's perks and maybe Lamars perks so you'd need to keep them happy with you by picking and choosing which jobs to accept.


Maybe you want to be a badass destroyer, so you might want Merryweather and The Lost on your side.


This system would give players a reason to have more than 1 character, and it would introduce a slew of new perks and features.


As I mentioned before, if you piss off Merryweather, for example, they might contract another player in your session to hunt you down and take you out. This would essentially be private assassination contracts for players.


This would create a lot more replayability too as there would always be a chance to realign yourself with a new faction and take on their jobs.


I have more ideas on this, but there's the basic concept.

Edited by MichiganMuscle77
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In order for this concept to work, all the abilities from Lester and the rest of the contacts will have to be rearranged - to balance all them out. Still, this is a very cool concept. I barely use contact abilities, except Lester's Remove Wanted, but since you have to actually work to unlock these abilities, and stay aligned with them, then i might actually use them. It has great potential and if it were to become real, it's all up to how Rockstar would implement it, details and all. Nonetheless, i really like it.

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In order for this concept to work, all the abilities from Lester and the rest of the contacts will have to be rearranged - to balance all them out. Still, this is a very cool concept. I barely use contact abilities, except Lester's Remove Wanted, but since you have to actually work to unlock these abilities, and stay aligned with them, then i might actually use them. It has great potential and if it were to become real, it's all up to how Rockstar would implement it, details and all. Nonetheless, i really like it.

Correct, you would have to rearrange everything. I would say less perks per contact, but more contacts.


Maybe in VI you could have a corrupt cop whom you do some jobs for. If you avoid doing jobs he doesn't approve of, he could remove your wanted level, reduce your penalty for being arrested, spring our car from the impound for free or set a wanted level on another player (for a fee of course).


A Lamar-like character could give you access to a mugger, drive-by shooters, or a posse to go with you on a job or to attack another player.


The possibilities are endless really.

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