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Strength stat

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Looking for tips on how to raise my Strength stat. I tried to search the forum for related topics but did not find any.


I find tennis quite faster than any other option when it comes to increase Strength, and it's more fun that Golf, but the latest is a personal opinion

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I increased it by playing golf. There's a par three--think it's whole six--that you can run back to back. Each time you play the hole increases your strength by ~5%--or at least it did back in the day.


Patched a while back.


The only way I found to increase strength of late was to play LOTS of sports or play the mission Pier Pressure and run around the beach

area punching the NPC's to death, it takes AGES but it will increase your strength without any wanted stars.

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Start Gerald's mission called Death Metal, which is unlocked at level 8. Go to the beach and start punching all the people there. No cops would go after you when you're on this mission. Keep on punching until your Strength is maxed out. Might take around 20+ minutes to max out the stat if you start from zero. Complete the mission to get sweet amount of cash and RP.


Good luck. :)

Edited by TendouJigoku
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Why are you people recommending blind eye?

Just do it in a mission that has wanted levels disabled.. there are a ton of them.


Trash talk would be my recommendation. With six other people who need to increase that stat.

Instead of paying 5000 for 5 minutes, you can earn 30,000 and take as long as you'd like

Edited by soundism
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I increased it by playing golf. There's a par three--think it's whole six--that you can run back to back. Each time you play the hole increases your strength by ~5%--or at least it did back in the day.


Patched a while back.


The only way I found to increase strength of late was to play LOTS of sports or play the mission Pier Pressure and run around the beach

area punching the NPC's to death, it takes AGES but it will increase your strength without any wanted stars.


What lvl does that mission unlock at? I don't have it available yet.

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I've found the street brawl with fists and golf to be the most fun way to increase strength. Try to find a weaponless death match and go nuts punching everyone. That way you can earn a little money while you do it.

Better if you make one in the content creator, you have to test it against NPC bots before it can be published. You can be invincible during the test

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Start Gerald's mission called Death Metal, which is unlocked at level 8. Go to the beach and start punching all the people there. No cops would go after you when you're on this mission. Keep on punching until your Strength is maxed out. Might take around 20+ minutes to max out the stat if you start from zero. Complete the mission to get sweet amount of cash and RP.


Good luck. :)

Works great! Got 3 full bars since I read and tried your way! Thanks!!!

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golf. only ONE hole per game. u get the same amount of strengh no matter how many holes u play.


This, just do Hole 3 as its a par 3, and its possible to get a hole in one.

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Start Gerald's mission called Death Metal, which is unlocked at level 8. Go to the beach and start punching all the people there. No cops would go after you when you're on this mission. Keep on punching until your Strength is maxed out. Might take around 20+ minutes to max out the stat if you start from zero. Complete the mission to get sweet amount of cash and RP.


Good luck. :)

Now that's a lot easier than golf.

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Where do you need strength for? Serious question.

You can jump off of high buildings & land on your feet. You have to jump, not walk off. You can combat roll faster (less cool down). You can kill people with one punch instead of three. I'm sure there's more


Is this all proven?

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Where do you need strength for? Serious question.

You can jump off of high buildings & land on your feet. You have to jump, not walk off. You can combat roll faster (less cool down). You can kill people with one punch instead of three. I'm sure there's more


u can climb ladders faster, u take a little less damage, u recover faster....

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Step into the shower in your apartment and start showering. Hold down both triggers and press x to start masturbating.


Do this for approximately 30mins and your strength will increase by one whole bar.


Tip: To gain even more experience, moan into your microphone during the whole process

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Step into the shower in your apartment and start showering. Hold down both triggers and press x to start masturbating.


Do this for approximately 30mins and your strength will increase by one whole bar.


Tip: To gain even more experience, moan into your microphone during the whole process


Hold down R trigger for a "Pop-Eye" arm.

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