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Bought, insurance, now can't reclaim destroyed car...

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Bought a Dominator, done it up to everything you can buy at lvl 50, cost a fair bit. Took it out on a mission and it got destroyed. Now that I try to claim the insurance they won't answer the phone.


When I call the mechanic it says that it is there but destroyed. So what gives? Did my insurance glitch?

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Bought a Dominator, done it up to everything you can buy at lvl 50, cost a fair bit. Took it out on a mission and it got destroyed. Now that I try to claim the insurance they won't answer the phone.


When I call the mechanic it says that it is there but destroyed. So what gives? Did my insurance glitch?

Are you 100% postive you put insruance on it at LSC not just "put a tracker" on it?

I've had this happen as well. Basically, you just got screwed. Or I always did. I get the "vehicle destroyed" notification all the time when switching lobbies or rejoining lobbies from missions too, even though my car is spawned right in front of me.

I pretty much went down and bought everything I could at my level. It's fairly annoying. Not just the empty space taunting me about my lost car but it was a fair amount of cash I psent on it. I'm only level fifty so buying a car and doing it up can clear me out right now. I had to save up like hell for a Vacca. I just hope I don't lose any more.

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