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Convince my parents to let me play Grand Theft Auto V

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So first thing's on this topic I don't want to see bullsh*t answers like, "You shouldn't be playing this game" or "Your parents made the right dicision".


I'm 13 years old. I allready play games such as Battlefield 4, COD Ghosts and AW, Payday 1&2, and CS:GO among others.


The main reasons my mom doesn't want me playing this game: So for some reason she has heard some pretty odd stuff about this game, I know GTA's rep but here is what she fears, rape, hookers, killing civies, killing cops and running over nuns and killing old people. Go figure.


Anyway I want you guys to let me know what you think I should do to let me play GTA V. Thanks

Wait 5y and you will no longer need permission - just ninja'd by DarthS :)


Meanwhile, no nuns, old people, kids, babies or rapes are ig...

Edited by EramVerdes
  • Like 2

13? And you think its ok to play this? Its a small wonder thr world is turning out how it is...


Its good to hear that your parents are blocking this.. You might not understand it now.. But one day you will....

Edited by jweaver

Your parents are doing a good job. And the GTA Online community will be grateful too...one 13 year old squeaker less, at least that´s a beginning.

Edited by Doctor Ray



God bless your parents, we don't need any more squeelers in GTAO. This thread is hilarious, the V fanbase in a nutcase

So first thing's on this topic I don't want to see bullsh*t answers like, "You shouldn't be playing this game" or "Your parents made the right dicision".

I'm 13 years old. I allready play games such as Battlefield 4, COD Ghosts and AW, Payday 1&2, and CS:GO among others.

The main reasons my mom doesn't want me playing this game: So for some reason she has heard some pretty odd stuff about this game, I know GTA's rep but here is what she fears, rape, hookers, killing civies, killing cops and running over nuns and killing old people. Go figure.

Anyway I want you guys to let me know what you think I should do to let me play GTA V. Thanks

Seems as if you can't even spell yet! GTA ain't a game for you, kid. Stick to CoD, your kind is strong there. :lol::lol:

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It's not for kids. I wouldn't let my kids play it if i had any, you see new generation isn't as stupid as the old one. We actually learn from old gen mistakes. At least i hope most of us do. Youre only 13, wait 2-3 years pal. U should be playing mlp and mario kart crap.

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COD, a game where you shoot people, and that's it! you sprint and shoot! in the treyarch games arms legs and heads come off! They're quite violent, so tell them GTA is just like them, the stuff in the papers is a lie.


Do you have a smart phone or tablet? I recommend getting the classic GTA games, it'll introduce you to the delights of the past that many will miss out on.

Edited by CarlitoDorito

I started playing 18+ games at the age of 5-6. my parents aren't stupid and think that games make you a 'killer' or some BS when you grow up.


(I'm 16 BTW).

Edited by NoSignal666
Intergalactic Pimp

God bless your parents. You DON'T need to be playing this game. Your parents made the right decision. Sorry for the BS answers, but it's true.


There's a reason these games are for mature audiences.

Edited by Intergalactic Pimp

Tell them you'll learn the basics of driving.



Just kidding ;)



You can tell that the medias are just trying to be interesting by exaggerating every little detail in the game AND that YOU decide what you do in the game, unlike CoD where they force you to kill people.

I once saw a sh*tty media calling GTA V a jerk off simulator. :facedesk:


Tell them you know it's a game, it's just a game and doesn't make you wan't to kill. If games did that it wouldn't just be the violent ones, it would be Mario too. It would give you an urge to jump on a Tortoise and jumping headbutt bricks.


Tell them to trust you.

That's how I got GTA IV back in 2010, I will just go around in a car, won't do anything bad. Didn't believe me, but I bought the Xbox with GTA anyway.

So get your money and go buy it.

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Lmao I remember playing Gta sa when I was 10

I got a good cut ass cause cj couldn't stop cursing and my mom heard it while walking in to my room one time - all I heard was bring the Cd and bring the belt lmao


Bro with a game like Gta5 and all the negative feedback like hookers and killing cops - ask on of your friends to try get it for you


Or just find someone you can trust over age to get it for you lol because if you go in store those cashiers will politely deny you lmao

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If your mother doesnt want you to play then you cant play your under 18 and living under her roof so she makes decisions for you sucks but thats life. Im turning 18 and still have to listen due to me living under her roof. And your moms probably worried because the sterotype of violent games because they say they make you violent or w.e.

If you reading this parents, don't buy GTA V we want to play without having hear a 10 year old swearing and shouting because he got killed

So first thing's on this topic I don't want to see bullsh*t answers like, "You shouldn't be playing this game" or "Your parents made the right dicision".


I'm 13 years old.


First of all, you're 13 and using the word "bullsh*t"? What the hell is going on with kids these days? I was no innocent kid, but at least I wasn't a little asshole.


Secondly, I played Vice City when I was 13. The content was clearly not intended for my age then, and I knew it, but I was mature enough to play it. At the same, time a game like Vice City is WAY tamer compared to the content in V. There would be nothing I could say to convince your parents to let you play. I can't imagine reading a GTA forum would convince your parents to let you play in the first place.

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i suggest you get this game instead






its rated t for teen and is suitable for your age.



if you are not one of those racist squeekers that shout obscene comments into the mic, then maybe in a year you can pick up gta v.


youre still maturing kid, enjoy your youth

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You could try to convince your parents that you are aware of the distinct differences between video games and real life. How you do that is up to you, really. I assume that, out of all people, your mom knows you the best. In other words, she knows what's the best for you. It's also worth to note that begging is about the worst thing you can do, as it's not a good sign for someone that plays mature-rated games at such a young age.


To sum it up, there isn't a whole lot you can do. In my view, the most reasonable thing to do would be to accept the decision that has been made.

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