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They messed up the TV in one of the recent patches

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The only reason to watch tv before was to scout someone out who's just sitting in their car, call a mugger on them, then quickly go back to the tv and have a laugh as your mugger jacks his car.


This worked because when you left the tv and went back, it would always go back to the same Chanel and the same player so you could see your mugger just intime.


Now, Everytime you go to your tv, it starts you on one of those useless Chanels and you literally have to flip through 20 useless Chanel to find the player list again. Not to mention it takes 20 seconds to change a Chanel.


The mugger is always long gone by the time I can find the player again.

Maybe you can send the mugger on a player who is driving, and then you can go back to the TV and find the player on the player list, to observe him. Once the player stops later then the Mugger should approach him. This should give you enough time to "get back" to observe him and to be able to see the Mugger approach the player.


On Xbox 360 you could view anyone, until they did add the "observe feature" in the profile. With this "observe feature", R* also added the option to turn the observe feature on or off to control if others can observe you or not.

Edited by PalmIsland!

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