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[PS4] Norwegian Lads Recruitment ThreadW

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Hello, we're a group of Norwegian players just looking to expand our crew. We currently have 5 players, but more are coming. We will be playing actively considering a bunch just got PS4. I (MartinGismo) have had the PS for around 3 months, but I've had 2 x Xbox 360, 2 x PS3 and a Gaming PC. Including XB1 but I traded it in for the PS4 to play with mates. Now that we have made a crew we're open for anyone to join, but we'll have a few requirements:

Requirements to join the crew

- You have to be able to speak/understand English, you don't have to be norwegian, thats just the leaders. But its a plus!

- You have to be over 16 years old, and act your age.

- You have to be somewhat active and willing to play with us.

- Don't expect a serious clan here, we're here to have fun. But we often do missions and play seriously.

General Info

Timezone: GMT+01 (primarily)

Mostly Norwegians, however any nation is welcome as long as they meet the requirements

We don't have an emblem yet, fairly fresh crew :santa:


I will edit this post in the future, this is just a simple Hello to let people know that we're out there.



Edit: can an admin edit out the W in the title? thanks :)

Edited by MartinGismo
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