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Rooftop Rumble on hard, using a Buzzard (video)

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The easiest, relaxed way. Costs 2 bullets and 200 for the buzzard. Take your time: the longer the mission takes, the higher the payout.


You can also speed it up of course - just as you prefer.


Most important: Have fun! :)



Edited by Anidni
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This is so retarded! If people wouldn't just sit their butt off making others waste their time in a mission, then you could've done Rooftop Rumble twice in the amount of time you wasted sitting around in one. People let the fricken big numbers fool them. Ok, I'll sit my butt off for 15 minutes to earn $22,000 in Rooftop, when I could've completed the mission normally twice in a row in about 7-8 minutes each time, with $14,000 for each run = $28,000. Come on people, use your heads. Don't let the big numbers fool you compared to the amount of time it takes to sit your butt around. It's not very effective.


Better yet, do another mission like Stocks and Scares that doesn't require you to sit your butt off. Just play the mission normally, and you'll average $17,000-$20,000.


Anyways, if someone sits around in my lobby with a document, briefcase, etc., I'm just going to leave so I'm not wasting my time.




Sorry, this has been bugging me for a while ever since 1.16.

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Im even cheaper than that, I use the buzzard miniguns to smoke the document guy up there when he gets out, one shot from any weapon and you gotta buy a whole clip full of ammo to top it off, no penny is too small for pinching!


On free aim hard solo ya get just under 5000 rp each time.


Ya get a tad more rp and money with trash talk, almost 5200rp hard free aim solo and 23k.

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@County, of course you may prefer to speedrun this mission, calculate the time and earn more. I've done that so many times that it gets boooring. This is the chilled version, not worse or better than any other. :)

Edited by Anidni

Wtf, there's an endpoint for the document guy in Rooftop Rumble?? And people actually knew about that? My word... how bad must one be at car chases and/or shooting to have the dude go that far... With me, he dies on the first block.

Edited by henryborked

Wtf, there's an endpoint for the document guy in Rooftop Rumble?? And people actually knew about that? My word... how bad must one be at car chases and/or shooting to have the dude go that far... With me, he dies on the first block.

I got there just today. Was in a loby with 2 other people. One destroyed my car and left, the host sat on a balcony in idle. I killed the document guy and suicided to the troops :p

Wtf, there's an endpoint for the document guy in Rooftop Rumble?? And people actually knew about that? My word... how bad must one be at car chases and/or shooting to have the dude go that far... With me, he dies on the first block.

Surely, if you want to be fast, kill the guy in his car. If you want a higher payout wait until he arrived. Multiple choices. :)


Wtf, there's an endpoint for the document guy in Rooftop Rumble?? And people actually knew about that? My word... how bad must one be at car chases and/or shooting to have the dude go that far... With me, he dies on the first block.

Surely, if you want to be fast, kill the guy in his car. If you want a higher payout wait until he arrived. Multiple choices. :)

Your math is wrong. If I wait and wait for a few extra grand I could just as easily have done another mission for 15k. At the end of the day faster = better.

Do as you like, bro!


I play many missions. Not only for the money, also for the fun. Hence almost always with friends. That means to have time for some extra-nonsense or whatever comes to mind.


I decided to publish this video because I first had problems using the buzzard effectively on this job. Mainly due to the wrong angle towards the garage. Just ignore it if it doesn't do anything for you. :)

Edited by Anidni
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