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Flight helmet display

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Old gen or next gen ? And pics ?

Next gen. I don't have a pic but if u go to inventory and set auto helmet for flying to "on" you get to see the heads up display of the crosshairs and altitude bar thingys

Also if you have the flight suit on.
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Old gen or next gen ? And pics ?

Next gen. I don't have a pic but if u go to inventory and set auto helmet for flying to "on" you get to see the heads up display of the crosshairs and altitude bar thingys



Next gen.. it makes me cringe when people call PS4 and XBOX next gen.

You could call them next gen when they werent released, or even a few weeks after its release, but not after a year.


PS4 and XBOX is current gen, PS3 and X360 are last gen.


Next generation now is PS5 and XBOXrandomnumber.


However: Yes, i noticed this and i like it. :p

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Oh, nice - now I've got to give this a go, later!

Just another tiny, easily-miss-able detail that R* shoved in, just because it was a neat thing to do ...and that a ton of people might never realise is in the game. Seriously - it's only in Online, in jets, with a flight helmet, in 1st-person mode. How much of the time will people do all those things at once? And yet R* did it anyway, because why not?

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Old gen or next gen ? And pics ?

Next gen. I don't have a pic but if u go to inventory and set auto helmet for flying to "on" you get to see the heads up display of the crosshairs and altitude bar thingys


Next gen.. it makes me cringe when people call PS4 and XBOX next gen.

You could call them next gen when they werent released, or even a few weeks after its release, but not after a year.


PS4 and XBOX is current gen, PS3 and X360 are last gen.


Next generation now is PS5 and XBOXrandomnumber.


However: Yes, i noticed this and i like it. :p

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