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Boat Delivery Discussion

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Retired Mafia

If my slamvan gets a trailer, would love to drive around with a big ass yacht behind it

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I hope they implement the ability to actually use the bison/sadler's trailer mount for something in the future. Pulling a boat by the beach and releasing it (PV will stay there, get my drift?) you'll be able to go on a boat trip, go back to the car and store the trailer at your apartment.


I hope.

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Okay then! You code, and I'm sure they'll put it in. I personally would like to be able to teleport and use fire punches. I'm looking at how to code Java right now~


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Death Magnetic

Okay then! You code, and I'm sure they'll put it in. I personally would like to be able to teleport and use fire punches. I'm looking at how to code Java right now~


No one is ever f*cking content here.

Butthurt DLC confirmed

It was just an idea don't sh*t yourself

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Yes for gods sake. Let pegasus just deliver the boat on a trailer to the dachshund depot on the east side of downtown. Let me take it to mirror park for a chew with my Bison. Some of my fondest memories of this game are the 'vacations' I get to take when I find a boat on a trailer.

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i do not own a boat and most likely never will, but if they did something like this it would be nice to have more than a select handful of vehicles to tow with. basicly anything that can and could tow in RL should have a towing option IMO.

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I would rather they deliver the boats on any body of water closest to you instead of having them delivered to the docks.



Yep, this should go for ALL Pegasus deliveries......where-ever the nearest suitable surface to deliver it is, that's where it should be delivered.


If it's a plane, that's fine to deliver it to the nearest air strip. But if it's a car/truck/tank, just deliver the dang thing at the nearest road surface. Same for a helicopter, wherever the nearest flat land is. Boat, nearest body of water.


I guess that makes too much sense though :(

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