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How long will GTA V last?


The Public Interest Of GTA V  

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  1. 1. How long will GTA V last?

    • 1 year
    • 2-3 years
    • 4-5 years
    • 6-10 years
    • 10+ years

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You know how every video game has it's heyday and all that crap? How the game slowly loses interest over time because either the game gets boring or it's forgotten because of some hip, new, cool game that comes out the next year?


I wanna know when you guys think that GTA V will lose popularity and how, based upon recent game news and your personal experiences with the game.


Me, I give it to late 2015 when Rockstar might (based upon my dreams) come out with a crappy expansion-pack-thingy to the "5" story arc.

Edited by armyraidfail404
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Haha, no GTA ever dies really. Advance and the other top down games have little traction, but the modding community is still booming for the III era games. IV is still alive as well, the story has it's own little cult following.

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Definitelly agree with Leone here.. people still play III very often (of course not as many and not as much, but very few games from 2001 are even remembered to this day) so that's a proof of any GTA game's longevity. They live very, very long.

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I last played GTA IV like a month before V first came out and I had no problem finding online games with the full 16 players. With how much bigger and more ambitious this game is, GTA V will easily last players several years until the next one comes out.

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I for one really hope that they just keep making new worlds and add them onto the GTAV map and we use the international airport to travel between them.

I remember reading an interview around the time the game was first released where they talked about GTA Online being the future and being able to add essentially as much content as they want to it. Even going as far as adding the entire map of Liberty City from IV to the already existing world of GTA V. So I wouldn't be surprised if a few years down the road, that's exactly what we see happen.

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Hate sounding like some spoiled R* fanboy, but GTA is not a franchise, which easily gets forgotten, because of the demand of "supposed better and fresh game"! Maybe its because nobody is trying too hard to impress gamers and rather make money by milking their customers with cut from the disc content and put later as DLC etc kind of politics, maybe its because nobody make games "from fans to fans, made with soul" anymore or maybe its due to me getting older, being grown up with games, striking with nostalgia factor...Either way there were never a game ever since San Andreas, that would hype me more than GTA so much, that it would force me to lose interest in GTA, while waiting for that game! The exception is maybe (just MAYBE) are Fallout and Elder Scrolls series games and some Bioware games, like Mass Effect or Dragon Age...but thats all really...COD, Battlefield, Halo, Assassin's Creed, Far Cry <-- these never really get me hyped too much (probably its due to mostly negative experience with those companies...)...

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V will not be forgotten anytime soon, if ever, mainly because GTAs generally last for years. Plus, the modding community helps improving the longevity of these games, which is basically free advertising for Rockstar. It's worth to note that modding is often the reason why people buy GTA in the first place. Now, those are not in the majority, but it's a considerable amount, nonetheless. Also, let's not forget that V is an open world game, and fun isn't only generated through the content that is available in-game - i.e. you can create your own fun. The possibilities are virtually endless.

Edited by Andreas
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V will not be forgotten anytime soon, if ever, mainly because GTAs generally last for years. Plus, the modding community helps improving the longevity of these games, which is basically free advertising for Rockstar. It's worth to note that modding is often the reason why people buy GTA in the first place. Now, those are not in the majority, but it's a considerable amount, nonetheless. Also, let's not forget that V is an open world game, and fun isn't only generated through the content that is available in-game - i.e. you can create your own fun. The possibilities are virtually endless.

The LCPDFR mod is just one reason why people purchase GTA IV off Steam. There are many people who post that on that forum. :)

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It will last a while and people will gain a new appreciation for it when the next GTA comes out just like they did with IV.

I guess "gain a new appreciation" is a euphemism for "people will bitch about GTA VI and say that GTA V was better."

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It will last a while and people will gain a new appreciation for it when the next GTA comes out just like they did with IV.

I guess "gain a new appreciation" is a euphemism for "people will bitch about GTA VI and say that GTA V was better."


You got it.

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You know how every video game has it's heyday and all that crap? How the game slowly loses interest over time because either the game gets boring or it's forgotten because of some hip, new, cool game that comes out the next year?


I wanna know when you guys think that GTA V will lose popularity and how, based upon recent game news and your personal experiences with the game.


Me, I give it to late 2015 when Rockstar might (based upon my dreams) come out with a crappy expansion-pack-thingy to the "5" story arc.

Well to me personally theres few games that can outshine or shine as bright as gta, starcraft expansions.. half life. New warcraft rts.. wow sucks btw its not canon as the story was tailored for mmorpg. and u know how that goes. They change the story to fit into their grinding scheme.

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I rarely feel any 'hype' for videogames today. If you ask me about the most hip games I have no idea. The majority of all games released in modern day are very much the same: casualized rubbish with very little innovation. The few games that I feel hype for is the ARMA-series and GTA. Since GTA V, I do have to say that I don't have very high expectations for the next GTA. The truth is though that GTA V on the PC, given that Rockstar delivers, will survive for a long time. The console version will start to fade out for real in about 2-3 years.

Edited by Cyper
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Console support will die after PC release once modders show the devs what can and will be done in this game to its full potential and utterly destroy their morality.


Okay...why don´t you tell us which mods YOU will create for PC? Or are you just another bigmouth boasting about PC mods and hoping others will do it for him?

Edited by Doctor Ray
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For a long time my friend, Especially with mods on PC (after the modder's could break into the game files and make it mod able of course), There's still people playing GTA San andreas, hell even some still play Vice city and III including me!. We're talking about GTA here not some new boring dull sh*tty racist FPS Online (i'm not talking about GTA online)

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Haha, no GTA ever dies really. Advance and the other top down games have little traction, but the modding community is still booming for the III era games. IV is still alive as well, the story has it's own little cult following.


This. People still talk about GTA III, and that game cam out nearly 14 years ago.


The casual crowd will lose interest before too long, but the fans will stick with it for a long time. If I love a game, I can play it again no matter how old it gets.

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King Vercetti

Console support will die after PC release once modders show the devs what can and will be done in this game to its full potential and utterly destroy their morality.

Lol no. GTAO isn't going away no matter what anyone says about it. And it will have a deep user base on all platforms for years to come.

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Ages, up until VI probably. A surprising amount of people like online so that'll keep people playing for a while. SP will too probably, there's a lot to do if you use your imagination.


If it wasn't for V I would still be playing IV, I don't think I'm the only one.

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it will last me, personally, a very long time.


GTA III: started playing at release and last played it about a year ago so.... 2001-2013. = 12 years

GTA VC: release to 2013 so.... 2002-2013 = 11 years

GTA SA: release till now so - 2004-present = 10 years and counting.

GTA IV: 2007 - 2013 = 6 years



III to VC...the longest time spent playing a GTA game. great games. only stopped playing cause my launch PS3 died and the new one couldnt play PS2 games. i know they are available on phones these days but nah...time to move on!


SA....the only game i felt i could keep playing and even on my smartphone. if i can ever play it again on my PS4 then i'll probably play through it again.


IV...meh worst GTA game ever. and that lasted me a decent amount of time! right up until just before GTA V release.


Now........for GTA V! despite playing GTA for the last 13 years or so...this is the first GTA game i've been so hyped up for pre release. i always wanted to revisit san andreas (even if it was just los santos) and when this was announced...i was f*cking so excited. it very well might surpase GTA SA for me. time will tell.


basically. if the worst ever GTA game (IV) can last me 6 years then I can see GTA V lasting me much longer. if they had kept it on ps3 then i'd probably only play it for another couple years before getting rid of the PS3 ...BUT they released it on PS4 so...i'll be playing it all through this generation and into the next.


when the PS5 comes out....assuming it can't play PS4 games....then i'll be keeping my PS4 just to play GTA V.even if GTA VI is out!

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it will last me, personally, a very long time.


GTA III: started playing at release and last played it about a year ago so.... 2001-2013. = 12 years

GTA VC: release to 2013 so.... 2002-2013 = 11 years

GTA SA: release till now so - 2004-present = 10 years and counting.

GTA IV: 2007 - 2013 = 6 years



III to VC...the longest time spent playing a GTA game. great games. only stopped playing cause my launch PS3 died and the new one couldnt play PS2 games. i know they are available on phones these days but nah...time to move on!


SA....the only game i felt i could keep playing and even on my smartphone. if i can ever play it again on my PS4 then i'll probably play through it again.


IV...meh worst GTA game ever. and that lasted me a decent amount of time! right up until just before GTA V release.


Now........for GTA V! despite playing GTA for the last 13 years or so...this is the first GTA game i've been so hyped up for pre release. i always wanted to revisit san andreas (even if it was just los santos) and when this was announced...i was f*cking so excited. it very well might surpase GTA SA for me. time will tell.


basically. if the worst ever GTA game (IV) can last me 6 years then I can see GTA V lasting me much longer. if they had kept it on ps3 then i'd probably only play it for another couple years before getting rid of the PS3 ...BUT they released it on PS4 so...i'll be playing it all through this generation and into the next.


when the PS5 comes out....assuming it can't play PS4 games....then i'll be keeping my PS4 just to play GTA V.even if GTA VI is out!


I can see where you're coming from as i can somewhat relate, but i don't think you're being completely honest! I have my huge doubts you played any of those GTA games for so many years straight! Its impossible to not get tired after playing one game (no matter how good it is!...) for like several month at most! (two-three months maximum!)...I know a lot about psychology to be sure what i'm talking about, dude! Yes i believe you, when you say that you still play all those games from time to time and in my opinion there is no way to measure if there will be another year/month/week you will touch 3D era GTA games, because weird thing happen, it might surprise you, when even after playing GTAV you might want to play GTAIII again all of a sudden! LOL The way i see it is that you definitely took long breaks between getting tired of one GTA game, switching to another and all that jazz! So say you played GTAIII for like two-three months, then you got tired and switched to some other game (not related to GTA), then after several more months (usually much longer, than previous GTA playtime streak...) you return to that GTA game! Weren't trying to be "that guy", just shared my opinion about what you said! That might not be true, but if you're human being just like me, who gets tired and bored eventually then i'm probably right...That doesn't necessary mean that particular GTA game is the only game that gets you occupied for that period of time i previously mentioned (two-three months...), but lets face it, while we enjoy playing something it becomes our main focus for the time being! So i doubt that if you like GTA much more than anything else, you'd play anything else outside of those GTA game for more than 20% of your gaming time...

Edited by ItsJustMeSrsly
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