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Good Solo Missions?

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A good challenge that tests your knowledge of certain mission elements is The Los Santos Connection. Diving into it blind is really difficult, but if you know about blowing up the Buzzard and the Jet before going to the hangar near the end, the mission is a lot easier.

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"Checkout Time" is easily one of the best missions to make quick, easy money and RP on. I have this mission down to 3 minutes. Pays over $7k and 1700+RP at 3 minutes... 4 minutes pays $10k and slightly more RP... 16+ minutes, if you choose to sit and wait pays $20,100 and around 3,300RP. It only requires ONE stickybomb (at $495) and a get-a-way from the cops...


Personally, I will rob a store for an extra 1k-1,900 first, then exit the store and get into the car. From there, go to start menu, jobs and go to the mission. The faster and more times you do this job in a row, the more money you will make. Waiting around for the 16 minutes for the 20k isn't the best way to make money. Also, about every 4 times you do the job, it will be time that you will be able to chop a car at Los Santos Customs... Easy way to add another 9k to your bank account in between! (If you pick up a gallavanter baller or lampedati)


I farmed this for a night and easily bought my 3rd apartment for $500k.

Edited by Dalbitz
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Captain Revenge

The mission Extradition, at 1st try i jumped my tank over the fence and got the Titan with 1 Rhino shot, then u have to chase the DA (which is not in the description of the mission) So i was screwed..........Next try i noticed Laser Jets at Sandy Shores airfield while retrieving my Buzzard. Use jet, got Titan, took out DA in the jet, lost my wanted level, parachuted to the ground, got briefcase, brought it to Martins. Done.


Defender, don't use provided Buzzards, instead fly them to Fort Zancudo, take a jet for the mission.


Coveted, I go all the way to Sandy Shores airfield to retrieve Buzzard, pound all the targets. land on opposite bank, snipe pilot to Cargo Boob, fly over, land take Cargo Boob, head directly East, then South hugging the coastline, after u just get past National Security complex, turn West, down through highway valley that leads to drop off point. Pursuing helicopter never catches up.


I could probably do Landing Strip solo, but 2 are required to start it.


Trash Talk - Buzzard - or - Rhino - or - Laser

Rooftop Rumble - Buzzard

Titan of a job - Buzzard

The Los Santos Connection - Buzzard - or - Rhino

Hit'em Up - Buzzard

Crystal Clearout 3 - Buzzard - or - Laser

Editor and Theif - Rhino

Judging the Jury - Buzzard



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Actually better not to use a Buzzard for some, because it means you burn through the missions faster and earn less as a result.

I tend to favour the following quite a bit:

Hack & Dash



Bust Out

Trash Talk

High Priority Case

Denial of Service

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Payout aside, I'm a fan of the Los Santos Connection just for it's longevity. It almost feels like a mini campaign when you don't rush sh*t or use buzzards.

I wish we had more missions that have 3+ objectives like LS Connection.

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There are alot of good solo missions and most have been said already. I have to add one that i dont think i seen in this thread yet,"Pickup Sticks". Yep, it is the most fun to do solo. You may not believe me but im for real.


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There are alot of good solo missions and most have been said already. I have to add one that i dont think i seen in this thread yet,"Pickup Sticks". Yep, it is the most fun to do solo. You may not believe me but im for real.



what you cant do it solo?

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Rockford Roll.


Start mission, retrieve the cabrio. Call lester to remove wanted level. Go and park by Simeon's.


Idle for 10 minutes or so while you browse the forums/watch tv/do whatever. Drive into the marker.




Rinse, repeat :D


I like to do this while watching whole series online.

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There are alot of good solo missions and most have been said already. I have to add one that i dont think i seen in this thread yet,"Pickup Sticks". Yep, it is the most fun to do solo. You may not believe me but im for real.


what you cant do it solo?



Oh, it's doable all right - it's just I find it to be a wretched bloody chore! Maybe it's just me, but it's just no fun to do, personally...

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There are alot of good solo missions and most have been said already. I have to add one that i dont think i seen in this thread yet,"Pickup Sticks". Yep, it is the most fun to do solo. You may not believe me but im for real.



what you cant do it solo?


Oh, it's doable all right - it's just I find it to be a wretched bloody chore! Maybe it's just me, but it's just no fun to do, personally...

Are you on ps4? If so add bloodyninejm and ill show you how i do it. Trust me,its easy and fun and fast. I have done it with ppl and i basically tell them to just sit tight while i get the package. When we're done they all say the same thing "that's the fastest I've ever seen that done" im not an awesome player at all but in contact missions I'm better than average. Anyway i found a video where this chick solo'd it, i am just doing it the way she did it. You could find the vid and if you do try it. Youll see what im talking about. One hint, it's all about WHERE YOU LAND THE CHOPPER.

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Once you pull the cars together leave one out of the mix so you can drive it near the dealershp. Pour some gas on a hood, fire off a shot or two and wait for the fireball. Be quick and smart on your driving bc the bad guys are pretty good if you're not used to them and even if you're near your final destination

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Also,"Satellite Communications" and "Diamond's Are For Trevor" are good solo missions if done a certain way. If anyone thinks im crazy like the other dude did then add me on ps4. I'll show you and you can show your friends and everybody can make some money.

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Where credit is due (Siimeon)


If you're looking for an easy mission to get A LOT of RP and a decent amount of money try this mission. When you're about to get the Zion, you can kill the enemies once you get the car but it doesn't really matter. Once you get the car, go to the excavation tunnel (the tunnel you when through when you did the jewelry heist) then camp around the corner. Kill as many cops as possible, if you last for 20-25 minutes, you'll get somewhere around 6000-8000 RP and $18,000 - $20,000. The most I got was 8860 RP and $20,400. It does take a little time but it's worth it!

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Clearly there's good crew/group missions which some are difficult to play solo, but what missions are god to play solo?


i mostly do Death Metal as its an easy $9k and only takes 5 minutes but its getting boring

I do Los Santos Connection, set to hard, solo and it takes 10 minutes or less. Good money, good RP.

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