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Snowball fights are surprisingly really fun in-game!

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I love breaking car windows with them. Saw a chrome Zentorno parked outside of a Ponsonby's and put holes in the side windows. Pelted the dude when he walked out and I took off before he could do anything about it. I'm so petty.

my experience with snowballs...


pick up some snow, notice a guy buying some clothes, i go to the store, storm in and throw a snowball to his face, he fell on his back, i keep throwing snowballs at him til im out of snow...


his response... UNLOAD a AK to my face.


R* should have made this option work while in passive, unless is with friends, one cant play with snow when the other player have loaded guns enabled!

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Salty_Yote aka SeaWallTx

ā–ŗIt has begun to snow in Los Santos and the surrounding counties, on today December the 23rd.

ā—†Now that it HAS begun to snow we have been introduced to a NEW Weapon, Snowballs, and they are good for a good ol' fashioned Snowball Fight.

ā—All you do is; Anytime there is Snow on the ground you simply press "Left" on the directional pad and your character will pick up 3 snowballs at a time, they can carry up to "9", they are in the same category as the Grenades and are thrown/used in the same manner.


ā—†To better understand how this works and to see the Snow Falling and the Snowballs in action check out this video:

(You CANNOT pick up these "Snowballs" while in "Passive Mode".)


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