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Who the hell is this guy?

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That's the guy doing the north korean hack. you should report him to interpol. :p

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He is your brother, he will turn your ashes into diamonds and carry you into battle with him



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Not this again, we've been over this so many times now.

Never heard of/ seen him before. And I couldn't figure out which words to use in a search, but hey, crucify me, it IS Christmas.


I always spawn in my garage, apartments are pointless. We popped in to open my presents, couldn't, then find this dude!

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Not this again, we've been over this so many times now.

Never heard of/ seen him before. And I couldn't figure out which words to use in a search, but hey, crucify me, it IS Christmas...No no no...you're thinking of Easter. Edited by JRebbert512
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Not this again, we've been over this so many times now.

Never heard of/ seen him before. And I couldn't figure out which words to use in a search, but hey, crucify me, it IS Christmas...
No no no...you're thinking of Easter.



Edited by Sum-gUy
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Chaotic Shrapnel



Not this again, we've been over this so many times now.

Never heard of/ seen him before. And I couldn't figure out which words to use in a search, but hey, crucify me, it IS Christmas...
No no no...you're thinking of Easter.


I think he looking for the term, give birth.

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Not this again, we've been over this so many times now.

Never heard of/ seen him before. And I couldn't figure out which words to use in a search, but hey, crucify me, it IS Christmas...
No no no...you're thinking of Easter.


I think he looking for the term, give birth.


He wants us to give birth to him? Collectively? Please explain.

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Yet, no one has answered.

I've realized that if members spent half the time answering the questions instead of crying about not reading a post from over a year ago. Just answer the damn questions

Ditto. You and I should form the "people who hate people committee".


We could have a meeting, except we'd probably end up hating each other as well.


Congratulations to some of you for allowing my crucification joke to go completely over your tiny heads by the way.


Doomed as a species.

Edited by BatFerYou
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I remember one thread back then, a modder spawned him in to sit there. Apparently it's also a glitch, I've never had it happen, but I'm never in their anymore either.


You guys need to shut the f*ck up saying it's old, either link, explain, or godie.

Edited by coldmurda
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Ditto. You and I should form the "people who hate people committee".

We could have a meeting, except we'd probably end up hating each other as well.

Congratulations to some of you for allowing my crucification joke to go completely over your tiny heads by the way.

Doomed as a species.

I think I'm the only one who commented directly on your joke, and I understood it. I think it's pretty clear that I understood it by the way I took what you started and kicked it up a notch.
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