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Is bad sport even a thing anymore ?

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I mean, I've blown up a numerous amount of cars and have not received any sentences, however they may be yet to come. But tbh I really don't think blowing up PV's should be a problem, since you can quickly call for it back.... the bad sport system should only apply to those who destroy vehicles without having the money to pay for the damage.


What are your opinions on the bad sport system ? I think it's broken....

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the bad sport system should only apply to those who destroy vehicles without having the money to pay for the damage.


I strongly suspect this is actually the case, and we just don't know it.


I blow up cars without concern, and I do it a lot. I always get the BS warning, but I always pay the insurance.



Nope, I got bad sport for destroying PV's with cash to pay insurances

So you ended up in bad sport sessions, with a dunce cap, despite paying all insurance costs?

i always pay my insurance and have been through bad sport 5-6 times already!

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Nope, I got bad sport for destroying PV's with cash to pay insurances

So you ended up in bad sport sessions, with a dunce cap, despite paying all insurance costs?

i always pay my insurance and have been through bad sport 5-6 times already!



I guess there's no logic then, as I really do blow up a lot of other people's stuff. I get lots of warnings about BS but never end up in there (apart from when online first came out).

like i said on another thread, bad sport seem to be more harsh on players like me, that do nothing but freeroam.


if you play missions on a regular basis im sure that erase some of the bad sport from you credit, resulting in never landing in bad sport, but for fulltime freeroamers like me, its a whole different story!


R* should make some major tweaking to the bad sport system or simply revert it to the way it was during patch 1.16 that you wont get bad sport for destroying a occupied vehicle.


just like the death penalty, bad sport have provent that is not a effective deterrent!

Buying cash cards prevents you from getting bad sport. I can know because I go to the gym to challenge the gym leader for a Pokemon battle and exercise everyday this way, and have never gotten bad sport in my time. I did win all 8 badges though.



Or maybe it's because I don't blow up cars like there's no tomorrow and don't dick around in free roam doing things that can end you up in bad sport? Not sure...

Edited by Franceska

like i said on another thread, bad sport seem to be more harsh on players like me, that do nothing but freeroam.


if you play missions on a regular basis im sure that erase some of the bad sport from you credit, resulting in never landing in bad sport, but for fulltime freeroamers like me, its a whole different story!


R* should make some major tweaking to the bad sport system or simply revert it to the way it was during patch 1.16 that you wont get bad sport for destroying a occupied vehicle.


just like the death penalty, bad sport have provent that is not a effective deterrent!


That's part of the reason I say there's no clear logic behind it. I too free roam the majority of the time.


I'd like them to explain how it works, so things like this are clear, but I know that's a double-edged sword, as some people would just push it as far as possible and then clean their act up for long enough to not go to BS, and then rinse and repeat.


To fix the bad sport system, I think you should be warned about how many cars you have blown up, out of the amount it takes for you to get a bad sport. They should also reset the amount you have blown up by 20 cars, each time you log onto GTA. For example....


" You have blown up 26/50 cars in this session, behave yourself or else." Once you have blown up 50 cars, you are allowed to join freeroam sessions, but are not allowed to use explosives, and any shots that you fire at any vehicle will not damage the car and cause it to explode. This could be the sentence of what happens when you get bad sport for the first 5 times.


When you get bad sport for the 6th time, you should be placed into freeroam lobbies, where you are kept in passive mode, you cannot harm other players and lose access to places such as your apartment and have a long duration as to when you can call for your mechanic. This will sentence will happen for the next 24 hours - real life time.


Once the 24 hours are complete, you will be forced to do periodic rewards, such as robbing stores, where the money you take is automatically given to all players in the lobby, you are forced to do at-least 1 mission every 24 hours - in game. The money earned from that will be added to the players in the mission' cash reward. This will continue for 3 days in game.


After this, you are given all weapons back and the amount of cars you have blown up are reset. You will be placed into a lobby with players who have just been through the same process as you - while wearing a dunce cap on your head. You will stay in this lobby for half an hour - in real life time. Where you will have a choice of, being friendly to other players, or killing them. - In which each player you kill, your time in the lobby will increase by 10 minutes!


After your timer is complete, you will be placed back into a normal Gta online session, with the amount of cars you have destroyed being reset. If you have to go through this process, 5 times, the amount of cars it takes for you to get bad sport will decrease by 5 cars. To get back to the 50 cars it takes, you must pay a total of $ 15, 000.

the system works pretty fine! if you are in badsport, its never because of the PVs... its because u dont play well with others.


i destroy every PV i want to (not everyone i see), i still get the 2000 $ a while later. but i never quit missions or cancel out of the selection screens. or did i just spent enough peaceful time in gta:online?

I used to go all the time when the game first launched, but now, after one of those patches, I haven't been to bad sport again. I blow up like 12 cars every session I play. No bad sport anymore.

Edited by Omnifarious

I think bad sport players should be sent to boilingbroke prison instead and do time there about 6hrs in real time. Especially troll players who like to shoot or blow people up for no reason. They should also have an npc cellmate named bubba that makes them wear a wig wash his clothes and spoon with him at night like trevor does floyd. That'll make em straighten up and fly right.

I think bad sport players should be sent to boilingbroke prison instead and do time there about 6hrs in real time. Especially troll players who like to shoot or blow people up for no reason. They should also have an npc cellmate named bubba that makes them wear a wig wash his clothes and spoon with him at night like trevor does floyd. That'll make em straighten up and fly right.

Neat idea!

OT: Whether the BS system is broken or not, it still takes massively dickish behaviour to get there. So quit being a c*nt and you won't be put there with all the other retarded kids.

Crooks 2Eleven

It does exsist. I just finished an 8 day sentence a few days ago. Coming out of bad sport, I'm a whole new person.


It's really hard to get in there. I blow up countless PVs. Good way to check is to see what your status is. If your a 'clean player' you can keep blowing PVs up. If your a 'dodgy' player than you need to start doing some community service and be on your best behavior.

to be fair as some have said, it may be due to having money to pay insurance, if someone breaks something of yours over and over but they pay for it, are they really being a bad sport? i destroy PV's all day, but i do so knowing that ill have to pay for insurance, and it wont be the other person whos had to work for their money that has to pay for it, it pisses people off sure, but it doesnt dis-advantage them financially


and the fact that some people use their own hard earned money to pay for GTA dollars, i guess means that when someone is having to pay out of their own pocket for something that wasnt their fault, thats when punishments are doled out, ill never feel bad for someones PV that i destroy as i see the money go from my bank straight away, but i do it because i like to troll people, theres no real 'malice' behind it

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