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Why do Deathmatches Split Up Crew and Friends?

Go to solution Solved by Charles_Lee_Raye,

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So what is exactly is the logic behind deathmatches splitting up crew and friends? Am I just missing a feature because it seems like the only point of a team deathmatch is to play on, well, a team. Again, maybe I'm just missing an option, if so can someone please help me out, I'd love to be able to play deathmatches but it sucks never getting matched on the same team as my friends.

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Its the team balancing, you have to turn it off.


Probably have multiple high levels in your crew friends list. The game balances the team by splitting you guys up.


Only way to pick your own teams is with team balancing off.


Because the matchmaking is a little screwy, combined with what Charles said. If you see it happen, and if you can, take a screen shot and post them in this topic. (Link incoming)

Edited by TheGoodSgtScooter
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Its the team balancing, you have to turn it off.


Probably have multiple high levels in your crew friends list. The game balances the team by splitting you guys up.


Only way to pick your own teams is with team balancing off.

Only problem with team balancing is then everyone ends up one the same team or vice versa (I'm rank 257 so all the random little kids always follow me -___-). I wish they'd at least evenly split up friends so you could play 2v2 with randoms on each side or something. Anyways thanks for the help guys!


Because the matchmaking is a little screwy, combined with what Charles said. If you see it happen, and if you can, take a screen shot and post them in this topic. (Link incoming)

And I'll post em man its gonna be a lot though cause it happens every time lol

Edited by MoldyDragon

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