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Hey everyone, I'm hosting a stanced car meet tonight at 6pm EST. You can bring any car that you like, although super cars are not allowed, and I encourage everyone to bring a unique car if you have one. I understand that not everybody has a lot of money in the game, so show up in your cleanest stance car. If you don't know how to stance your car, it's very simple and there are tons of youtube videos on it. We will be cruising to a few different spots for meets around Los Santos, and there will be drag races at certain spots, along with some drifting. We've had good turnouts at previous meets, so I hope to see everyone tonight at 6!


- Meet at LS Customs (3/4)

- Cruising will begin promptly at 6:20

- Cruise in a single file line

- No killing or crashing, rules will be enforced thoroughly to provide a good environment for other car enthusiasts.

- Don't bring the cops around. Have money for Lester's wanted level service. If you can't avoid shooting every pedestrian you see, enable passive mode so you don't ruin the meet for everyone else.


- Most importantly, relax and have fun!

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I want to go ahead and apologize for the chaos in the first lobby of the meet tonight. A few players ruined the fun for everyone because they couldn't get along. Due to that, security measures will be implemented at each meet from now on to ensure a peaceful environment. We had a great turnout tonight with everybody showing up in their stanced cars. There were also smaller meetups throughout the session as time went on that involved other vehicles. Here are a few pics from the different meet spots.







Other players that took pics, please feel free to post them up!

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