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did r* nerf titan of a job?

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It's dependant on how long it takes you to do it, and how many other players are doing it with you. 4 players (crew members for even more payout), and 15min to complete will get you maximum payout.

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I'm surprised how many people seem to have not figured this out yet (plus it was mentioned in the patch notes back when they did it). All missions pay the same now because all mission payouts are time based. Want to make more on Titan of a Job, or any mission? Just take longer. It tops out at about 15 minutes. Rooftop Rumble doesn't pay more, it pays the same. So does any random Simeon car repo job.


The best way to make money now is: do missions on hard for the max bonus, and get other players in for an additional bonus. Longer missions will pay a lot, but so will running two shorter missions in the same time as one longer one.

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The new rule is everytime you play a mission, you have got to be the very first to steal the Titan/briefcase or coke.


And then you wait around pissing off everybody in the lobby until 15 minutes are over. Then you deliver it and wait for everybody to try and run you over in their Zentorno's ASAP as the next mission starts.

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I don't understand and like how payouts work. If I do a mission solo on hard and do it quickly(without using any contacts or shortcuts) I should be getting a better payout than a group of people who take forever to do it.

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They had to change it so that people would stop grinding the same three missions again and again. Time based doesn't make a lot of sense from a realism standpoint, but in practice it makes all missions worth doing, while still giving a larger reward on average for harder missions that take longer.

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I don't understand and like how payouts work. If I do a mission solo on hard and do it quickly(without using any contacts or shortcuts) I should be getting a better payout than a group of people who take forever to do it.


The more time and effort you put in, the more you get out.

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I don't understand and like how payouts work. If I do a mission solo on hard and do it quickly(without using any contacts or shortcuts) I should be getting a better payout than a group of people who take forever to do it.


The more time and effort you put in, the more you get out.




The more people you have makes everyone put in less effort though. And it makes people just piss around wasting time when the job could be completed.

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I don't understand and like how payouts work. If I do a mission solo on hard and do it quickly(without using any contacts or shortcuts) I should be getting a better payout than a group of people who take forever to do it.

Because rockstar want you to waste time getting the people then the full payout. The whole system is bullsh*t, it should of started off what the payouts before this nerf on a shtty update(1.16).

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I don't understand and like how payouts work. If I do a mission solo on hard and do it quickly(without using any contacts or shortcuts) I should be getting a better payout than a group of people who take forever to do it.


The more time and effort you put in, the more you get out.




The more people you have makes everyone put in less effort though. And it makes people just piss around wasting time when the job could be completed.



They're trying to encourage teamwork. You know, the "multi" part in multiplayer. As for the wasting time thing, that's on the players for being too dense to understand how the payouts work. Two 8-minute missions actually pay more than a single 16 minute one, but people still screw around to get "the max payout," not understanding that the system doesn't work that way.

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You still get a higher $ per min ratio for doing missions quickly.


And the reason you get a money bonus for more people is that it's a multiplayer game and R* want people to treat it as such, and secondly, if you;re playing with randoms, more people usualyl means more chance of failure - so it balances out. play solo for guaranteed money, or with others for potentially more, but potentially none.

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I'm surprised how many people seem to have not figured this out yet (plus it was mentioned in the patch notes back when they did it). All missions pay the same now because all mission payouts are time based. Want to make more on Titan of a Job, or any mission? Just take longer. It tops out at about 15 minutes. Rooftop Rumble doesn't pay more, it pays the same. So does any random Simeon car repo job.


The best way to make money now is: do missions on hard for the max bonus, and get other players in for an additional bonus. Longer missions will pay a lot, but so will running two shorter missions in the same time as one longer one.

You're almost correct. The mission payout system works like this:


Base pay (lvl unlock dependent) x Difficulty multiplier x player count multiplier x time multiplier



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While the difference isn't huge, higher level missions still pay more than lower level missions when all other factors are the same (difficulty, player count, and time).


Yes, I knew that was the case, but why confuse the issue? The difference is minimal anyway. Nothing like the old days where Simeon missions paid $750 and Rooftop Rumble paid $18000. Now the difference between them is like a thousand dollars or something, even if you play both of them all the way to the time limit.

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I don't understand and like how payouts work. If I do a mission solo on hard and do it quickly(without using any contacts or shortcuts) I should be getting a better payout than a group of people who take forever to do it.


The more time and effort you put in, the more you get out.




The more people you have makes everyone put in less effort though. And it makes people just piss around wasting time when the job could be completed.



What's the hurry? Are you telling me you're far too busy to spare an extra couple minutes on a mission? If you're that busy why are you wasting time on a video game? It about encouraging teamwork and playing with your head, not running in thinking your Rambo with your CoD hurr-durr mentaility spamming RPG's and then crying payouts are too low when in reality you're spending far way more than you need to in ammo'.

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You think 14 grand is bad? What about when that mission paid 6000 and change?


I remember those days. Back then, I used to think making $50k in an evening doing crappy Simeon and Lamar missions along with selling Ballers was good going. That was before I'd unlocked the good paying missions.

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I don't understand and like how payouts work. If I do a mission solo on hard and do it quickly(without using any contacts or shortcuts) I should be getting a better payout than a group of people who take forever to do it.


The more time and effort you put in, the more you get out.




The more people you have makes everyone put in less effort though. And it makes people just piss around wasting time when the job could be completed.



What's the hurry? Are you telling me you're far too busy to spare an extra couple minutes on a mission? If you're that busy why are you wasting time on a video game? It about encouraging teamwork and playing with your head, not running in thinking your Rambo with your CoD hurr-durr mentaility spamming RPG's and then crying payouts are too low when in reality you're spending far way more than you need to in ammo'.




If I'm almost done with a mission I want to complete it. I don't want to purposefully sit around with my thumb up my ass. And I haven't even unlocked the rpg so that cliche implication doesn't work oh mr. edge.

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Every time there's a thread involving mission payouts I die a little inside.


  • DO NOT TAKE AS LONG AS YOU CAN. Simply ensuring you don't finish a job in less than 3-4m is sufficient. You will earn ("grind") the most per hour by going from mission to mission in the voting screen, picking the best one each time


  • THE BEST JOB IS THE ONE THAT UNLOCKS AT THE HIGHEST RANK. Higher "unlocked at" stat = high base payout.


  • ROOFTOP RUMBLE IS sh*t. It has at least 3 glitches which combined with the uber-agressive/accurate AI (but mostly because of the kind of player that plays it) makes it a PITA. Play anything else instead.





PS if you can't fly, don't steal the f*cking titan. And in general, YES, that level 360 player with the GTAF clan tag knows better than you do. </rant>

Edited by Gridl0k
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I don't understand and like how payouts work. If I do a mission solo on hard and do it quickly(without using any contacts or shortcuts) I should be getting a better payout than a group of people who take forever to do it.


The more time and effort you put in, the more you get out.




The more people you have makes everyone put in less effort though. And it makes people just piss around wasting time when the job could be completed.



What's the hurry? Are you telling me you're far too busy to spare an extra couple minutes on a mission? If you're that busy why are you wasting time on a video game? It about encouraging teamwork and playing with your head, not running in thinking your Rambo with your CoD hurr-durr mentaility spamming RPG's and then crying payouts are too low when in reality you're spending far way more than you need to in ammo'.




If I'm almost done with a mission I want to complete it. I don't want to purposefully sit around with my thumb up my ass. And I haven't even unlocked the rpg so that cliche implication doesn't work oh mr. edge.



You don't ned to sit with your thumb up your ass. Just take your time. As for the RPG, I'll wager you'll have some form of explosives unlocked, Mr not-so smart ass.

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