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"Loser" When beginning a mission

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I was just in a lobby with 6 other people. We voted on the "Escape from LS" mission and it started up like normal. But about 3 seconds after the mission began, the "LOSER" screen came up, and the mission ended and gave me 200RP, no money. I was then put into my own separate lobby by myself, followed by the voting screen. I was just wondering, has anyone else ever had this problem?


Maybe this is just God's way of saying I'm a loser

Edited by itrpatrick
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Yep, the game gods are callin' you out. (Just kidding of course. ;))


I've had that happen to me during Lost MC R.I.P saying "Mission Failed: A Lost was killed" and during Top Fun with friends. Nothing you can do about it but go at the mission again. I'd recommend restarting GTA V, but that's just something I do if the game really bugs out (e.g, having that happen a few times in a row).

I've had the mission where you blow up three Hydras and steal a cargo bob. Lost the mission the first time after successfully completing it, and lost the retry when it claimed the cargo bob was destroyed. It was not. Incredibly frustrating. I hope this is a high concern for Rockstar.

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