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Looking for a crew to do high paying missions

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I am looking for a crew to play high payout missions with. I am level 127, and I am sick of free roam and in need of money for upcoming updates. My KD is 2.22 against other players, and have killed nearly 11,000 NPCs in combat. I have a buzzard attack helicopter, and although I do not own a plane, I am a very seasoned pilot. Along with being the best getaway driver I know (not being arrogant, just a fact). Most of my friends have either moved on to new consoles, or new games entirely, and I need a crew that focuses on making money. XBox360 gamertag is Spartanz97. Only contact me if your crew has mics.

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I suggest you to look at the Crew Recruitment section. If you can't decide which crew to join, take a look at the Free Agents Recruitment Topic.

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