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Ubermacht Zion XS?

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Both, the Sentinel & the Zion are underperforming... bought the Sentinel, and sold it the same week. The Zion was one of my very first cars i had, but sold it someday, and might give it a new try, just because of the looks. Oh, and get the Cabrio.

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The Zion(s) are supposedly the quickest cars in the coupe class according to Broughy's videos. While the Sentinel is under performing, the XS is a pretty competitive car, with better looks, and is personally much more interesting to drive.


If you're interest in outright speed, the Zion is better, but the Sentinel XS will still win you most races and is personally a nicer all-round car.

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The Zion(s) are supposedly the quickest cars in the coupe class according to Broughy's videos. While the Sentinel is under performing, the XS is a pretty competitive car, with better looks, and is personally much more interesting to drive.


If you're interest in outright speed, the Zion is better, but the Sentinel XS will still win you most races and is personally a nicer all-round car.

Well the Zion Cabrio has higher handling than the Sentinel XS, I still would take the Zion XS over both.

Sentinel makes a great tooling around car and is cheap on the wallet as well.

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The Zion "XS" and Zion Cabrio are great cars, certainly the best coupes The Zion Cabrio is annoying with the grear change noise though, so I'd always opt "XS".


The Sebtinal XS is ok, has some fantastic cosmetic mods, but lacks the performance of the Zion "XS"/Zion Cabrio.


And the standard Sentinel (the convertable) looks ok but has woeful performance, though handles well. But then, all the sentinels and zions handle great.

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Gnocchi Flip Flops

Well it's definitely better than the Sentinel XS but they're both slow and TERRIBLE interpretations of the E92 M3 and the E63 M6. They're way too slow, they handle like bricks, and the sound awful.

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Love BMWs these are little underwhelming for me. Would be cool if modded they would have a substantial difference but whatever. I have XS, Zion (hard top), and Old style Oracle. They arent great depictions you are right ^^^ but I cant resist.


And if they ever added the e30 M3 Id die a happy man everytime someone shot me in it!

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According to broughy's 'Best Fully Upgraded Vehicles', Zion is the fastest car as 'coupes'



Honestly it doesn't make sense that both of them are much slower than Felzer or Massacro, they should be added into 'sport' as same as F620 and Felon GT. But the most disappointed thing is they made race version of Jester and Massacro which are fast/popular enough instead of them.

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Gnocchi Flip Flops

Love BMWs these are little underwhelming for me. Would be cool if modded they would have a substantial difference but whatever. I have XS, Zion (hard top), and Old style Oracle. They arent great depictions you are right ^^^ but I cant resist.


And if they ever added the e30 M3 Id die a happy man everytime someone shot me in it!

I used to have a Zion XS for the longest and I loved the looks of it, but every time I took it for a drive I wanted to drive it off a cliff. J-just if they could both handle like the Sentinel from IV and sound like the Feltzer from IV, I'd be the happiest man alive. But no, they handle like boats and sound like vacuum cleaners. Not to mention they both have interiors that don't fit. The Feltzer's interior would've fit fine and dandy but the blokes at Rockstar don't have any god damn brains so nope. To them, these don't look alike:







Edited by Sting4S
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Zion is the better performing car by far

Its the best in the coupe class beating every car you can find in freeroam and store exept for the sultan

Its performance is simply great

If youre a better then average driver, suprise youreself by discovering that once you have one fully modded no single muscle car is gonna keep up with you and even some high end sport car drivers that....cant drive high end sport cars that well.... might be caught of guard once you mastered that thing in the corners

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If you're thinking about competetive racing in the coupe class, I guess you better get the Zion,


If you're looking for a car to cruise in, or not for any competitive reasons, you may want to get a Sentinel. It's a beautiful car, and it's kinda' fast for general cruising around if you've upgraded it with everything like I have. It's performance is fine stock as well, but yeah.

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