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PV and Pegasus Spawning

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Warning: more complaining


1) PV's


Anyone annoyed by the fact that PV's spawn in the direction you're not looking in? Rockstar, please, it's not going to break immersion (nonexistent) if I see my PV spawn out of nowhere. It's just annoying that I run in one direction having my PV spawn in the opposite. Spawn in the direction I'm looking.


2) Pegasus


So if I'm at the heliport, right in the center, and I call in a helicopter, the helicopter will not spawn at THAT heliport, but it will spawn at the second closest location. Again, Rockstar, we don't care if we see vehicles come out of nowhere (we already see this on a regular basis). Just spawn at the nearest location no matter what, even if I'm already at that location.

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Is this The Guy?

Only thing I hate about the Pegasus spawning is when it disappears and you get a call from Pegasus when you're a few feet away from the location



I usually just change the camera angle in the direction I don't want the car to spawn. I can get it to spawn really close most the time

Edited by This Guy Is Here
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don ovdi' island




I'm sorry dude, I'm usually not the type of person to tell someone to go to that topic but when the first thing i see is:

Warning: more complaining




...it's pretty much all i can say.

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For PVs, just look at the ground. They tend to spawn closer.


As for the helicopters, idk man, call before you get there I guess.



I would actually prefer if they stayed as they are, nor spawning right in front if you. But that's just my opinion.

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1- R* stupid way of making things since they removed Johnny on the Spot...


2- same thing would happen if youre too close to the spawn location OR if another player is near. in a game where we get to see a cop car disappear into thin air seconds after the cops step out its super stupid have this happening.


pegasus spawn points are stupid too, why not just have the vehicles spawn right there near you, many buildings have heliports, why not have helicopters spawn there.

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1. Dont run in the opposite direction if you call for you PV

2. Call for a heli before arriving at the Helipad

3. Stop bitching about your stupidity


All three problems solved



Stop defending Rockstar's poor decisions and bad programming.

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I'm sorry dude, I'm usually not the type of person to tell someone to go to that topic but when the first thing i see is:

Warning: more complaining


...it's pretty much all i can say.

+1 Just because you said that without sounding like a maniac. Half the time when people do things like this they be like "HURR DURR WE ALREADY HAVE A THREAD LIKE THIS GTFO". Edited by ten-a-penny
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1. Dont run in the opposite direction if you call for you PV

2. Call for a heli before arriving at the Helipad

3. Stop bitching about your stupidity


All three problems solved



Stop defending Rockstar's poor decisions and bad programming.


Its just the way it is man, adapt.

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who runs when they call for their car?


stand still face away boom, nice and quick




I agree with the pegasus tho but hey, R* are not perfect robots, most other things are tip top bang on point

I don't always run. Over 95% of the time I do what you suggested. It just annoys me a company like Rockstar thinks this is cool or what's best. Someone actually had to say "Program this to make it so players cannot see the vehicle spawn in". It just leads to it spawning either far or behind you. Small annoyance but still an annoyance.

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I'm sorry dude, I'm usually not the type of person to tell someone to go to that topic but when the first thing i see is:


Warning: more complaining



...it's pretty much all i can say.

So unless a topic is clear of any negative evaluation of the game, it belongs there?


Gtfo nobody can or will follow a moshpit 50+ page thread.

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1. Dont run in the opposite direction if you call for you PV

2. Call for a heli before arriving at the Helipad

3. Stop bitching about your stupidity


All three problems solved



Stop defending Rockstar's poor decisions and bad programming.


Its just the way it is man, adapt.



you know I just can't tell anymore whether or not comments like this are serious or some kind of way too subtle satire


anyway OP, you should have known better than to complain, or as we like to call it here, cry about anything in this game.

as any experienced moron on here would tell you is that all you need to do is just GET GUD NUB!

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don ovdi' island





I'm sorry dude, I'm usually not the type of person to tell someone to go to that topic but when the first thing i see is:

Warning: more complaining



...it's pretty much all i can say.

So unless a topic is clear of any negative evaluation of the game, it belongs there?


Gtfo nobody can or will follow a moshpit 50+ page thread.


Gtfo dude these aren't game-breaking glitches, i mean he admitted he was just complaining, why not put it in a topic designated for that kind of thing?

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you know I just can't tell anymore whether or not comments like this are serious or some kind of way too subtle satire


anyway OP, you should have known better than to complain, or as we like to call it here, cry about anything in this game.

as any experienced moron on here would tell you is that all you need to do is just GET GUD NUB!


They'll also tell me to snipe Jets with the Heavy Sniper :rol:

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I'm sorry dude, I'm usually not the type of person to tell someone to go to that topic but when the first thing i see is:

Warning: more complaining



...it's pretty much all i can say.

So unless a topic is clear of any negative evaluation of the game, it belongs there?


Gtfo nobody can or will follow a moshpit 50+ page thread.


Gtfo dude these aren't game-breaking glitches, i mean he admitted he was just complaining, why not put it in a topic designated for that kind of thing? Even if he is just complaining, it serves as a catalyst to discussion.


Discussing alternative solutions, whether it's even an issue, etc.


There is nothing wrong with having a thread dedicated to specific issues players have with the game.


The real issue is having duplicates of these specific threads.


But instead of moderating, they make a catch-all "complaint" topic because it's easier than having to actually read and delete threads.

Edited by Eggobites90
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don ovdi' island







I'm sorry dude, I'm usually not the type of person to tell someone to go to that topic but when the first thing i see is:

Warning: more complaining



...it's pretty much all i can say.

So unless a topic is clear of any negative evaluation of the game, it belongs there?


Gtfo nobody can or will follow a moshpit 50+ page thread.


Gtfo dude these aren't game-breaking glitches, i mean he admitted he was just complaining, why not put it in a topic designated for that kind of thing? Even if he is just complaining, it serves as a catalyst to discussion.


Discussing alternative solutions, whether it's even an issue, etc.


There is nothing wrong with having a thread dedicated to specific issues players have with the game.


The real issue is having duplicates of these specific threads.


But instead of moderating, they make a catch-all "complaint" topic because it's easier than having to actually read and delete threads.


sounds like the problem is within the way the rules are handled on this forum then. Once again, these aren't exactly game breaking glitches, just something that annoys the OP, and some others. that's all. personally i dont care, but many legitimate complains get shuffled off to the BnM thread while threads about small annoyances deserve their own threads? I just dont get it.

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For those that don't know when requesting your pv from the mechanic or interaction menu you simply just need to be near a roads edge and then just turn your back to the road stand still and your vehicle will spawn pretty much behind you most of the time.

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sounds like the problem is within the way the rules are handled on this forum then. Once again, these aren't exactly game breaking glitches, just something that annoys the OP, and some others. that's all. personally i dont care, but many legitimate complains get shuffled off to the BnM thread while threads about small annoyances deserve their own threads? I just dont get it.

All specific complaints and the ensuing discussions deserve their own threads (just no duplicates), but for the sake of easy moderating, this site has a catch-all thread.

Edited by Eggobites90
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