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Invert Look Really Annoying

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I'm one of those guys who hates flying with invert look on.


The problem is with GTA 5 is that they call flying with invert look on as invert look off.


Another big problem is that when you change the invert for flying, you change the invert for in vehicles and on foot too.


This means I'm either handicapped with flying or handicapped while on foot and in vehicle.

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I can't be the only one who has this problem. I've always flown plane games where down is down and up is up. I don't know how people can play where down is up and up is down.


There must be a way to change the invert look for flying, without also changing the invert look for on foot and in vehicle at the same time.


Seems to be only you bro , i dont have a problem with the flying , in fact i find it easy to aim buzzards an jets in this game , i dont see the problem with it , you are the first i ever heard complain about that on here or the rockstar forums

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