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Cars for Online Missions? (PS3/Xbox360)

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Hi so, whenever I play Contact Missions online, all the other players have their car spawn (well, not like a cheat or anything but to start off). None of mine are there and I end up having to either wait for a car to pass by to steal, or I have to ride as a passenger in another player's car (Only if they allow it). I recently started a mission off somewhere far from my destination and had to run all the way there, there wasn't any traffic and the mission was over before I even arrived. Needless to say, I missed the entire thing. Can anyone explain how I can get one of my cars to spawn for the mission when it begins?

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if you have a vehicle with you in free mode before starting the mission, it should appear when the mission begins. if you accept an invite, for example, from your apartment or garage, your vehicle will not be there when the mission begins.


if you have a vehicle with you in free mode before starting the mission, it should appear when the mission begins. if you accept an invite, for example, from your apartment or garage, your vehicle will not be there when the mission begins.

Alright, thank you!

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