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[XBOX ONE] Reaper of Souls Motorcycle Club [RECRUITMENT OPEN]

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Hello Brothers and Sisters of Los Santos and Blaine County!


My name is Rob and I am the Secretary within the Reaper of Souls Motorcycle Club!


The Reaper of Souls MC is a tight knit group of brothers and sisters that love to ride and wreak havoc all across the beautiful landscape of Blaine County. We do everything from riding our bikes (or car if you so choose), completing missions, deathmatches, and races, or just raising hell in public lobbies.


Most of us are former members of the Astray Angels MC, but after a heated civil war amongst the club many of us left and formed what is now the Reaper of Souls Motorcycle Club.


We are currently in the rebuilding stage as many members have not yet purchased an Xbox ONE. We sit at 19 active members and are looking to expand that number. Usually anybody who is interested in joining the crew would have to go through our Prospect Program, but because we are in need of loyal and active members, we have decided to put a halt on the prospectng process until we get our numbers where we want them to be.


Anybody over the age of 18 (most of us are adults in our mid 20's to mid 30's) is more than welcome to join us. We help each other out in anyway we can. Need a hand in a gunfight? we've got your back. Need some cash? We'll help you make it. We are a brotherhood that puts each other above all else and we have members from all over the globe including the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.


So what are you waiting for? Come join us and become a brother (or sister). We value LOYALTY and how ACTIVE you are above all else. Your skill level and rank means very little to us - although if you're a skilled, stone cold killer with an itchy trigger finger, thats even better ;)


Please add me on Xbox LIVE at Sh0TguNther4py (the 0 is a zero) or reply below!


Thank you for your time and I look forward to meeting some of you and burning rubber together on the streets of Los Santos!


Here's a link to our Social Club page. We have an authentic chain of command that mimics motorcycle gangs and a really cool crew emblem ;)



Edited by Andreas
lmade in chinal

hi i am 26, play on xbox one, i play mostly around 10 pm us eastern time every day. I love bikes and have never been part of a mc before. I am seeking active crew as the ones i am currently in are not active. gamertag is lmade in chinal (lower case L's)

Sounds good brother! Ive added you on Xbox LIVE.


RSMC is still looking for more players to join in on the fun. Were on at all hours of the day and night, don't be shy to add me on Xbox or hit that request to join button on Rockstar Social Club!

We are still looking for new members to join in on the mayhem! Please add myself or one of our higher ranking members on Xbox Live to join the crew


Gamertag - Sh0tguNther4py (the 0 is a zero)


Or our Sgt At Arms, DarkClavis - and our President, Rogu3 R3ap3R v1

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